Chapter 212

Xu Fan looked at the lake leisurely and said, “It won’t be a long time to be idle, and I will wait for Pang Fu’s materials to be collected later.”

“Let’s live the refining life day and night again.”

Although grapes can control the puppet refining treasures, when it comes to Dao Item raw material refining, it is a bit blinded.

So now the refining of Dao Item can only be handled by Xu Fan or Clone One himself.

“First, refining the Dao Item-level space-based satellite weapons, and then the Dao Item of the Qianlingzong carrying the battle royale game, the Sky Survey Guard, and the upgrade of the Sect’s mountain guard and spirit gathering array.”

“Finally is Ning Dao’s Dao Item spirit sword, and after that is the hidden spirit island mobile giant island plan.”

“These shit will be able to keep me busy for almost ten years.”

Xu Fan simply made a ten-year plan for himself.

One month later, Xiang Yun, who was cultivating on his own hill, received a notice to let him go to the treasure house to receive the spirit sword.

“Is it okay at last?” A light flashed in Xiang Yun’s eyes.

Since knowing that he will not lack the spirit sword in the future, Xiang Yun has begun to cultivate the way of sword formation.

Perhaps because of love, he only spent a short month to cultivate the Dao of the Sword Array to the same level as the Dao of his Heart Sword.

And under the blessing of krypton metal, he felt that the sword formation he had cultivated now was enough to crush his former self.

Xiang Yun cleaned up briefly, and then his sword flew towards the treasure house.

At the door of the treasure house, Xiang Yun said to the puppet at the door: “I’ll come and get the spirit sword given by Elder.”

“Received, please wait a moment.”

The puppet guarding at the door did not even verify his identity, so he summoned the tool puppet to bring things to Xiang Yun.

After a short while, a tool puppet held a storage bag in his hand and handed it to Xiang Yun.

“In the storage bag, there are two hundred second-tier water cold spirit swords, two hundred fire flame spirit swords, two hundred Muchun spirit swords, two hundred golden sharp spirit swords, and two hundred earth rock spirit swords. ”

“Please accept it,” said the tool puppet.

Xiang Yun took the storage bag and checked it, and said to the tool puppet: “Why are there so many spirit swords.”

The tool puppet paused, and then said: “This is the lowest output of a spirit sword production line. If you feel that there are more spirit swords, you can save them for later use.”

“After you advance to the Gold Core and Nascent Soul period, you won’t be able to return it until the end.”

“Thank you for the answer.” Xiang Yun knew that this puppet had been taken over by the spirit that was responsible for maintaining the daily Sect operation.

“Hurry up and be strong and guard Sect.”

After speaking, the tool puppet returned to its original dull appearance.

After Xiang Yun got the spirit sword, he wanted to find a place to try its power, and then he met Xiong Li who had just come out of the treasure house.

Xiong Li wore a pair of boxing armor in his hand, which made him even more domineering and mighty.

“Xiang Yun, I have new equipment, do you want to practice with me.” Xiong Li saw that there was no sword behind Xiang Yun, and he was holding a storage bag with a treasure house logo in his hand, he knew that this item had new Magic Treasures.

Xiang Yun, who had previously declined, nodded this time.

“Xiong Dage, how is the life and death of the real man in the illusion ring?” Xiang Yun said with some excitement.

Hearing Xiang Yun’s words, Xiong Li immediately became excited, because in Sect, there were not a few disciples who could make him warrior, Xiang Yun used to be one of them.

“It seems that what you got has added a lot of confidence to you.” Xiong Li said happily.

Xiang Yun nodded and said, and explained Xu Elder’s turn to practice sword formation.

“In fact, I have already told you that Elder will not bury the talent of any disciple in the sect.”

“It used to be just that you had a brainstorm, and you didn’t want to cause trouble to Sect.”

“It’s all right now, you are on the path you would like to take the most.”

“To celebrate your official transition to the sword formation today, I bet you a thousand points. As long as the tie is tied, these points will be yours.”

“If you lose, how about asking me to have a big meal at the small stove in the cafeteria.” Xiong Li said boldly.

“What if I win?” Xiang Yun smiled.

“10,000 points.” Xiong Li said, how could he lose? You are not a small silver coin to play a cannon.

“make a deal.”

Hidden Spirit Gate Trial Tower, as news spread that Xiong Li and Xiang Yun were going to fight for the illusion arena, more and more Sect disciples began to gather here.

It can be said that except for the disciples of Closed Door Training cultivation, all the others have come.

“Real men, 100% pain, they dare.”

“Even though Xiang Yun is great, how can he be confident to challenge Xiong Li? Isn’t this looking for death?”

“Senior Brother Xiang Yun is not stupid. He must have his own support. Hasn’t he started playing cannons recently.”

A group of people eating melons around, including Xu Fan who was watching the live broadcast.

“Look at how strong you can be with the krypton metallicity.” Xu Fan said through the light curtain looking at Xiang Yun who was preparing.

Xiong Li and Xiang Yun walked into their soul illusion circle.

The world changed, and the two of them appeared on the top of a flat mountain that was cut off in the middle.

Xiong Li wore the newly exchanged boxer, his fists collided, making a banging sound.

“Xiang Yun, come on, let me see if you make progress.”

“See if I can cut off my true spirit.”

Xiong Li said that the Spirit Power flame was ignited all over his body, and a five-meter-high gangqi body appeared, and his red eyes were full of fighting spirit.

“Then let you see it today.”

“A burst.”

In an instant, Xiang Yun’s spirit swords of one attribute each offered 36 spirit swords, a total of 180 Five Elements spirit swords appeared in the sky, sealing the entire top of the mountain.

“Interesting, I haven’t fought the cultivator with the sword formation.”

Xiong Li punched Xiang Yun in the distance.

A huge Gangqi fist imprinted at Xiang Yun.

‘Sword Array: Shield’

The sword formation in the sky began to change, and the earth-attribute spirit sword and the water-attribute spirit sword instantly turned into a sword formation, protecting Xiang Yun in it.

Xiang Yun then directed the sword formation against Xiong Li with a finger-like sword.

“Sword Array: Together”

The metallic spirit sword and fire spirit sword in the sky began to gather and change.

The metal spirit sword is used to form the tip and blade, and the fire spirit sword forms the body of the sword.

“Good job!”

Xiong Li’s fists were immediately enveloped by a chill, and smashed against the huge sword in the sky.


The aftermath of the collision swept across the top of the mountain.

The punch Xiong Li blasted also collided with Xiang Yun’s shield.

A layer of water shield and a layer of earth shield directly stopped this powerful punch.

Xu Fan, who was watching the live broadcast, gave a thumbs up.

“Yes, it smells like that.” Xu Fan said.

But then, he was knocked into the air by Xiong Li’s next punch.


Xiang Yun was shot directly outside the platform on the top of the mountain, and the sword formation swiftly moved, dragging Xiang Yun’s figure.

“Xiang Yun, yes, you almost broke my qi qi body.” Xiong Li said while looking at Xiang Yun who was stabilizing in midair.

“Xiong Dage, it’s not over yet, this is just the beginning.” Xiang Yun said with a spit of blood.

“Then continue fighting.”

Xiang Yun used the water mist sword array to cover the entire battlefield.

Then various offensive arrays began to output frantically against Xiong’s power.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fan turned off the live broadcast light curtain. His purpose of watching the live broadcast was to see the power of the sword formation, but to see if the cloud could explode, and to comprehend the three types of attack swords. Array.

“You can’t always use my standards to ask others, don’t have too high demand.”

The first batch of materials purchased by Pang Fu has been sent.

So far, enough materials have been used to refine the Dao Item space-based weapon satellite.

In the underground space, in the huge refining room, Xu Fan began to concentrate on it. This is something that must be done when refining important Magic Treasures.

The sand sculpture is awaiting Xu Fan with a grand expression on the side before completing the ritual before refining Dao Item.

Two hours later, Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes.

The five groups of spiritual fire ignited in the void around Xu Fan, and then merged into one, becoming a group of five-colored spiritual fire.

Then the same spirit mine materials appeared beside Xu Fan.

“Brother Sha, it will take half a year to refine Dao Item this time, you are ready.” Xu Fan said to the sand sculpture while controlling the five-color spirit fire.

The others at Sect have already notified that Xu Fan will always be in the refining state for the past ten years.

“Understand, I’m all ready.” Sha Diao said excitedly. As a refiner who encountered a bottleneck, watching a high-level refiner refining is the best way to break through the current Realm.

Generally, in the world of cultivating immortals, except for the most intimate master and apprentice, the refiner will not allow others to exist around him while refining.

Xu Fan picked up a celestial pole magnet and began to refine it.

The battle between Xiong Li and Xiang Yun lasted for a day, and finally, when the time limit was reached, the tower of the trial was automatically kicked out of the soul illusion.

Xiong Li and Xiang Yun helped each other out of the trial tower. Many disciples had been waiting outside the trial tower for a long time.

“Xiong Dage, I only saw your true strength today, great.”

“Senior Xiang Yun, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful in the sword formation, and you would even tie with Xiong Li Dage.”

“Senior Brother Xiang Yun, I have had another idol since then.”

As soon as the two of them came out of the trial tower, they greeted the flattery of everyone.

“Junior Brother Xiang Yun, it seems that I can’t keep the title of Sect’s first combat power in the future.” Xiang Yun supported by Xiong Li said.

“Haha, Xiong Li, Dage, you’re joking, you didn’t show your full strength in the end.”

“In the end, I can see the way you want to enlarge the move clearly, but you just didn’t let it go, do you want to keep it as a hole card.”

“So it’s really a life-and-death battle, I have already lost.” Xiang Yun smiled.

Then Xiang Yun looked at the surrounding seniors and said loudly, “Xiong Dage said, please let us all eat the small kitchen stove when the tie is reached.”

“Hurry up, thank you bear Dage.”

The surrounding disciples instantly boiled. Although the free meals in the Sect canteen are delicious, the dishes bought with points are more delicious, and they are also good for cultivation.

“Yeah! Thank you Bear Dage.”

“Bear Dage is mighty!”

“Bear Dage, you are my idol.”

As everyone cheered, the surrounding disciples flew towards the Sect cafeteria.

After Xu Fan, who was in the process of refining, knew the result of the battle, he said something that did not surprise me.

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