Chapter 243 The Twisted Melon Is Not Sweet

Time flies, spring and summer one year has passed.

Cangjianmen secret realm, Jian Wuji finally withstood the test of the nine Sword intent tanks.

Nine Dao Item spirit swords representing the nine Sword intents began to graciously revolve around the sword intent.

“You have to thank the teacher if you can have such a great opportunity,” Jian Wuji said.

It took him a full year at the Cangjian Sect to get the recognition of the nine great Sword intents of the Cangjian Sect and the nine Dao Item spirit swords.

He is now the Head Teacher of the Cangjian Clan, and as long as his cultivation reaches the integration stage, the entire Cangjian Clan’s secret realm will be him.

Jian Wuji thought of the few treasures he had obtained in the hands of the Array Spirit, and his eyes were full of loneliness.

“It doesn’t matter if you are invincible in the future, you can’t even protect your own mother.”

“Array Spirit, now I can leave the secret realm.” Jian Wuji said.

“Yes, but those who have become disciples of Cangjianmen Outer Sect still need to practice in the secret realm, and they cannot go out until the Gold Core period.” A butterfly radiating aura flew around Jian Wuji.

“I know.” Jian Wuji nodded and said. The home addresses and parent information of his classmates were recorded in Jade Slip. After going out, he wanted to find a teacher and his mother, and then the parents of these people.

Those Cangjian Sect Outer Sect disciples have all been imprinted with the heart sword imprint, and they can only take orders from the Cangjian Sect head in their entire life.

This is why he did it.

A light gate appeared in front of Jian Wuji.

As soon as Jian Wuji came out of the secret realm, he saw the hidden formations around him.

Then a tool puppet appeared in front of Jian Wuji.

“Isn’t this the teacher’s puppet?” Jian Wuji said.

The tool puppet held a Jade Slip in his hand and handed it to Jian Wuji, motioning him to take the puppet.

“This should be the message left to me by the teacher after he came out.” Jian Wuji said moved. Unexpectedly, the teacher would still think of himself after he came out.

Then check Jade Slip.

After half an hour, Jian Wuji finished reading the letter Wang Xiangchi left him in Jade Slip, leaving a tear in the corner of his eyes.

“My mother is still alive!”

At this time, a spirit boat appeared in front of Jian Wuji with a puppet driving.

“Come on, this is the spirit boat heading to the Heavenly Sword Fairy City.”

Wang Xiangchi knew that he could not fly with the sword in the early stage of Qi training, so he specially prepared a spirit boat and knew that he would wait until the students were picked up.

In the Heavenly Sword Fairy City, Jian Wuji trembling hands fed a Thousand Chance Life Pill to the old woman lying on the bed.

When the demon clan who invaded the Heavenly Sword Immortal City was just driven away, when Jian Wuji’s mother learned that no one had survived in the Heavenly Sword Academy, she was already dying and wanted to stay with her son, which caused her vitality to speed up several times. The speed is sucked away.

Just when he was about to die, Wang Xiangchi rushed to him in time and exhausted all the vital potions in his body to stabilize Jian Wuji’s mother’s condition.

Knowing that my son is still in the world and having met a great opportunity, I have the idea of ​​continuing to live, but the illness has deepened and he has completely spread on the bed and can no longer move, even if it is Wang Xiangchi with the vitality pill made by Xu Fan. Same.

“Wuji, I will be satisfied at the last look at Wei Niang.” She, who used to look like a middle-aged beautiful woman, has now completely turned into an old woman.

“I won’t let my mother just look at me for the last time. I have to keep watching.” Jian Wuji had tears in his eyes, thinking of the scene where he and his mother depended on each other since childhood.

At this moment, a life force suddenly burst from Jian Wuji’s body, and began to repair every corner of her body.

“Mother, I already know what’s going on with your illness. Now the pill that my mother eats can completely eradicate this strange disease.” Jian Wuji said with a smile as she watched her slowly recovering mother.

As if going back in time, the old man who had already lost his vitality began to grow rapidly. It didn’t take long for Jian Wuji to remember his mother back when he was a child.

……………..Xu Fan, who was refining Dao Item, looked at the direction of his three apprentices in a puzzled way, feeling that a huge Karma force had just fallen on his stupid apprentice.

Then I got the news that Jian Wuji had come out of the secret realm.

“Stupid disciple, it’s good to have a good relationship, but you can, you will soon become the second parent of those pig’s feet.”

“Be careful in the future to become an opportunity for pig’s feet to explode.” Xu Fan thought of the classic scenes of countless hot-blooded animations in the past life.

After pigs feet’s best friend, relative, and benefactor are killed, they begin to explode, breakthrough, and then kill the last villain.

At that time, Xu Fan wanted to complain about the existence of those people, did it affect your performance?

With the last rune, another Dao Item was successfully refined for export.

At this time, Toolman No. 1 clone once again made the uncomfortable sound that could not be suppressed.

Xu Fan got up and stretched habitually.

“Happy salted fish time is here.”

Xu Fan’s figure appeared in the main peak dojo.

Looking at the disciple who was working hard to cultivate, Xu Fan smiled with relief.

Sure enough, the source of enrollment is well grasped, and there is no need to deliberately urge the rest of the matter.

This year. At the Yinlingmen, more than 50 disciples of a generation continuously broke through to the Gold Core stage, all of which were driven out by Xu Fan to experience the dangers of the world.

But what makes Xu Fan strange is that the disciples who have just entered the realm of cultivating immortals are all like the old Rivers and Lakes.

This is contrary to Xu Fan’s original purpose. Later, it was discovered that the Sect precautions manual edited by him and Xu Yuexian was too detailed. In addition to the excellent quality trained in the battle royale game, they even had a seed in the world of cultivating immortals. Feel like a fish in water.

If you don’t know about foreign affairs, read the manual, if you don’t know about internal affairs, ask Grape.

Yes, the disciples outside the Yinlingmen have the privilege to consult with grapes.

Xu Fan once wanted to turn off this feature, but couldn’t find a reason to turn it off, and finally let it go.

Yinling Island, next to Lingye Lake.

Xu Fan took a recliner and sat next to Tianji Turtle.

Since the Sect large array was loaded with the spirit gathering array and upgraded to Dao Item, this Tianji tortoise became active. It may be because the Spiritual Qi is too pure and Tianji tortoise is a bit unbearable.

By chance, Xu Fan stayed with Tianji Turtle for a while, and then found that there was a sense of silence beside Tianji Turtle, and the flow of time became faster.

Often when Xu Fan thought, it was already dark.

“Old tortoise, I checked the information. The lifespan of your Tianji tortoise seems to be infinite, and it is dangerous only when it soars.”

“Ten auspicious tortoises, only one or two can survive the catastrophe.”

“So I helped you deduced a set of Cultivation Technique in my spare time, which can strengthen the defense of your tortoise shell.”

Xu Fan took out a Jade Slip and used Spirit Power to control it and landed in front of Tianji Turtle.

“Seeing that you are still young, don’t be so lazy, or how will I be a beast in the hidden spirit gate of my great world in the future.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Tianji Turtle looked at Jade Slip in front of him, slowly got up, changed a direction and continued to lie on his stomach.

How bored are you to harass the tortoise, can’t you just stay quiet?

“Don’t pretend to be stupid, you auspicious beasts are all born with enlightened spirits, don’t think I don’t know.” Xu Fan said as he looked at Tianji tortoise lying on his stomach in a different position.


A Spiritual Qi bubble was spit out by Tianji Turtle, and then it landed slowly and rolled towards the distance.

Xu Fan looked at the tumbling bubbles, looked at Tianji tortoise and said, “Well, you Tianji tortoise, I kindly deduce the Cultivation Technique for you. Not only did you not appreciate it, but you also told me to get out.”

“You are too much.”

Tianji Turtle slowly got up and walked slowly towards the Lingye Lake without turning his head back.

“What’s your attitude?” Xu Fan said depressed.

Xu Fan decided that next time I saw Tianji Turtle, he would definitely let him know who the owner of the Yinling Island was.

At this time, the two fawns ran over in front of Xu Fan.

Among them, Yunhualu turned back and smiled at Xu Fan.

“Hey yeah~~~”

Xu Fan understood the meaning.

“Why can’t I chat with the tortoise?” Xu Fan said, looking at the little deer running away.

At this time, a flash of light flashed past, and Xu Gang fell not far from Xu Fan.

“Master, you are not refining equipment.” Xu Gang asked.

“I just succeeded in one, now I’m out to relax.” Xu Fan looked at Xu Gang’s face full of spring breeze, and after a little inspection, he knew that this stupid apprentice was showing off again.

“Let’s talk, understand the magical powers of that series.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Golden Crow is here.” Xu Gang touched his head and said, as if a child had 100 points to show off to his parents.

“Yeah, not bad, I finally realized the fire attribute supernatural power.”

“Go, go to the huge lake of 100,000 miles and try your power.”

Xu Fan waved his hand, and a spirit boat appeared in front of the two of them.

Above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Gang stood in the air, and the thousand-handed phantom behind him was nearly a hundred meters high.

Xu Fan looked at the mighty power radiating from Xu Gang’s body, nodded in satisfaction, and then sent a message to Xu Yuexian.

“Come back and take you Dage away, it’s time to walk.”

Xu Fan has a clear understanding of Xu Gang’s talent, and it can be said that he can reach this level, which proves that Xu Gang has been in cultivation over the years and has not stopped for a day.

According to his calculations, this “Golden Crow Coming into the World” magical power, this stupid disciple himself has at least 10 to 20 years to comprehend, even if it is because of the acceleration of his decomposition of the origin of fire, this is also the time.

As Xu Gang’s behind the thousand-hand phantom image speeded up, all the fire Spirit Powers in the radius of a thousand miles were all converging towards Xuguang.


With a long beep, the fire Spirit Power surrounding Xu Gang instantly boiled, and a Golden Crow with its wings spread for a kilometer appeared between the sky and the earth.

Like a king reborn from the ashes, even the heavenly sun star dimmed a lot.

“As soon as this big move is released, it is estimated that the powerhouses within the core area of ​​the transformation stage are gone.” Xu Fan said as he looked at Golden Crow like the sun.

“Let Golden Crow attack me.” Xu Fan said.

As Xu Gang cast a spell on the Thousand-Hand phantom behind Xu Gang, the Golden Crow instantly turned into a long river of flames and rushed towards Xu Fan.

At this time, Xu Fan was like a little ant facing a huge wave of ten thousand meters.

At this time, a Nascent Soul puppet appeared next to Xu Fan, and then quickly cast a spell, and for a while, the entire 100,000-mile giant lake began to agitate.


Nine long ice crystal dragons rushed out of the 100,000-mile giant lake and directly surrounded the Golden Crow that was attacking Xu Fan.

An aura that could freeze space exploded from among the nine dragons, and in an instant, the river of flames was directly frozen in mid-air.

Xu Gang came to Xu Fan excitedly, his eyes shining brightly at the Golden Crow in the ice and the river of flames pulled out by the Golden Crow.

“Master, can this Nascent Soul stage be used?” Xu Gang said as he looked at the Nascent Soul stage puppet next to Xu Fan. He knew what level of magical power the Master had always used, so he would take which level of puppet.

“Yes, Nascent Soul period can be displayed.” Xu Fan said.

“You see this magical power, what do you think?” Xu Fan asked.

“Master is great, I want to learn.” Xu Gang said.”Any other thoughts besides these.”

“there is none left.”

“Hey~” Xu Fan sighed and said directly to Xu Gang: “You have learned this magical power, there are even more powerful magical powers waiting for you at the same level.”

“You will never finish learning these magical powers.”

“Set yourself a goal, and after you reach it, you should rest.”

“After returning to Sect, have you been cultivating?” Xu Fan asked.

“No, occasionally I will also teach Lingtai and accompany Xiao Xi.”

“An hour is also called accompany.” Xu Fan said with a white glance at Xu Gang.

“I have already sent a message to your sister, and when you come back, you will take Xiao Xi out for a walk with your sister.”

“The fairy road is long, just cultivation is meaningless.”

“Cultivating immortals requires a combination of work and rest.”

“You take Xiao Xi out to play for a while.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes.” Xu Gang said bitterly.

At this time, Wang Xiangchi flew over.

“I have seen the Master.”

“Congratulations, big brother, you have achieved supreme supernatural powers.” Wang Xiangchi said.

“Haha, no matter how powerful the supernatural powers are, it can’t match a finger of the Master.” Xu Gang said.

“You are going out.” Xu Fan said as he looked at Wang Xiangchi, who was fully armed.

“Go out to see my students, Wuji wants to see me.” Wang Xiangchi said.

“Go, be careful all the way.” Xu Fan said that he had created two detailed files of pig’s feet in the grape database, and then focused on the day when his stupid apprentice was sacrificed to the sky.

“Okay, goodbye Master, goodbye big brother~~”

Wang Xiangchi turned into Sword Ray and flew towards Linsen Xiancheng.

“Okay, you go back to pack up and prepare.” Xu Fan said to Xu Gang.

After Xu Gang left, Xu Fan accidentally saw Su Rantian fishing on a huge boat in the distance.

“Su Elder, Yaxing is good, when did you like fishing?” Xu Fan asked.

“In the first year when your apprentice didn’t return my message.” Su Rantian said lightly.

“Maybe I entered some secret realm Sacred Land or something.” Xu Fan said with a dry smile. It doesn’t matter to me that the apprentice doesn’t reply to the message.

“I have strengthened the authority of Xingci’s communication Magical Item. Secret realm Sacred Land can reply to my messages at any time.” Su Rantian looked a little lonely.

“Will it be out of the Central Continent and go to another area?” Xu Fan said.

“I’m afraid that something will happen to Xingci, so I took a look at it with my authority. Xingci is still in the Central Continent.”

Can you have a good chat?

“He’s not coming. You can find it~” Xu Fan said.

“Twisted melons are not sweet.” Su Rantian said sadly.

“My favorite melon can still make people cupped hands. If it’s me, I have to keep it in my palm if it’s not sweet.” Xu Fan blurted out without thinking about it.

Su Rantian was taken aback, then turned into a ray of light and flew towards Linsen Xiancheng.

“Big Elder is right.” Su Rantian’s tone had a hint of comprehension, like clouds and mist seeing the bright moon.

“I seem to have said something wrong.” Xu Fan muttered as he looked at the distant light.

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