Chapter 221

A huge barrel appeared on the flanks of the Demon Starship, with a diameter of only three meters.

The huge muzzle began to emit a faint blue light, and blue lightning entangled the entire barrel.

“This dark dark thunder shell was traded from the Great Thousand World at a high price, just for this moment.”

“Old thing, I will take you a star boat for the revenge of the broken arm. Your Sect disciple’s life is not too much,” Black Robe Venerable said with a grinning smile.

At this time, the Qianlingzong Xingzhou, which was tens of thousands of miles away, had a tendency to escape, and the grumpy Qianlingzong Venerable had been persuaded and was manipulating the Xingzhou to escape to the central continent.

“The next time I meet you on land, it will be more than just an arm.” Qianlingzong Venerable said while looking at the direction of Demon Zong Xingzhou.

He was very aggrieved in his heart, and he has the ability to PK, what kind of ability to beat my Sect’s Xingzhou.

At this moment, a sound like a bird’s song sounded, and then the entire area of ​​the Qianlingzong Xingzhou plunged into darkness.

At this time, if you look from a distance, you will see a faint blue lightning passing through a spherical dark area.


The shield of the Qianlingzong Xingzhou was directly pierced, and a large hole with a diameter of several tens of meters broke through the flanks of the Xingzhou.

All the disciples on the Xingzhou changed their sensible expressions, because the area that was passed through happened to be the Spirit Power core area of ​​the Qianling Xingzhou.

In the main control room on the top floor, Elder’s complexion changed drastically during all the fit periods, and he took out the defense Magic Treasures and opened them, preparing to defend against the explosion of the Spirit Power core.

Only the Qianlingzong Venerable’s complexion was a little calmer, and the controller Qianling Xingzhou continued to own the snakeskin.

You can’t shoot a cannon, so you can only fight for fewer shots.

“Don’t worry, the core part of the Spirit Power of our Xingzhou, I have already moved Tian Lianzong to another place.”

“Now we still have a chance to escape.”

While Qian Ling Venerable was talking, Qian Ling Xingzhou received another shot.

“Hold up on the protective cover and report the damage.” Qianling Venerable said calmly. He is the best dish only when firing a gun.

At this moment, a Qianlingzong Lianxu disciple came to the main control room.

“Report to Elder, the keel in the center area was broken.”

At this time, Venerable’s face also changed, and the keel was broken, which proved that Xingzhou could not exert its full speed.

A starship that cannot exert its full speed meets a hostile starship in the realm of the sky, and that is a lamb to be slaughtered.

“Xiao Hei, come over and control the star boat, and I will break it for you.” Venerable gritted his teeth and said.

This time some Elder didn’t stop it, because in this case, either Qianling Venerable escaped alone, or after Qianling Venerable stayed behind, Xingzhou fled.

There is no other way.

In the realm of extreme air, only Venerable can actually appear in the realm of extreme air, and the escape speed is suppressed to one-third of the original.

If the Mahayana Venerable alone wants to capture a normal starship in the air, then at least five Mahayana Venerables must be dispatched, and two of them may die in the end.

So this time Venerable is likely to be gone forever.

“Too great Elder, go, we and the disciples on the Xingzhou will remember your kindness.” Elder said respectfully during the union.

There is a sense of sight to ask the ancestors to die.

“…” Qianling Venerable.

At this time, the puppets still on the deck of the starship were scanning the entire structure of the starship.

“The main beam of the star boat keel is broken, and the chance of escape is 26%.”

“I am simulating the speed of the starship after damage.”

“We are calculating the combat power comparison between Mahayana Venerable and Xingzhou in the extreme sky.”

“I am simulating the combat power of Opposite Xingzhou and the conventional Mahayana Venerable.””Six hours after the opposing starship is blocked by the Mahayana Venerable, it will overtake and destroy the second starship.”

“Start the self-help plan deduction.”

“Starting to load the damaged data of Xingzhou.”


I don’t know how long it took, the puppet got up and flew towards the main control room.

The puppet met Qianling Venerable at the door of the main control room.

“Who is this puppet, why come here to make trouble at this time?” Qianling Venerable said dissatisfied.

“I have a way to save Qianling Xingzhou.” This was the first sentence of the puppet.

“If Venerable wants to stop the opposite starship alone, the Qianling Starship can only stay in the extreme sky for more than an hour at most.”

At this moment, Qianling Xingzhou received another shot, this time it exploded the shield that had just been propped up, and then the Spirit Power shell still hit the main beam that was about to be broken.

“The speed of our Qianling Xingzhou now is……”

Then the puppet accurately reported the speed of the two starships, and stated the comparison of the two sides’ combat power, advantages and disadvantages.

“Whose puppet is this.”

After listening to the puppet’s words, Qianling Venerable asked.

“This is the puppet of Elder, the hidden spirit gate that we have cooperated with, and said that he wants to collect some data in the sky.”

“The Dao Item, the master of the Hidden Spirit Gate, is a tool that is good at computing power.” Elder said during the integration period.

This matter was entrusted to him by a friend.

“Good at computing power. Can you control Xingzhou, how accurate is the artillery?” Venerable asked suddenly.

“I just want to come here to get control of Xingzhou.”

“I have a 99% chance that Xingzhou will get rid of the current predicament, and I will leave the rest to the variables.”

For some reason, the unique electronic sound of the puppet made Qianling Venerable extremely relieved. He had a hunch that what the puppet said was true.

What’s more, whoever can live does not want to live.

Although he has a clone that can be resurrected after death, there is a better solution, who will choose to sacrifice.

“I believe in you, you come to the main console with me, and I will be a tool man for you.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Too great Elder, do you want to believe in a puppet of unknown origin.” An Elder said, feeling a little absurd.

“Why don’t you go to the queen.” Qianling Venerable glanced at the Elder and said.


At this moment, Qianling Xingzhou received another shot, but it was controlled by Xiaohei Elder and defended it with the thickest protection.

“Okay, trust my feeling.”

“Puppet, go, master position.”

“Xiao Hei, get out of the way.”

Hearing Qianling Venerable’s words, Elder named Xiaohei quickly turned away.

Qianling Venerable involuntarily placed the puppet in the main control position, and blessed the puppet’s control by the side.

At this moment, another shell from the opposite Demon Sect’s Xingzhou struck, and Xingzhou, the puppet manipulator, made a small mistake to evade.

For an instant, everyone in the cockpit was shocked.

This puppet avoided a cannonball!

This was the first shell that this starship evaded after coming to Qianlingzong, and even Qianling Venerable showed an expression of excitement.

“Puppet, work hard, go back and I will reward your master.”

Qianling Venerable patted the puppet excitedly.


One of the puppet’s arms fell off, and at this moment, a bright light flashed in the distance, and another shell struck.

In an instant, the puppet was turned into an afterimage with one hand and manipulated in the main control position.

Due to the lack of an arm, the puppet operation was not full, causing the shell to hit the ass of Qianling Xingzhou again.

The black robe Venerable on the Demon Starship tens of thousands of miles away, let out a long sigh of relief.

“I thought there was a master on the other side who took over the control of the star boat. It turned out that it was just luck to dodge that shot.”

“It’s just that the old guy didn’t come out after the break, which surprised me.”

“Could it be that Elder, the Great Thousand Spirit Sect, is actually a person who is greedy for life and fear of death?”

At this time, the atmosphere on the Qianling Xingzhou was very strange.

The murderous aura exuded by the eight thousand spirits sects during the combined period of Elder made him, the Mahayana Venerable, a little bit afraid.

“Puppet, can you do it with one hand?” Qianling Venerable said cautiously, for fear of touching the nerves of many Qianlingzong Elder.

“Of course not with one hand.” The puppet said calmly while controlling the star boat.

At this time, some of the Qianlingzong’s fusion period began to appear behind Elder, a phantom of the heaven and the earth, which was a prelude to hands-on.

“Then what to do.”

Qianling Venerable has never felt so stupid, a puppet who is at best a Gold Core level, why did he shoot it? Is it cheap?

I saw the puppet calmly put his arm on the ground and said: “Then use two hands to operate.”

At this time, the puppet said: “Trouble Venerable to bless my operation.”

“Good.” Venerable said quickly.

At this time, all the Elders in the main control room held their breath, and then watched the puppets control the starship.

At this time, Qianling Xingzhou fired three shells.

As a result, all Elders were disappointed, and three Spirit Power shells were once again easily dodged by the opposite side.

“Puppet, can you do it?” Qianling Venerable said.

“You won’t only dodge shells, it’s already very powerful, at least you can escape.” Elder said in a fit period.

“I’m just calibrating the accuracy of the projectile launching ballistics and collecting the control habits of the enemy’s star boat.”

The puppet said a word to shut all Elder up.

“It’s a pity that Xingzhou’s main artillery was destroyed, otherwise the battle could be ended quickly.” said the puppet.

“Do you mean, we can only escape.” Qianling Venerable said disappointedly.

“It just takes a little longer to destroy the starship on the opposite side. Of course, we can also retreat tactically.”

Qianling Venerable became excited instantly, and just wanted to happily shoot the puppet with his hands.

In an instant, there were more than a dozen layers of protective shields on the puppets, and all Elders were glaring at Qianling Venerable.

“Haha, I just scratched my head, don’t get excited.” Qianling Venerable said awkwardly.

At this time, Qianling Xingzhou suddenly flicked its tail, and three intact secondary guns on the flanks fired.

In the projection of the Qianling Venerable Stargazing Technique, the star boat of the Demon Sect received a heavy shot.

At this time, the black robe Venerable on the Demon Zongxingzhou suddenly felt like being watched by a master. It was like when the mid laner was laning, the chicken on the opposite side was suddenly replaced by the Flying Science Demon King.

There is telepathy between the masters again, and this shell is the opposing master’s declaration of war on own.

“Thousand Spirit Sect, have you invited foreign aid, not wanting face.”

The black robe Venerable was followed by a cover attack with five closed shells.

“Damn, the other side zoomed in, what should we do with little puppets.” Qianling Venerable said while looking at the screen projected by astrology.

The puppet did not speak, but controlled the star boat to shake irregularly, and a secondary cannon on the flanks fired.”Boom~~”

The shells collided and exploded in the air, and the remaining four shells passed by Qianling Xingzhou.


Qianling Venerable said excitedly.

“Little puppet, have you ever controlled Xingzhou before?” Qianling Venerable asked.

“If Venerable doesn’t speak, the time for me to defeat the opposite starship will be one hour earlier,” said the puppet.

For a time, Qianling Venerable provoked public anger again.

“Well, I won’t speak,” Qianling Venerable said timidly.

Shut up Qianling Venerable chose to concentrate on helping the puppet blessing operations, striving for a shorter delay.

In the following time, all the Elders in the main control room who had received training in Tian Lianzong seemed to have come to the Xingzhou Advanced Tactics Control Class.

They once again felt the fear of being dominated by the instructor.

They saw the legendary three artillery tactics, which is also one of the Realm of cannons.

Three shells must hit one, of course, this only refers to a duel between masters.

As the battle progressed, the Qianling Xingzhou slowly gained the upper hand.

“Oops, the old guy across is going to run.”

“Puppet, don’t let him go.” Qianling Venerable’s tone was as if he asked his boss to help him find a place.

“He can’t run away, Venerable, if I get the chance, my master wants 50% of the spoils.” The puppet finally began to talk about the conditions.

“50%, you look down on someone, I will give you 80%.” Qianling Venerable waved and said.

“Thank you Venerable.”

The puppet then began its heaven-defying operation.

I saw the Qianling Xingzhou like a fish turning around and flicking its tail in the water, firing six shells in a row.

At this moment, the black robe Venerable in the Demon Sect Starship in the distance suddenly became vigilant.

“The other side made a move!” The black robe Venerable quickly manipulated it.

The original speed of the Demon Zong Xingzhou suddenly overclocked and accelerated, and the speed was three times faster in an instant.

The puppet glanced at the Demon Zong Xingzhou in the stargazing observation and said: “The calculation is correct. Destroy the enemy Xingzhou with minimal loss.”

As soon as the voice fell, the Demon Zong Xingzhou in the light curtain was hit by three rounds in a row at the same position of the protective cover, and the protective cover was broken.

Then another shell pierced the armor, and the second shell opened the channel to the core of Spirit Power on the original basis.

The last shot into the soul directly detonated the Spirit Power core.

“My God, little puppet, you must be a miserable talent by your master’s side.”

“Don’t worry, I will save you from your master.”

“From then on, you will be the exclusive starship controller of my Qianlingzong.” Qianling Venerable said excitedly. At this time, he was thinking about what kind of treasure he should use to buy this little puppet (robbed) back.


The Qianling Xingzhou flew towards the Demon Sect Xingzhou.

At this time, the atmosphere in the main control room began to cheer up, and everyone was complimenting the puppets.

“Puppet, it’s still that question, now you can answer it.”

“Have you controlled Xingzhou before?” Qianling Venerable said.

“It’s okay, it’s just that when I first entered the main control room, I took a look, and combined with the rune control device above, I learned the basic driving of Xingzhou.”

“The late stage has collected relevant data in the extreme sky again, and now has the current operation.” The puppet said lightly.

“Also, 80% of the trophies belong to my master. I hope you will keep your promise.”

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