Chapter 208 Exchange Demon Spirit Shop

In the underground space, in the Yaozu teleportation array, the tool puppet carrying the grape clone came out.

Xu Fan finally got the Spirit Stones he was thinking of.

“With a total value of 304.2 billion Spirit Stones, after refining the Dao Item space-based weapon satellites, you can also upgrade the Sect’s mountain guard array and spirit gathering beads.” Xu Fan said happily.

If the dark snake came after Xu Fan finished refining the Dao Item space-based weapon satellite, the dark snake would be a big dish.

“Cut these medium-grade Spirit Stones ore, and then send it to Pang Fu.”

“Recently, there is a relatively large gap in Spirit Stones on his side. The business in the market has been taken away by other chambers of commerce.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes.” Grape answered.

Xu Fan then took one-tenth of the Spirit Stones from the space ring full of Spirit Stones in case of emergency.

After doing all this, Xu Fan came to a secret room again.

In the secret room, there is a mysterious formation that is deciphering the hollow bones of the dark snake, which is the Interspatial Ring used by the monster race.

“Grape, how long is it expected to be deciphered.”

He has great expectations for this empty stuff.

After Xu Fan saw the Dao Item of the Dark Snake, he knew that the Dark Snake was worth a lot. Maybe there was something he needed most in it.

“It would be great if a high-quality spirit mine containing time attributes was opened.”

Ever since Xu Fan was promoted to the Gold Core stage, he has always wanted to find a new Spirit Mine to upgrade the time house.

The current time house can no longer carry the mighty power of Xu Fan’s time acceleration during the Gold Core period.

If you want to continue the acceleration of time, you can only look for the spirit mine containing the time attribute and re-refining the time cabin.

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly thought of the Chen Iron Giant Rod that Ning Dao had sent.

That Chen iron giant rod can make three Dao Item spirit swords. Xu Fan originally planned to use one instead of one for his apprentice Xiang Chi, and then use another one by himself.

“Do you want to use Dao Item spirit sword to milk my good brother?” Xu Fan thought, touching his chin.

“Is it too hard to use Dao Item?”

“Forget it, the Dao Item spirit sword is still waiting for me when I am in the Nascent Soul period. I can’t get breasts too cruel.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, Grape said: “It is estimated that the deciphering will be completed in three hours.”

After hearing Grape’s words, Xu Fan immediately connected Grape to the demon world and started the game of exploring the underground of the demon world.

“It’s a pity that the dark snake’s demon spirit ran away, otherwise you might know the origin of that giant demon.” Xu Fan said while exploring the underground space.

At 8000 meters underground in the Wanzhong Mountain Range, a team of ten Digger Type III puppets are quickly digging and exploring underground.

Digger Type 3 is made from grapes with purple demon iron, which is twice as fast as the original Digger Type 1.

“I don’t know if there are any surprises today.” Xu Fan said expectantly.

With the completion of the Yaozu Wanzhongshan underground base, grapes have now become an underground production base. Moving below 10,000 meters, the detection area has covered one-tenth of the underground space of the Wanzhong Mountain Range.

“Grape, how is the thick armored badger clan now?” Xu Fan asked. There were a few steps of chess he played there. I wonder if I can surprise him.

“Now the thick armored honey badger clan is still the same, except that there is a monster clan treasure that the number one chess piece brought back, and the strength of their clan has improved a lot.”

“But since there is no high-end combat power, it is still inevitable to be bullied by high-level monsters.”

“As for the plan for the entire family of thick armored badgers to migrate to the Wanzhong Mountain Range, it is estimated that it will take nearly a hundred years to succeed.”

Listening to Grape’s report, Xu Fan said: “A hundred years will be a hundred years. Only then can there be a sense of expectation.”

“By the way, how is the demon spirit pill production line you set up now?” Xu Fan asked again.

“Practicing Qi to the Nascent Soul level, the production line of the Demon Spirit Pill to assist the Demon Race has been established has been successfully established.”

“It is currently in production, but it will not last long with the inventory of Sect Treasury.”

“If you want to maintain it, you must authorize the start of the Yaozu exchange spirit shop plan.” Grape said.

Xu Fan, who was manipulating the Digger Type III puppet, frowned and said: “It’s a bit early to start, so let’s support the thick armored honey badger clan first.”

“It’s safer to do so. For now, we only need to maintain the exchange shop of the thick armor and honey badger clan.” Xu Fan said.



The thick armored honey badger clan, the thick armored honey badger has found the patriarch of the thick armored badger in the Nascent Soul period.

“Patriarch, this is the spirit pill and Magic Treasures this time.” The Nascent Soul thick armor badger took out an empty bone and handed it to the thick armor badger patriarch.

“Well, yes, they are all high-quality demon spirit pills.”

“There is also the iron claw of the demon, which is also a boutique.”

“Finally, the race will never forget your contribution.” said the patriarch of the thick armored badger.

Looking at Pingyi, the patriarch of the thick armored badger remembered his experience a few months ago.

At that time, a little guy from the Nascent Soul period in the clan approached him and said that it became a member of the demon spirit exchange shop, and could use the clan territory to collect elixir and spirit mines at a price lower than that of the demon chamber of commerce in exchange for what the clan needed. H.

In an attitude of giving it a try, after a transaction, this little guy has completely become a big red man in the clan.

Countless rare spirit pills and demon weapons in the clan were exchanged for it with the resources of the clan.

“Patriarch, I have been a soldier of our thick armored badger clan all my life, and I should contribute to the race.” Ping Yitou said firmly.

“Okay. You have worked hard to travel to and from the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains, first go back to rest, and there will be more important tasks for you in the future.” said the patriarch of the thick armored badger.


After Ping Yitou left, the patriarch of the thick armored honey badger looked at the empty bone in his hand and muttered, “What kind of power is the exchange demon spirit shop.”

“What is his purpose.”

There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason. Just exchanging common resources for scarce elixir and demon weapons, he didn’t believe there would be such a good thing.

At this time, Ping headed back to the own cave, and after a while, the dozens of thick-jacketed honeypots controlled by Xu Fan gathered together again.

“I received the latest order from the master to let us detect the demonic forces around the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains.”

“And ascertain the surrounding spirit mines and spirit medicine resources, collect samples and wait for the base.” Ping said Xu Fan’s latest order.

A light curtain map was released on the flat end. On the top was a small part of the area surrounding the Wanzhong Mountain Surface, which was divided into 10 areas.

“I am in charge of area 1, and you choose the area you are most familiar with for the rest.”

As soon as Ping Yitou finished speaking, the remaining areas on the map were picked up by the thick armored badger.

“This is a long-term task. The master said that you don’t need to be very anxious. Your own safety is important.” Ping Yi took out ten hollow bones after speaking. Inside were some fine demon spirit pills refined from the demon clan inner pill, and All kinds of monsters.

“This is the cultivation resource and demon weapon given by the master. You can make good use of it, and strive to advance to the stage of transforming the gods as soon as possible. In the future, the master will take charge of the thick armored badger family.” Ping Yitou divided the empty bones to the thick armored badgers, one person one.

“It will live up to the master’s high expectations.” The other thick armored badgers said in unison.

Xu Fan, who was exploring underground in the Wanzhong Mountains, looked at the territory of the thick armored badger clan through the perspective of space-based weapon satellites above the base.

“It seems that I haven’t made a mistake in this move.”,

“It will surprise me if I can’t say it.” Xu Fan continued his own underground exploration game after he finished speaking.

Three hours later, Xu Fan unluckyly returned control of Digger III to Grape.

“It’s another day without gains, have you run out of luck recently?” Xu Fan said depressed.

At this time, the voice of grapes sounded.

“Master, the empty bones of Dark Snake have been deciphered.”


Xu Fan got up and walked into the deciphering rune formation, picked up the empty bones and started checking.

“The spirit pill of the monster race is useless.”

“The demon weapon has no value in transformation.”

“The Cultivation Technique of the Demon Race, you can take a look at this if it’s okay.”

“Hey, what is this demon jade used for?”

Xu Fan took out a piece of demon jade from the hollow bone and said.

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