Chapter 214 The Fourth Floor of the Tower of Illusion

When the five people came to the door of the Magic Heart Tower, they saw the effect of the second and third floors in the Magic Heart Tower.

“Cultivation Sacred Land, enlightenment Sacred Land, all are 100,000 Spirit Stones a day.” Xu Gang said, looking at the sign at the door.

“Is it a bit expensive?” Xiong Li said when he heard the price, he didn’t bring many Spirit Stones when he came out.

“I can’t experience it in a day.” Xiang Yun said.

“Don’t worry, since I brought you out. All your expenses will be paid by Sect.”

Xu Gang walked into the Magic Heart Tower with the four of them.

At this time, a young man walked over to greet the five people.

“Is it the first time for the five to come to the Tower of Magic Heart?” Xiao Si said respectfully.

“Yes, we want to experience Enlightenment Sacred Land, where we can hand in Spirit Stones.” Xu Gang said.

“Senior, just give me the Spirit Stones.” As the young man said, he took out five crystal-like jade pendants from the Interspatial Ring.

“Each floor is a secret room. This is the key to open the secret room.”

“A crystal jade pendant can only open a secret room for one day, and a crystal jade pendant 100,000 Spirit Stones.” Xiaosi explained.

“Give me five.” Xu Gang handed Xiaosi a storage bag with 500,000 Spirit Stones in it.

“This is your crystal jade pendant, please keep it away.”

“The secret room of cultivation Sacred Land is on the second floor, and the enlightenment Sacred Land is on the third floor.” Xiao Si said.

“What is the higher level?” Xu Gang asked curiously.

“If the senior is curious, he will understand after boarding.” Xiao Si said respectfully.

“I see.”

As Xu Gang said, he took four curious babies to the third floor.

They are very interested in cultivation Sacred Land actually is not. This sounds like the place of cultivation. The disciples of Yinlingmen are not interested in this cultivation Sacred Land now, and even feel that the density of Spiritual Qi in Yinlingmen is too high.

Five people boarded the third floor of the Magic Heart Tower, which is composed of one secret room.

“One by one, come out to gather in a day.” Xu Gang said as he distributed the crystal silver coins in his hand to everyone.

“Thank you Peak Master.” Xiong Li thanked the three.

“Thank you, father.” This is Xu Lingtai.

Xu Gang casually found an unmanned secret room and used the crystal jade pendant to walk in.

As soon as he entered the secret room, Xu Gang felt that he had walked into another world.

“Please select the current enlightenment Sacred Land.”

Many shrunken worlds appeared around Xu Gang, with various scenes suitable for enlightenment, accompanied by a trace of the Heavenly Dao law.

“The Land of Five Elements, the World of Swords, the Land of Shadows, the Land of Thunder Punishment, the World of Hurricane…”

Looking at the many options, Xu Gang ignored the most suitable place for own Five Elements, but chose a place called World Collapse.

In an instant, the secret room where Xu Gang was located began to change.

Then Xu Gang appeared in midair. Xu Gang looked around and found that the world had begun to fall apart.

The hurricane is whizzing, the volcano is boiling, and the distant sea is setting off huge waves that beat the earth mercilessly.

The earth was shaking violently, and countless magma emerged from the cracks in the earth, and the magma flooded the earth.

The world is ruining, all the Spiritual Qi in the world has been chaotic, countless Spiritual Qi began to mix, forming a chaotic air with natural disasters.

Xu Gang looked at the collapsed world below, feeling the noisy Spiritual Qi around him, and a strange feeling came.

“Is this the scene of the destruction of the world.” Xu Gang clearly felt a trace of natural disasters in this world.

Xu Gang slowly closed his eyes and began to feel this trace of natural disasters.

In the other secret rooms, all four of them also felt suitable for their own Dao Fa.

In the world of swords, Xiang Yun was obsessed with the sword tomb, listening to the screams of the swords.

In the world of Five Elements, Xu Lingtai felt the most essential way of Five Elements.

In the world of physical training, Xiong Li understood what strength is and what is physical training.

In the world of Wanyuan, Zhou Tong saw the most essential self.

A day later, the five people walked out of the Pagoda of Illusion.

“Now there is still a month before the start of the game. In this month, if you are okay, you will cultivate in the Tower of Illusion.”

“It’s the welfare of coming out to participate in the competition this time.” Xu Gang said.

The four of them instantly became happy.

Hidden Spirit Island, underground space.

Xu Fan is controlling the Five Elements Spirit Fire to refine an accessory.

“There are still three months before the refining is successful. Once this big guy is successfully refining, our hidden spirit goalkeeper will not be afraid of the monster race during the fit period.”

“If that dark snake dared to attack the Yinling Island, it will have no return.”

When I was bored, Xu Fan began to chat with Sha Sculpture, but Xu Fan was usually talking. ,

The sand sculpture watched Xu Fan refining Magic Treasures intently.

“Senior Brother Sha, it is only the preliminary stage of refining Dao Item. There is not much at this stage, so don’t be so serious.” Xu Fan said, looking at the serious sand sculpture.

“Big Elder, the techniques and experience that others can’t ask for but can’t refine Dao Item, there is not much in your mouth.”

“Only the difficulty of the Dao Item you refine can not be refined by an ordinary refiner, the Great Master.” said the sand sculpture.

“The refining technique of the Great Elder alone can block countless refining masters hovering at the door of the Great Master.”

In the eyes of Sand Sculpture, Xu Fan’s unremarkable method of refining Dao Item was what he couldn’t ask for.

“Brother Sha is exaggerated.” Xu Fan smiled.

With the completion of the refining of this component, Xu Fan used Spirit Power to push it into a distant furnace.

Xu Fan is now in a state of one mind and three purposes, while refining the most basic parts, while controlling the temperature of the spiritual fire in the distant furnace.

In the furnace, there is a magical magma liquid that surrounds all the parts, keeping them in a refining state, preparing for the final combination.

As Xu Fan threw the parts into the furnace, the eyes of the sand sculpture shifted.

Whenever he sees the Dao Item accessories in the furnace, he feels unreal. He has seen the scene when his Master refines the Dao Item. Generally, after the materials are fused, they are integrated and begin to portray runes.

Even if there are combined parts, it will be controlled within three.

It was the first time for him to see Dao Item, such as Xu Fan, who started with hundreds of parts, and used spirit mines to reach more than a thousand kinds of spirit mines.

“Senior Brother Sha, don’t look at the furnace anymore. This is just a small means to maintain the state of the components, and it’s not enough.” Xu Fan said.

Sha Diao opened his mouth, and finally closed it again, because he searched his brain and couldn’t find a word to describe Xu Fan’s behavior just now.

“Actually, I also want to form it in one piece, but the Dao Item function refined like that is too single, with only one basic strike function.”

“I Xu Fan can’t refine such a waste Dao Item.” Xu Fan said.

“Big Elder is great.” Sand Sculpture praised, he didn’t want to complain.

“Haha, thank you for the compliment.” Xu Fan smiled.

After that, Xu Fan exchanged his experience with Sha Diao.

After a while of communication, Sand Sculpture came to a conclusion that the refining process of his own Sect Elder was very smooth, and there was almost no difficulty in this refining road.

Others are carrying heavy burdens on the road of refining, and almost every step they take has to go through countless difficulties and obstacles, and blood and tears are shed all over the road they have traveled.

For Xu Fan, Sand Sculpture felt that the way of refining tools was too lazy to let him go, and he couldn’t wait to send him directly to the end.

While Sha Diao’s mind was running around, Xu Fan’s number one clone walked in.

Looking at Xu Fan who was refining Dao Item, he said: “I just finished refining the Titanium Heart Great Shield, let me take a break and come over to help you.”

Xu Fan felt guilty when he heard the clone. Such a sensible clone shouldn’t be squeezed.

“No, you continue to refine the Titanium Heart Shield after you rest, and you can’t get much faster if you join here.” Xu Fan said.

Although No. 1 clone inherited Xu Fan’s way of refining tools, there was a slight deviation. If it was 100 points, the No. 1 clone’s ability was only 80 points.

Dao Item-level space-based weapon satellites are currently the most sophisticated of the Magic Treasures refined by Xu Fan. If the refinement and purity of the spirits are wrong, deviations may occur.

Although Xu Fan wanted to let the clone number one join, but for the success of the Dao Item refining, he had to come alone.

After Clone One left, Xu Fan finished refining another part and threw it into the smelting furnace.

Xu Fan glanced at the pile of materials, and took out another spirit mine in order to continue refining.


Tianlian Xiancheng, in the Tower of Fantasy Heart.

Xiong Li boarded the fourth floor, found an unmanned secret room and walked in.

“Please choose the enemy you need.” A stiff voice sounded.

“Choose me at the most peak state.” Xiong Li said expertly.

The fourth floor of the Magic Tower, called Sacred Land, can simulate any enemy, including itself.

When the five people knew the function of this layer, they immediately abandoned the fourth layer.

Unlike the fourth floor, here is half a million a day.

The secret room where Xiong Li was located began to change, and finally formed a prairie, with clear skies and cattle and sheep in the distance.

Another Xiong Li walked out of the mist.

“Why, it’s not enough to be abused,” said Xiong Li, who turned out to be disillusioned.

The last time Xiong Li challenged own for the first time, he was almost beaten to doubt his life. Is he so good?

Later, the guard here said to him that normally in the secret room of the battle Sacred Land, the illusion of himself, the combat power is at least three levels higher than the main body.

If you can draw a tie with yourself, or even defeat him, then it proves that you have condensed all your Taoism magical powers and combat skills to the pinnacle of this Realm.

“Last time it was my negligence, this time I want to wash my shame.” Xiong Li said coldly.

In previous battles, he generally only displayed eight levels of strength. If he was defeated, he would use all his strength.

The last time he was beaten so badly, there was also the reason that the disguised Xiong Li took the lead with all his strength.

“Bronze War Body”

Xiong Li stepped up this time to amplify his moves, and took out a pair of golden golden hammers, and rushed towards the phantom Xiong Li, this time he was going to blast himself.

At this time, in another secret room on the fourth floor, Xu Gang was suspicious of himself.

“I played against myself, but I couldn’t hold on for half an hour.”

Xu Gang’s broken body is being repaired by a magical force.

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