Chapter 193 The disciples of stable silver coins

Hidden spirit gate, trial tower, battle royale game.

Ten Thousand Soldiers and his puppet barracks have been ambushing in this area for a long time, and now the poisonous miasma of the entire battle royale virtual world has been reduced by half.

“Why isn’t that silly bear coming yet?” Ten Thousand Soldiers frowned and said.

After several battle royale games, Ten Thousand Soldiers deeply understand that if the silly bear does not get rid of first, in the finals, he must die first.

“I knew it, I had a dignified fight with you.”

“Hidden Lingmen’s first combat power in the future, I didn’t expect to be so narrow-minded. Didn’t it just bombard you several times? As for this to me.”

Ten Thousand Soldiers said that he looked back at the ice crystal cannon behind him. This was the price he paid for the loss of three puppets from the original Foundation Building period.

Although the use of artillery is a bit invincible, he couldn’t help sighing after tens of thousands of soldiers used artillery to blast Xiong into dregs for the first time, it’s so fragrant!

Ten thousand soldiers looked at the sturdy Spirit Power beam of light in front, showing that there are Magic Treasures that are more important in the battle royale world or a spirit pill that can be fully restored.

No matter which is the same, it can play a vital role in the final grand final.

And for something like this, among all the disciples who participated in the game, only the strongest ones dared to come and take it.

There is a conservation law in the battle royale world. The more important the treasure, the greater the danger.

Danger will appear in ways you can’t think of, and you will be caught off guard every time.

“If Xiong is unable to come, I really want to see what treasure it is.”

“It would be great if it were a top treasure.”

“But I can’t be impulsive. This time I finally got the Ice Crystal Cannon at the beginning of the game. Gou will definitely get the top three in the end.”

“If Xiong Li is dealt with in advance, half of the winning rate will be the first.”

“This is one step closer to the large puppet barracks I dream of.” Ten Thousand Soldiers said.

Since he saw a third-order fine puppet barracks in the treasure house, he instantly fell in love with this treasure.

Because the puppet barracks of the third-order treasure can summon 200 puppets, and the puppet barracks also have a simple repair function. As long as there is no missing parts, the puppets will automatically recover slowly in the barracks.

It is said that this is a treasure made by Elder casually for himself, placed in the treasure house, just waiting for himself to exchange it.

It is true that the redemption points of 10,000 are a lot, but the subsequent battle royale games gave him hope. Now he has more than 4,000 points. As long as he has a good ranking every time in the battle royale game, that 10,000 The points will be gathered soon.

Thousands of soldiers waited patiently outside the pillar of spiritual light, and the puppet behind him didn’t even gasp.

In the battle royale game, he realized a very important truth, that is, don’t wander around in dangerous places, unless you can be invincible here.

Also, when hiding, Mount Tai must collapse in front of him without changing the color.

In these few games, if Xiong Li didn’t meet in the opening game, and he appeared late in the finals, he would generally be ranked in the top five.

As time passed bit by bit, Ten Thousand Soldiers waited for a sword repair disciple.

“Xiang Chuming, Jian Xiu, ignore it.”

“Stay steady, provoke Jian Xiu, and be careful behind being targeted.” Ten Thousand Soldiers said.

Not far away, Xiang Chuming looked at the dazzling aura beam in front of him suspiciously.

“I’m afraid it’s not a trap,” Xiang Chuming said, licking his own lips. He has suffered a lot in the previous games.

Xiang Chuming carefully observed the surroundings, and then found a place to hide it.

At this location, such a conspicuous pillar of spiritual light, if no one lay in ambush, he would dare to eat all the soil of this land.

Ten Thousand Soldiers looked at the hidden Xiang Chuming, cursed the old silver coin secretly, then continued to crouch, and adjusted the ice crystal cannon to a lower position to ensure that after killing Xiong Li, he would be defeated as soon as possible.

The effort paid off, and Ten Thousand Soldier finally saw Xiong Li’s figure in the distance.

The heartbeat of tens of millions of soldiers accelerated immediately, as long as the silly bear was bombarded, he would have a chance to win the first place.

The muzzle of the ice crystal cannon slowly changed its direction under the control of the puppet, sealing Xiong Li’s forward position.

At the same time, in the area near the tens of millions of soldiers, there were three places at the same time, and there were changes that seemed to be shot.

In the battle royale game, they usually fight separately, but as long as Xiong Li appears on the battlefield, all the disciples will instantly unite against Xiong Li.

Because if Xiong Li is allowed to participate in the battle, if everyone does not unite, then everyone will not have the possibility of taking the first place. This is the consensus of the participating disciples.

At this time, Xiong Li’s body was full of qi, and the Five Elements body refining had turned to the extreme, just to prevent sudden danger.

There is no such thing as the invincible aspect of participating in a battle royale game for the first time.

Looking at the aura beam not far away, he frowned, his expression a bit tangled.

Such an obvious position, saying that there is no ambush, the fool doesn’t believe it, but what makes Xiong Li entangled is whether there is anyone waiting for him with a cannon in it.

“Gamble or gamble.” Xiong Li said to himself. If he adds another Magic Treasures to his hand, he will be besieged by everyone in the finals. He is confident to fight to the end, provided that he is not bombarded.

He has already researched that in the battle royale game, there is only one cannon at most for the entire game at each start, and there are still many puppets guarding it. Most people will not be in this mold, after all, there is a possibility of being bombarded.

Thinking of this, Xiong Li gritted his teeth. Except for the ten million soldiers boy, since he was bombarded out of the game by him once, the boy has turned on the strange attributes. When he enters the battle royale game, he goes first. Get the cannon, and then find a place to ambush yourself.

Now Xiong Li is sure that there is a 100% chance that there is an ambush ahead, and there is a half chance that tens of thousands of soldiers are setting up a cannon waiting for him to get the bait.

“Sample, I won’t play with you anymore.”

Xiong Li took out the invisibility talisman he had just obtained and stuck it on his body.

“Damn, I’m in trouble this time, I ran into Xiong Li who walked steadily.” A voice sounded not far away from thousands of soldiers.

“Hey, this time the first estimate is Xiong Li.”

“Is Senior Brother Qian?” a voice thought.

“I’m here.” Ten million soldiers said disappointedly.

“Do you have a cannon this time?” the voice asked.

“No.” Just kidding, I will show you my cards.

“Ha ha.”

Then the people in ambush here left the scene one after another and began to search the surrounding supplies.

As for the important Magic Treasures under the pillar of spiritual light, no one took it.

No one should say that a treasure of this level can be obtained with 100% confidence, except for the perverted Xiong Li.

Five hours later, the big finals.

At this time, there were only 30 disciples left, all hiding in different positions waiting for others to appear.

Xiong Li hid in a patch of grass, quietly looking forward.

He knows that the group of people is waiting for him to appear, which is also a sign of the beginning of the past few finals.

Generally there are two results, or he will fight the others to the end, or he will be eliminated and the rest will fight separately.

“This time, I want to change the gameplay.”

A faint smile appeared on Xiong Li’s face. He just wanted to see what would happen if he didn’t show up.

Xu Fan, who was watching the live broadcast, saw this scene and said with a smile: “Yes, it smells like that.”

After experiencing the battle royale game for this period of time, he found that all his disciples were making rapid progress. Although the Cultivation Base was not as powerful as Ascension, he was cautious, and the Yin Ren’s ability rose rapidly.

“Master, this game won’t teach disciples bad.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Honest, selfless, courageous, and indomitable, can you eat in the world of immortality?” Xu Fan asked.

“It would be nice to keep my life like this.” Xu Yuexian said subconsciously.

“In this way, can I live in the world of cultivating immortals?” Xu Fan said, pointing to the live broadcast light curtain.

“It should be able to live very well.” Xu Yuexian understood what Xu Fan meant.

“These disciples always go out to explore the realm of cultivating immortals. I don’t want to. The disciples I have chosen with my hard work are hurt by some despicable means as soon as they leave the realm of cultivating immortals.”

“So instead of that, it’s better to use this method to let them know in advance the sinisterness of the immortal world.” Xu Fan said.

“Then Master didn’t let me see it.” Xu Yuexian asked.

Xu Fan glanced at Xu Yuexian and slowly said, “Your temperament is innately suitable for this world of cultivating immortals. Think about it except for that time when you were ambushed by the cultivator during the cultivating period. Have you suffered anything else?”

Xu Yuexian tilted his head and thought for a while, and then said: “Haha, I didn’t pay attention before, it seems to be the case.”

“And the magical spells I taught you.”

“These can put you at a relatively safe level in the world of cultivating immortals.” Xu Fan said.

“You Dage, your third and fourth younger brother.”

“Their life-saving methods are weak, but the Master spends half of the time for you to perfect the supernatural power of escape, so that you can protect yourself in the world of immortality.”

“Master’s grace, the disciple will serve all his life.” Xu Yuexian said gratefully.

“Change some fresh words, this sounds a bit tired.” Xu Fan said lazily watching the live broadcast.

“…” Xu Yuexian found that own Master was getting more and more difficult.

In the live broadcast of the light curtain, there were already unavoidable lonely people, and they started looking for the remaining people to fight.

Then the finals officially began, and the whole finals boiled instantly.

Spells, Illusion Art, sword formations, puppets, spells, and beasts all appeared one after another.

The most noticeable thing is that two people from the construction genre quickly built five Five Elements defensive towers with the looted materials, protecting the two of them in the middle. Whoever attacks them will have to face the five defensive towers. attack.

“Sect has a lot of talents, this should be called Jianzhanliu?” Xu Fan looked at the five defensive towers with interest and said.

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