Chapter 205 Dark Snake

Looking at the battle formation made up of puppets in front of him, Dark Snake seemed to have seen the biggest joke in his life.

“The puppet is well refined, much better than what I saw in the Demon Tool Palace.”

“Unfortunately, this is not the reason you can kill me.”

The huge body of Dark Snake hovered in mid-air, looking at Xu Fan from a high position.

“Are you still reluctant to say your name?” Xu Fan asked lightly.

The Spirit Power armor had been worn on the body, and a ten-meter-high Spirit Power armor appeared behind him, to be precise a mecha.

At this time, the Lianxu stage puppet next to Xu Fan waved a fire dragon towards the sky.

The fire dragon roared and rushed into the cloud that was about to close again in the sky.


The entire sky was dyed red.

Along with the fire, the sky began to slowly regain its brightness.

“Jie Jie Jie~, a small Gold Core cultivator dare to ask my real name.”

At this time, a huge phantom rose from behind the dark snake, and a heart-palpitating power came, and the power of the dark snake made Xu Fan’s heartbeat slightly speed up.

“Then there’s nothing to talk about.” Xu Fan asked with a sigh.


The dark snake sprayed a cloud of venom directly at Xu Fan, and the dark green fluorescence directly dyed the surrounding space green.

“Dare you vomit me.” Xu Fan said angrily as he watched the dark behavior.

The heavy armored puppet of Yihua Shenqi directly held his shield in front of Xu Fan.


The group of venom directly slammed into the giant titanium heart shield, making a sound of swelling, corrosion and melting, but the giant titanium heart shield still circulated in aura without any damage.

Just kidding, if my Dao Item Titanium Heart Shield is damaged by your basic attack, then I won’t play it.

“Get up.” Xu Fan said coldly.

At this time, the battle formation of Nascent Soul puppets that the Dark Snake dismissed instantly started.

A series of dark blue pillars of aura rose into the sky, straight into the sky, and then connected between the pillars of aura to form a heavy water cage array relying on a huge lake of 100,000 miles.

Directly trapped Xu Fan and Dark Snake in it.

“Now, we can have a good chat. If you want to kill my Sect, you must pass my level first.” Xu Fan said, looking at the dark snake in the sky.

In response to Xu Fan, there was another snake’s tail burst, but Xu Fan easily walked and avoided it, and then there were countless rain of arrows made of venom, covering Xu Fan, and then being blocked by the Titanic Great Shield.

“This is a four-pole heavy water array, relying on the entire huge lake of 100,000 miles.”

“Even if you are in the fit period, you won’t be able to get out for a while.”

For this four-pole heavy water magic array, the second clone and Xu Fan almost turned their faces.

“This is a sleepy formation, don’t worry, let’s control you first.”

The dark snake hovered in the air like a wandering dragon, and the eyes of a pair of snake pupils seemed to have extreme darkness.

A hint of darkness hovered around Xu Fan, seducing Xu Fan’s spirit and soul.

Another huge phantom behind Dark Snake rushed towards Xu Fan.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was wearing a ten-meter Spirit Power armor, had his hand knotted, and a Golden Crow phantom appeared behind him, followed by a scorching sun cloak on his body.

As Xu Fan closed the seal again, a larger Thousand Hands phantom appeared behind him.

“Supernatural Power: A Thousand Hands Virtual Image”

“Supernatural Power: Golden Crow Comes”

“Supernatural Power: Cloak of the Sun”

For an instant, the brightness of the fire on Xu Fan almost blinded the eyes of the four people watching the live broadcast.

“My God, is this the real strength of the Master?” Xu Yuexian asked in shock, just the pressure he felt from the live broadcast light curtain. The four had no idea of ​​resistance.

And Xu Gang looked straight at the Thousand-Hand phantom behind Xu Fan.

Why is the Master’s bigger than my thousand-hand virtual image.

At the same time, Ning Dao was also feeling the battle outside through Divine Sense.

When he felt Xu Fan’s pure and yang breath, he felt a little uneasy in an instant.

Isn’t this a refining tool Great Master? How could there be such a strong combat power. He originally thought that Xu Fan just wanted to trap the big snake in the fit stage and wait for Su Rantian to come back to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fan started directly.

As Xu Fan finished using his magical powers, the contemptuous color in Dark Snake’s eyes slowly disappeared.

The giant snake phantom directly collided with the Golden Crow phantom behind Xu Fan. After a shock, the puppet of the refining period turned into a huge sword of true sun that was hundreds of meters long and slashed at the dark snake.

The Dark Snake looked up and felt the threat of the Zhenyang Giant Sword, and directly sacrificed his own life Dao Item eighth grade black lotus.


It was like a wooden sword stabbed fiercely on the indestructible copper wall and iron wall.


During the refining period, the giant sword of the true sun that the puppet turned into suddenly collapsed, turning into an ultimate escape light and returning to Xu Fan’s side.

“Dao Item, it’s a bit troublesome.” Xu Fan said, looking at the eighth-rank black lotus above the dark snake. .

At this time, the entire quadrupole heavy water array began to be slowly invaded by darkness.

After watching the live broadcast, I felt a cold sweat in my heart.

“Should we help the Master?” Xu Gang said.

Xu Yuexian gave Xu Gang a white look. Have you forgotten what the Master said.

“We will only add chaos when we go up, and the Master has to allocate some energy to protect us.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Master had already started preparing for this one month ago.”

“According to the Master’s character, if we are not 100% sure, we probably have taken refuge in Linsen Xiancheng with all our belongings.”

“Ten achievement is 10%, and Master wouldn’t do this if one point is less.” Li Xingci added another sentence after finishing his speech.

At this moment, in the Quadrupole Heavy Water Array, Xu Fan was about to be eroded by darkness, and said a little.

“Grapes, Spirit Power reserves 20% of the blessings for refining virtual puppets.”

“Respect fate.”

A huge and pure Spiritual Qi pillar penetrated into the body of the virtual puppet.

In an instant, the Spiritual Qi flame was ignited all over the Lianxu puppet, and its momentum reached its apex.

With the fall of the Spiritual Qi beam of light, the Lingye waterfall in Yinling Island was cut off by half.

After refining the virtual puppet’s hands with seals, Xu Fan’s flames of scorching sun propped up the surrounding barrier, protecting this area from the invasion of darkness.

“Human kid, I see how long you can last. At the moment when the darkness covers you, your soul will fall.”

“Then your Sect will also be shrouded in darkness, and then become a part of my magical powers.”

Following Dark Snake’s words, a terrifying cry rang out in the darkness, as if The Underworld was on the other side of the darkness.

Xu Fan’s eyes glowed with aura and looked towards the place that was shrouded in darkness.

In an instant, Xu Fan’s hairs sprang up.

In the darkness, there are all the wraith spirits tortured and killed by the dark snakes. There are Demonic Beasts, human races, and monster races, all of which are different in shape. When people look at it, the spirit will seem to be attacked by darkness.

“You can kill all the human races here.” Xu Fan’s voice was very cold.

“Oh, you said that these human races are all newly added, you know, these are the human race mortal cities that I slaughtered during the chaos.”

“I have to say that the soul quality of the human race is higher, and the resentful spirits born are also powerful.” The dark snake’s voice was chilling.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at a baby’s resentful spirit in the dark, and said softly: “Don’t worry, Uncle will send you to Samsara in a while.”

As the puppet finishes the last seal during the refining period, a bright light appears in the darkness.

“Supernatural power: Zhu Rong’s true body” For an instant, the puppet during the refining period seemed to be overdrawn, almost unable to stand in the air.

That new light appeared like a spark of fire, instantly illuminating the quadrupole heavy water array.

The originally dark area, like gunpowder, was instantly ignited by Zhu Rong True Fire, and the resentful spirits in the darkness turned into Zhu Rong True Fire’s nourishment.

In the quadrupole heavy water formation, the light was restored again.

The Dark Snake looked up at the sun above his head, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the 8-Rank Black Lotus on the dark snake’s head suddenly grew bigger and pressed towards Xu Fan.

“Human kid, I don’t have time to finish it with you.” Dark Snake directly sacrificed his strongest means and suppressed Xu Fan.

“You were just playing around.”

“Then continue to play, if you want to suppress me, you have no chance in your life.”

As Xu Fan Jieyin cast the spell, a huge True Yang hand faced the 8-Rank Black Lotus that had been suppressed by Xu Fan.

The virtual puppet manipulating Zhu Rong’s true body also dragged towards the 8th-Rank Black Lotus with his giant hand.

Zhu Rongzhen held the eighth-rank black lotus in one hand, and grabbed the dark snake with the other hand. The fire dragon on Zhu Rong’s arm was also sacrificed and wrapped around the dark snake.

The phantom Thousand Hands behind Xu Fan also began to seal, and with the help of Zhu Rong Zhenhuo, a number of dark snakes facing the giant flood dragons entangled in the past.

“That’s what you can do.”

As the Dark Snake wanted to get out, the Ten Thousand Silk Realm that Xu Fan had arranged long ago quickly started, and countless hairy silk threads suddenly shrank, controlling the Dark Snake for a moment.

At this moment, the giant hands of True God Zhu Rong and the fire dragon caught the dark snake, and then Xu Fan’s flood dragon, which was transformed by the illusion of a thousand hands, also entangled the dark snake.


The surface of the dark snake’s body was burned, and it made a miserable cry, and the sound spread throughout the entire 100,000-mile giant lake.

Even the four people watching the live broadcast vaguely heard the screams from outside the Yinling Island.

Just as the Dark Snake was struggling to break free, the strike from the space-based weapon satellite was also in place.

The Dark Snake suddenly looked towards the sky, and ten gravity rods engraved with thunder runes in the sky hit the Dark Snake with precision.

These ten thunder gravity rods were made by Xu Fan by sand sculptures.


Before he could summon the Eighth Stage Black Lotus for defense, the ten Sky Thunder gravity rods directly hit the seven inches of Dark Snake.


The dark snake’s body suddenly smashed onto the surface of the huge lake of 100,000 miles. Due to the four-pole heavy water formation, the dark snake’s body could not sink below the lake surface.

“Grapes, Spirit Power reserves 40% blessing.”

In an instant, a ten-meter thick pillar of spiritual light directly enveloped the refining puppet in front of Xu Fan.

After that, Lianxu Puppet began to exert all his strength to seal the seal and display his supernatural powers.

“Supernatural Power: Great Sword”

The kilometer-long giant sword that has blessed the real fire of Yanyang appeared above the dark snake.

“Eat me a great sword!”

As Xu Fan’s hand was swung down heavily, the Yanyang True Fire Great Sword was thrust into the sky above the Dark Snake fiercely.

With a sword inserted, Dark Snake’s body was directly turned into two halves.

Then Xu Fan took out a Thunder Bead Magic Treasures, blessed by Spirit Power, a giant net formed by thunder and lightning enveloped the area around the Dark Snake.

The big sword that was inserted on the surface of the huge lake of 100,000 miles rose slowly, and then it was inserted heavily.

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