Chapter 224

Zhang Weiyun took out an Interspatial Ring and said to Xu Fan, “Husband, here are all things found in the ruins.”

“I don’t need it, you can put it in the treasure house, and let those disciples who have not received my gift to choose freely.”

Xu Fan took the Interspatial Ring and glanced silently, then handed it to the tool puppet to send him to the treasure house.

“My lady is still a little rich woman. If it weren’t for your husband’s hard work, she would have really been taken care of by you.” Xu Fan said with a smile. There are at least a dozen small goals in the Interspatial Ring.

“Haha, then I will take care of my husband.”

Zhang Weiyun gently lifted Xu Fan’s chin with his fingers, pretending to squint, and said, “Let’s talk about it, how much money is needed to maintain your husband.”

The tone was like the rich Young Master who robbed the girl of the people.

Seeing Zhang Weiyun’s behavior, Xu Fan smiled.

The acting skills are very poor, and the most crucial rich woman’s temperament is not shown.

“I don’t want silver, I just need the lady to warm my bed every day.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this time, the disciples who originally wanted to come to please have been stopped by the guardian puppets. The two worlds don’t need light bulbs.

“Husband, wait for me to reach the stage of transforming gods.” Zhang Weiyun said and kissed Xu Fan on the face.

“Okay.” Xu Fan said sadly.

At this moment, a humming voice came from behind the two of them.

The two fawns came to Zhang Weiyun’s side.

Yunhualu rubbed Zhang Weiyun with his head.

“Hey yeah~~~”

“I have to leave, I can’t stay with you anymore.” Zhang Weiyun said apologetically, looking at the deer.

“Boom~~~~~” Yunhualu cried, raising his head.

“I know you have a husband, it’s the deer next to you.” Zhang Weiyun said as he took out a wreath and put it on the smaller deer next to Yunhua deer.

“This is Muhualing, which can accelerate your rapid growth, and you must grow up quickly.” Zhang Weiyun touched the deer and said.

Listening to Zhang Weiyun’s conversation with Xiaolu, Xu Fan frowned.

If you don’t come, my baby will be born. What do you mean by that, sprinkle dog food.

“Go go, go to other places by yourself.” Xu Fan waved away the two deer.

My daughter-in-law is going to leave, why don’t you come over and add to the chaos.

Yunhualu glanced at Xu Fan, and then took his little husband to play elsewhere.

“My husband’s Sect has these two auspicious beasts, so luck is not bad.”

“It’s okay, barely able to mix, can’t reach the point of destroying the sect.” Xu Fan said jokingly.

At this time, Xu Fan and Zhang Weiyun had already reached the Sect exit of the Hidden Spirit Gate.

A mysterious bird has been waiting here for a long time.

“Little bird, take good care of my daughter-in-law, and I will call you a mythical beast of the hidden spirit door in the future.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan’s words only got a glance.

Zhang Weiyun jumped onto the mysterious bird, waved goodbye to Xu Fan, and then disappeared into the sky as a streamer.

“Hey, my wife is gone.”

Xu Fan became a lonely man again.

“Master, the parting right now is only temporary, and you and your wife will be together forever in the future.”

Xu Gang didn’t know when he appeared next to Xu Fan.

“If it’s okay, go to teach more spiritual platforms, this child is more promising than you.”

“Also, being a teacher is just a bit melancholy, you don’t need to persuade you.” Xu Fan rolled his eyes and said.

“I didn’t specifically persuade the Master to come, but a friend of mine wanted to come and visit you.” Xu Gang said.

“Is that disciple of the Qianlingzong?” Xu Fan asked.

“No, it was the left spinner I met in the final of the Tianjiao Fighting Forces.” Xu Gang said.

“Visit me?””To be precise, I want you to give some pointers.” Xu Gang said.


“Tell him that he is not free, Sect has a lot of things, so how can I have time to point others.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.


At this time, Zhou Kailing ran over and said to Xu Fan, “Master, what about Madam?”

“Let’s go.” Xu Fan said lightly.

“Go!” Zhou Kailing said disappointedly.

During this period of time, he was devoting himself to researching the powder that could enhance the magical powers of Taoism. After a little achievement, he came out and heard that the teacher’s wife was giving gifts to each disciple.

When he hurried over happily, he didn’t expect the teacher to leave.

At this time, Xu Fan took out an Interspatial Ring and handed it to Zhou Kailing.

“Here are all the Taoist magical powers that your wife has searched from various relics over the years, many of which are out of print.”

“Your teacher asked me to give it to you.” Xu Fan said.

“The teacher is really nice,” said Zhou Kailing, who was holding the Interspatial Ring.

“Is the Master okay?” Xu Fan said with a glance at Zhou Kailing.

“Of course the Master is good!” Zhou Kailing said loudly.

Xu Gang next to him looked at Zhou Kailing’s reaction and nodded. He deserved to be the apprentice of the Master, and the reaction was quick.

Seeing Zhou Kailing’s state, Xu Fan nodded in satisfaction.


In the Central Continent, Tianfeng Xiancheng, Xu Yuexian looked at the message in the communicator and said: “Since the wife came, she stayed for 2 days and left. I haven’t spoken to her well yet.”

At this time, another news came from the communication Magical Item in Xu Yuexian’s hand.

After taking a look, Xu Yuexian paid the tea money and walked outside the city.

“This ruin is finally about to be opened, this time I must get it, the heart of the earth flame crystal.”

When Xu Yuexian left, Xu Fan gave him a list of materials. These are all materials that need to be refined for her Dao Item.

The materials in this list are also her current goals.

Outside Tianfeng Immortal City, Xu Yuexian drove Liu Yunsuo to fly towards the destination. The location she was going to was a wilderness area 600,000 miles north of Tianfeng City.

In Flowing Clouds, Xu Yuexian thought of the spirit mine on the list.

“Half of the list given by the Master is available, so don’t rush to find these first.”

“For the remaining half, 40% of them have news, and the rest can only wait for news from Tianluo Temple.” Xu Yuexian said while looking at the area ahead.

At the same time, Liu Yunsuo’s speed also slowed down, because it was far from the immortal city of the human race and the mortal capital, this is the world of Demonic Beasts.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals, the human immortal city and the mortal empire only occupy 50%, and the remaining wilderness areas are all under the domain of Demonic Beasts.

Xu Yuexian’s hand-made dharma seal, as well as the entire Liu Yunsuo were hidden.

At the moment when Liu Yunsuo disappeared, a sky thunder straddling the sky and the earth directly on Liu Yunsuo.


A sharp scream resounded across the world.

A huge eagle with its wings spread over a hundred meters rushed out of the clouds with endless thunder and lightning.

Xu Yuexian, who used her magical powers to escape to the distance, looked at the ruined Liu Yunsuo with an ugly face, and secretly vowed that she must listen to the words of the Master in the future, and that she will not be under the clouds when she is on the way.

I thought it was a joke from the Master, but I didn’t expect it to come true today.

Two magic circles appeared behind Xu Yuexian, and then flew in different directions.

At this time, a dark web of sky thunder covered the world, covering all of Xu Yuexian’s two clones at once.

Xu Yuexian sighed deeply when she looked at the thundercloud in the sky and the eyes playing with the thunder giant eagle and its prey.

“I didn’t want to trouble the Master, but I can’t help it now.” Xu Yuexian said, behind him twelve heavy armored puppets of the transformation stage and a common model of the transformation stage puppets.

A heavy armored puppet holding a giant titanium heart shield on top of the front.

“Master, someone bullied your apprentice!!”

Xu Yuexian quickly dialed Magic Treasures, Xu Fan’s communication.

Xu Fan, who was fishing far above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, was taken aback.

“Fuck me, someone bullied my apprentice.”

“Grape, assist me in the operation.” Xu Fan shouted.

At this moment, the eyes of the puppet in front of Xu Yuexian all lit up.

Xu Fan controlled the ordinary puppets to look at the surrounding environment, and then focused on the thunderclouds in the sky and the destroyed Liuyunsuo below.

“I was attacked under the clouds, do you not listen to what I said?” Xu Fan said while controlling an ordinary puppet.

“I thought it wouldn’t be discovered if it was hidden.” Xu Yuexian said timidly, already in the Nascent Soul period, and will be trained by the Master.

“Go back and teach you again.”

Xu Fan said that he controlled the heavy armor and shield puppet to block the thunder and lightning from the Thunder Eagle.


The thunder and lightning exploded on the Titan Titan, and then the residual energy was quickly collected and used by Xu Fan, and a handful of purple powder merged with the residual energy, which turned into wind and thunder wings and blessed behind Xu Yuexian.

“Watch the show next to me, I will make this little eagle your mount.” Xu Fan said, manipulating the puppet.


Xu Yuexian nodded obediently, hiding her figure.

The Thunder Eagle in the distance saw its own prey disappear, and was furious, and rushed towards the puppet under Xu Fan’s control.

“Yeah, your temper is still up.” Xu Fan said.

Xu Fan controlled the puppet’s hand to form the seal, and countless silk threads appeared in the surrounding space, and countless seeds were floating in the air.

A red cloud appeared in the sky, and then turned into a fiery red dragon wandering into the air.

“Start a group.”

Seeing that the preparations were complete, Xu Fan controlled the puppets to press on.

Xu Yuexian hid on the edge of the thundercloud, smiling as he watched Xu Fan’s dazzling operation, small stars began to appear in his eyes.

She has always admired the own Master since she was a child, and even after seeing those senior abilities, she didn’t change his mind.

“The Master is still as good as before, and as calm as before.”

At this moment, a sword from the sky slashed down at the thunder eagle that was bound below.


A miserable cry sounded.

The Thunder Eagle instantly turned into thunder and disappeared into the heavens and the earth.

Xu Fan looked at the direction of the disappearance of the Thunder Eagle and sighed.

“Yuexian, your bird flew away.”

Xu Yuexian, with wind and thunder wings blessed behind him, quickly appeared next to Xu Fan.

“It’s okay, Master can chase him away already very well.” Xu Yuexian said admiringly.

The puppets of the manipulator level of the gods rush to the demonic beasts of the fit period, this record can crush all the gods and evildoers.

“The strength of the puppet is still a little lower. After your Cultivation Base is higher, the places you go are getting more and more dangerous.”

“The puppet is weak in the transformation stage,” Xu Fan said.

“That’s it.” Xu Yuexian said moved by Xu Fan’s words.

“What are you moved? Of course I have to protect such a good apprentice.”

“Otherwise, who will protect me in the future.”

“Remember, you must protect yourself at all times.” Xu Fan controlled the puppet and touched Xu Yuexian’s head.

After speaking, Xu Fan made up another divination for Xu Yuexian.

“There will be a disaster of blood and light in the next month. If you return to Sect now, don’t go to this ruin.” Xu Fan said.

“Good.” Xu Yuexiang nodded and said.

“By the way, Master, my car treasure is ruined.”

“The clone has been arranged for you to refine.” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you Master.”Xu Fan cut the link of the puppet and looked at the lake in the distance.


“Isn’t the plan for refining the virtual puppets yet come out?” Xu Fan asked.

“At present, the best deduction is in progress, please wait patiently,” said Grape.

“What are the existing plans.”

“First, refining Dao Item Magic Treasures Ten Thousand Beast Palace, second enslaving demons, human cultivator, Demonic Beasts, the risk is high.”

Grape said that the two plans were not in line with Xu Fan’s wishes.

The Ten Thousand Beast Palace is an intermediate Dao Item designed by him, and he cannot refine it at the current Cultivation Base.

As for the second article, enslaving the demon clan is even more unreliable.

Because the Monster Race, Human Race cultivator and Demonic Beasts controlled by his current methods all have a chance of comeback.

Xu Fan would not do this kind of self-digging.

“These uneasy apprentices,” Xu Fan said.

He always felt that his apprentice would easily encounter danger outside without the Mahayana Cultivation Base.

“The safety protection of the apprentices needs to be increased by a level.” Xu Fan pondered and said.

At this time, the lake in the distance began to churn.

A human-shaped pangolin, holding a crystal squid, came to Xu Fan’s spirit boat.

“Master, this is the rare Demonic Beasts I caught in the giant lake.”

“It’s most suitable for pan-frying and cooking with sauce.”

“I don’t know if the owner is not interested,” said the pangolin.

Xu Fan glanced at it. This thing is almost extinct by the hidden spirit gate. At present, this thing still belongs to the Restrictions salvage Demonic Beasts.

“Let’s let go, raise it for a few generations before eating.” Xu Fan said.


The pangolin quickly threw the crystal squid into the huge lake of 100,000 miles.

“What happened to the 100,000-mile giant lake recently?” Xu Fan asked, putting bait on the hook.

“Except for the discovery of a few dark rivers and dozens of other treasures that are absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, there is nothing else to gain.” The pangolin said respectfully.

“Don’t you move those strange treasures.”

“No, no, I know this is a treasure that the master has already discovered, so I didn’t move.” The pangolin said hurriedly.

“Count you clever.”

After idle and bored, Xu Fan began to chat with the pangolin about the demon spirit world.

“How is your pangolin clan’s strength in the demon spirit world?” Xu Fan asked.

“There is a demon lord in the clan who sits in town, and his life in the demon spirit world is still passable.” The pangolin said modestly.

“Yes, ah, at least better than the thick armor and honey badger clan.” Xu Fan smiled.

“The thick armored honey badger clan, do the clansmen have a relationship with them?” the pangolin asked curiously.

“They invaded the huge lake of 100,000 miles, and finally returned without success.” Xu Fan said.

“Our pangolin clan was a vassal of the thick armored honey badger clan in ancient times.”

“At that time, the strength of my clan was the highest and it was not right with me.”

“Speaking of which, the desolation of the thick armored honey badger clan is also inseparable from my clan,” said the pangolin.

“Interesting, talk about the specific situation.” Xu Fan said with interest.

“During the decisive battle with the human race in the ancient times, the thick armored badger clan that was originally a strong clan, heard a word from the patriarch of the pangolin clan at that time, and instantly went crazy.”

“Started frantically looking for the human race to fight to the death, just like the human race killed their parents.”

“In the end, all the demon lords of the thick armored honey badger clan were killed, and our patriarch also died on the battlefield at that time,” said the pangolin.

“What did the patriarch of the pangolin clan say at that time to make the demon lord of the thick-clad honey badger clan so angry.” Xu Fan asked extremely curiously, looking forward to the pangolin.

“I do not know either.”


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