Chapter 198

At the center of the Yinlingmen Trial Tower, more than two hundred disciples of a generation entered the game with different minds.

At this time, over the island of the Battle Royale game, there were more than two hundred light balls shining, just waiting for the game to begin to land.

At this moment, Xiong Li’s expression was very helpless, he was singled out, he was not afraid of anyone.

But when it comes to the battle royale game, he has always been at a disadvantage.

At the beginning of the battle royale game, he thought that the first part of the game was specially prepared for him, but the reality is often cruel.

In ten games, he only won first place three times.

“Ten thousand soldiers, there is no cannon in this battle royale game. It depends on you this time.”

Xiong Li decided that after entering the game, he would first get up and look for tens of millions of soldiers, and eliminate this grandson first.

Within a ball of light not far from Xiong Li, thousands of soldiers were stroking the Magic Treasures puppet barracks in their hands triumphantly.

“That silly bear must think I don’t have a cannon.”

“Do you think there is no cannon in the treasure house, I can’t get it.”

Ten Thousand Soldiers laughed ‘geigeigei’.

The day before the Sect Grand Bi, when he was passing by Qianlian Peak, he accidentally saw Junior Brother Lei Blade experimenting with the treasure.

And that treasure is precisely the cannon he has been thinking about.

He exchanged 2000 points for the cannon and two shells in Thunder Blade’s hand.

He has also seen the power of the cannon, which is more powerful than the previous battle royale cannons.

Thousands of soldiers have now imagined Xiong Li’s expression after being blasted out of the game by a cannon.

“The game starts now”

A nice female version of the electronic audio sounded, and in an instant, more than two hundred light balls in the sky landed towards the island below and towards the circular island.

In the auditorium, Ji Muhua looked at the light curtain a little fascinated. He only knew a little about the Battle Royale game, but he just felt that it was a more interesting illusion game.

This kind of game also has some in their Sect. Those illusions just simulate some of the harsh Five Elements environment, so that the disciples can understand the essence of Five Elements. Although this is the case, only a few of them in Sect have a taste of Five Elements. The fur of Tao Fa is not very useful.

“Xu fellow daoist, why do the nobles use this kind of game method for such an important game?” Ji Muhua asked Xu Gang, asking if he didn’t understand it was his usual style.

Xu Gang glanced at the game that hadn’t officially started yet.

“The purpose of the Sect competition is to select the strongest existence.”

“In my Master’s understanding, this is the strongest, not just the top in combat power.”

“Among our disciples of the Sect generation, there is one that is recognized as the strongest. Do you think he should get the first place every time in the battle royale game.” Xu Gang asked.

“Isn’t this supposed to take first place?” Ji Muhua asked in doubt, the strongest one would take first place, isn’t this supposed to be.

“On average, in every ten games, the strongest disciple only gets the first place 2 to 3 times, and the rest are within ten.” Xu Gang said.

“Fellow daoist Xu said, does your Sect care more about comprehensive strength?” Ji Muhua said.

“Yes.” Xu Gang nodded and said.

“It would be great if we Sect had this kind of game illusion.” Ji Muhua said enviously. Although he specializes in Taoist magic, he still knows a little about illusion.

Like this kind of large-scale illusion game where multiple people can participate together, its carrier must at least start with Dao Item. In the world of immortality, Dao Item related to illusion or smart device spirit function is very rare. Currently, it is only in Elder. Tian Lianzong has heard of it.

“If Qian Ling Sect needs it, you can ask my Master to buy it.” Xu Gang said, he still knows a little about the transaction between Yin Ling Sect and Qian Dao Sect.

“When I return to Sect, I will suggest to Elder.”

At this time, the battle royale game in the light curtain officially begins.

“From the entire top view of the map, the seniors are very cautious. Since the identities of other light orbs cannot be identified in the light orbs, the positions of the landed seniors are very even.”

At this time, the positions of the disciples of the generations flashed in the light curtain.

Coincidentally, Xiong Li and Ten Thousand Soldiers are less than 3 kilometers apart.

“Wow, if nothing else, the first battle of the game is about to begin.”

“Let’s look forward to whether Brother Xiong Li will be bombarded again.” The girl commentator said in an exaggerated tone.

A shot of tens of thousands of soldiers is shown in the light curtain. At this time, he released several puppets to detect birds in a hidden place.

“My God, Brother Xiong, I didn’t expect us to be so fate.”

As soon as Asuka detected the puppet not far away, he found the bear power not far away.

“Since you appear in front of me and don’t eliminate you, are we still good brothers?”

Thousands of soldiers held the puppet barracks in their hands and released a hundred puppets.

Among them, two puppets are controlling a fire cannon, and they are correcting the angle based on the bird’s detection of the position of the puppet.

“Unexpectedly, Xiong Li could be eliminated so easily.”

Thousands of soldiers waved their hands, and the fire cannons behind them blasted out the first shot.

The little girl who explained outside the light curtain couldn’t bear to say: “Now Senior Brother Qian has fired a crucial shot, if nothing happens.”

“The strongest combat power in a generation of seniors will be eliminated first.”

Following the angle of view of the fire cannon rune shell, the light curtain blasted towards the distant raging force.

At this time, Xiong Li, who was walking cautiously, discovered the cannonballs of the Fire Cannon for the first time.

“Ten thousand soldiers!” a roar came out.

“Gong Qi true body!”

Xiong Li instantly put on the heavy-armor Spirit Power armor, and then quickly sacrificed his life.


Gangqi’s body was broken, and the heavy Spirit Power armor on Xiong Li’s body was directly broken, turning into a half-waste state.

“Fill the rune shells and continue shooting.” Ten Thousand Soldiers ordered.

At this moment, Xiong Li, who was lying on the ground, suddenly got up and began to move in the opposite direction of the shell with all his strength.

After a short while, it disappeared from the sight of thousands of soldiers and birds detecting the puppets.

“Failed. I didn’t expect Xiong Li to have this hand.” Ten Thousand Soldier was a little disappointed.

“There is one last shell, so we must seize the opportunity.”

At this time, Xu Fan, who was chatting with Wang Yulun, saw this scene and said: “Yes, you can fight hard to kill the Demonic Beasts of the Gold Core stage.

“It’s really powerful. If this Xiong Li is in Quetianmen, it is estimated that he can beat the Foundation Building invincible.”

“Xu Dage, we see that Sect is expected to rise.” Wang Yulun said happily.

“It’s only here, there is a genius like this that floats away?” Xu Fan said speechlessly.

“Xu Dage, let me talk about how Xingci and the girl in the fit period fell in love.” Wang Yulun said, because he felt guilty for Li Xingci as a father, so he was particularly concerned about Li Xingci’s lifelong events. Heart.

Xu Fan looked at Wang Yulun and said, “Do you love those nuns who have been in love with you in those years?”

“No, I was just forced to be helpless.” Wang Yulun said.

“Then do they love you?” Xu Fan said again.

“Of course I love me.” Wang Yulun said affirmatively. He remembered the female nuns who had a relationship with him clearly, and he still remembered clearly the look in his eyes that wanted to give everything for himself.

“The same is true for my disciple whose parents have died since childhood.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“My parents are dead, did Xingci say it?” Wang Yulun asked.

Xu Fan nodded.

“Hey, that’s fine, he doesn’t recognize me as a dad, it’s understandable.”

“But I can’t help but recognize this son.” Wang Yulun said with a sigh.

Xu Fan patted Wang Yulun’s shoulder heavily and said: “Don’t think about it, watch the game.”

At this time, the entire battle royale game had eliminated ten people, and the remaining generation of disciples began to gradually have a tendency to group together.

Especially for the tower defense current, three disciples have gathered, and they have built more than a dozen defensive towers of various types not far from the center of the circular island.

At this time, the light curtain just rotated to the perspective of the three disciples of Tower Defense Stream.

“If the luck of these three tower defense flow seniors is not too bad, then they are already considered to be promoted.”

At this moment, not far from the tower defense flow, an astonishing explosion came out. The aftermath of the explosion and the vibration of the earth made the faces of the three disciples hiding in the middle of a dozen defensive towers slightly change.

Both Xu Gang and Ji Muhua who were watching the battle squinted their eyes. They were both forts, and they knew they were of the same kind when they heard the sound.

“It’s not that brat in Lingtai,” Xu Gang said.

The aftermath of the explosion produced a lot of smoke, and a figure slowly walked out of the smoke.

“I have seen three senior brothers, who are under Xu Lingtai.”

“Since we met, let’s start.” Xu Lingtai said, opening Jie Yin.

“Don’t, Junior Brother Lingtai, you should go and harm other senior brothers. Our tower defenses are not good at fighting.”

“It doesn’t make sense for us to win,” said a disciple of the tower defense flow.

“Three brothers, I’m sorry, if you gather more than three of your tower defense flow brothers, it will be a threat to me. So the three brothers are sorry.”

With that said, Xu Lingtai started to seal again.

“Don’t, Junior Brother Lingtai, there are only three of us, we won’t pose a threat to Junior Brother, we only have three people.” The tower defense flow disciple said bitterly.

Their tower defenses are most afraid of this type of turret cultivator, which has great supernatural powers and long casting distance.

“You are wrong. In the battle royale world, there are six participating tower defense elder brothers. If you three are eliminated, the other three elder brothers will not be a threat to me.”

Xu Lingtai continued to seal the seal, but did not stop because of the words of the tower defense flow brother.

Looking at Xu Lingtai’s printing technique, Ji Muhua asked, “Xu fellow daoist, what magical powers does Lingtai use? Did he not inherit the Taoist magical powers of fellow daoist Xu?”

“This is the magical power taught to him by my Master.”

“It is also the most powerful magical power I have seen during the Foundation Building period.”

At this time, the three hiding in the defensive tower found dozens of grenade-like fireballs above their heads, and their eyes showed deep fear.

“Open the defensive circle with all your strength, and we must withstand this wave of offense.”

After the tower defense flow disciples finished speaking, a dozen defensive towers together propped up the defensive spirit cover.

“Three brothers, give up struggling, these shields can’t stop me.”

“Supernatural Powers: Long Live Nuclear Ping”

Xu Lingtai wondered why the Teacher Guild gave this name.

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