Chapter 246

“Although it is a rich woman, we still need the card face of Yinlingmen.”

“The bride price must be in place.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

The expression is like a hard-working old father. After raising his piglet, when he invites the cabbage, he must make a good outfit to show others that our piglet is qualified to serve the best cabbage.

As for Su Rantian’s father, Yu has automatically ignored it.

Your temper is irritable, and your cabbage has been smashed by my piglet. This is a fact. If you want to kill my apprentice.

The big deal, let’s hide first, and we’ll talk about it when we can beat you.

At this time, a Sword Ray was drawn in the distance.

Ning Dao’s figure appeared in front of Xu Fan.

“Ning Dage isn’t on standby in the Elder Club?” Xu Fan asked.

“No, you will be blessed. I just need to deal with the Master in Elder.”

“Big Elder, your four apprentices, isn’t it what you did to fellow daoist Su, right?” Ning Dao looked at Xu Fan and asked.

“You ask questions from a very strange angle, why isn’t it what Su Elder did to my apprentice.”

“After all, my apprentice is in the Nascent Soul stage. What can he be wicked of a fit stage.” Xu Fan said.

“My apprentice is gone.” Xu Fan said later.

“Ah this. How can a woman overpower a man.” Ning Dao will not be able to react for a while.


“You don’t know the stories of female cultivators who cultivated some kind of dual cultivation evil Cultivation Technique.” Xu Fan raised his eyebrows and said.

Xu Fan has to admit you, in this world of small X-films, this world is more powerful than the previous world.

Even using Illusion Art gave the world’s male repairers an unprecedented experience.

And that sitcom, Xu Fan who watched it called a good guy.

“You are talking about Bai Ling’s story?” Ning Dao said casually.

“Experts, it is the most classic one in one export, a model of my generation.” Xu Fan said hehe.

“But I still like Xiaorou who was forced to dual cultivation, this photo-taking stone.”

“Ahem, Elder’s forget our conversation above, let’s say serious things.” Ning Dao said sternly.

“Voidling Venerable has been in this realm for almost 10,000 years. If the information I get is good, there will be at most 200 years, then the Venerable will ascend to the fairy realm.”

“Otherwise, let’s wait.” Ning Dao said.

“That’s not good, it’s not that the most precious thing about the Venerable Venerable is Su Elder. I didn’t see my baby bid before I ascended. That’s a shame.” Although Xu Fan said so, the expression in his eyes was very obvious. .

“Before the big Elder goes, it’s best to make a suicide note,” Ning Dao said.

“You must die? There is no way to relax.” Xu Fan frowned and said.

“No, the people who proposed marriage in the past were all shot to death by the virtual spirit Venerable.” Ning Dao shook his head and said.

“So decisive, aren’t you afraid that his daughter will not get married in the future.”

At this time, Xu Fan received another message from Li Xingci in Magic Treasures.

“Master, wait for Tian’er to tell her Master before you go!!”

“Are you so reckless as a teacher?” Xu Fan said with a frown.However, Xu Fan’s heart slowly eased. Although the proposal of marriage has been resolved, there is still the dowry matter, which makes Xu Fan a little bit troubled.

“Hey, this is the trouble of Gao marrying.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at the underground space where the monster star ark was stored.

“Otherwise, think of a way in advance to get this demon starship, and it won’t be shameful to be a betrothal gift.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

“Ning Dao Dage, you said that using this star boat as a dowry is not up to the grade.” Xu Fan asked.

“Go on, that’s just too good.”

“This dowry is enough to marry Mahayana Venerable, Elder, do we have a star boat at the Hidden Spirit Gate?” Ning Dao said in surprise.

“Hey, guess.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

After the two chatted for a while, Ning Dao facilitated Xu Fan’s farewell and returned to Linsen Xiancheng.

Xu Fan returned to his small courtyard, before he had waited for the cultivation, a wave of wonderful power spread throughout the Yinlingmen.

“I made it!!”

The excitement of the sand sculpture resounded throughout the hidden spirit gate.

Xu Fan’s figure also appeared on the Refining Peak.

“Meet Elder,” the disciples headed by Thunder Blade saluted.

“Well, what is Sha Elder’s exciting new results?” Xu Fan asked. He didn’t rush into the sand sculpture refining room. This is the most basic respect for a refining master.

“Big Elder, come in.” A voice came from the sand carving refining room.


Xu Fan walked into the refining room, and the sand sculptures in the refining room that hadn’t been seen in a few years looked very sloppy, and his whole body exuded a greasy smell, except for the clear and firm eyes.

In front of the sand sculpture is a bronze metal block measuring one meter square.

“Senior Brother Sha has researched the Dao Item grade alloy formula.” Xu Fan said, looking at the metal block with different fluctuations in front of him.

“Yes, thank you Elder for your advice. Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to be promoted to Great Master for the rest of my life.” After Sand Sculpture was excited, his eyes were full of tiredness.

“I have already given the recipe to grapes. You can study this Dao Item alloy first. I can’t stand it anymore. I need to go to sleep and restore my mind.” Sha Diao said with a tired face.

“Senior Brother Sha, let me first study this Dao Item grade alloy.” Xu Fan said impatiently.

The sand sculpture turned into a light and shadow and flew towards own, leaving Xu Fan alone in the refining room.

“Grape, let me see the recipe.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of Xu Fan.

“Earth Spirit Sand, Heavy Hill Red Copper, Sky Shard Crystal, Thousand Spirit Iron, Cloud…”

After Xu Fan looked at the formula brain for a simulation, he looked at the alloy in front of him with a weird face and said: “It seems that there is no use other than replacing the puppet material and serving as the armor of the sea boat.”

“I used gadgets to refine Dao Item, that might not as good as Magical Item.”

Xu Fan used Five Elements Spirit Fire to get a small piece of alloy and began to refining and burning.

“Grape, test the data of this alloy.” Xu Fan said.


A tool puppet took the alloy that Xu Fan had taken away.

A larger piece of alloy was taken down by Xu Fan and brought to the underground space.

Ten days later, Xu Fan looked at the data in his hand and was a little dazed.

“This plan to build the Starship battleship has not yet started, and the materials are in place ahead of schedule.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

After several days of testing, Xu Fan found that this alloy is most suitable as the main material for the hulls of sea boats and star boats.

As for other aspects, the performance is very general, and its only use is to serve as the main material of the puppet, so that it can barely refine the virtual-level puppet.

At this time, after the sand sculpture woke up, he went directly to the underground space.

“Big Elder, how about this alloy, can you make Dao Item?”

“When I was asleep, I had a nightmare. I dreamt that the Dao Item made from this alloy was not as good as a treasure.” Sha Diao said.

Xu Fan was taken aback, when did you dream so accurate.

“One good news and one bad news, Brother Sha wants to hear that one.” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“Bad news.” Sand Sculpture said without hesitation.

“Senior Brother Sha’s dream is very heavy. The Dao Item made from this alloy is really not as good as a treasure.” Xu Fan said.

“I…” The sand sculpture’s expression instantly became unhappy.

“It seems that my formula still needs modification.” Sand Sculpture said in a low voice.

As soon as the sand sculpture said, he walked out, preparing to return to the refining chamber to continue his struggle.

“Hey, Brother Sha doesn’t listen to the good news.” Xu Fan said.

“Needless to say, it must be Elder who comforted me. I can still hold the Lord with this blow.”

“Don’t go, sit down and listen to me tell you.” Xu Fan said.

“We used to be the Floating Boat at the Gate of Heaven, do you remember Brother Sha?” Xu Fan asked.

“Remember, what’s wrong.” Sha Sculpture asked.

“I have studied the Dao Item grade alloy above, what’s wrong.”

“The alloy developed by Brother Sha is even better than the main material of the floating boat.”

“If you optimize it, you can make the main material of Xingzhou.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Really!” Sand Sculpture said in surprise.

A Jade Slip appeared in Xu Fan’s hands.

“This is a secret map of the manufacture of a sea boat. If you use Brother Sha’s alloy as the main body, it will be at least a generation stronger than the overall data of the floating sky boat.” Xu Fan said.

The design drawing of this sea boat was designed by Xu Fan by letting Grape use his free computing power.

The sand sculpture looked at Jade Slip in Xu Fan’s hand with shining eyes, and then got Xu Fan’s signal, took it directly, and began to study.

This research is one day.

When the sand sculpture woke up, Xu Fan was eating next to him.

“It turns out that the core psychic power source of the sea boat is designed like this.” The sand sculpture exclaimed, and a major problem that plagued him was solved.

“Is this sea boat designed by Elder?” Sha Sculpture asked.

“That’s right.” Xu Fan said. He made grapes by himself, and grapes deduced the design of the sea boat. After leaving the middle part, the design of the sea boat was designed by himself.

“Can Elder teach me?” Sand Sculpture said, kneeling down to apprentice.

Xu Fan hurriedly used Spirit Power to control the sand sculpture and prevented the sand sculpture’s apprenticeship.

In the world of cultivating immortals, both the refining master and the pill refining master can have multiple Masters at the same time.

“Senior Brother Sha, you are damaging me.” Xu Fan said, thinking, don’t become the master of sand sculptures.

“We communicate on an equal footing, and it’s easy to say anything without apprenticeship.” Xu Fan said.

“All right,” Sha Diao said regretfully, getting up.”When I became a refiner, I wanted to refine a sea boat like a floating boat.”

“At that time, my Master said that if you want to refine the floating boat, you need not only the skill of refining, but more importantly, the refiner who designed the floating boat.”

“Big Elder, if I learn this skill, I will be able to fulfill the ambition I made when I was a child.” Sand Sculpture said sincerely.

“Senior Brother Sha, what is our relationship? These are all trivial matters.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Big Elder, with our Sect’s current financial resources, can we gather the materials for the sea boat in the Jade Slip?” Sha Sculpture asked.

“That’s not a matter of a word.” Xu Fan said boldly. After completing a few Dao Item orders, his small vault has become rich, and it is more than enough to gather a set of materials for the sea boat.

“Well, can I make this sea boat?” The sand sculpture saw that the time was ripe and planned to fulfill his childhood wish.

Xu Fan looked at the enthusiastic eyes of Sha Sculpture, nodded and said, “Yes, but the Cultivation Base of Senior Brother Yisha Gold Core, isn’t it a bit too close?”

“It’s okay, after the successful refining of the Dao Item, the feedback has made up for my Cultivation Base. I can advance to the Nascent Soul stage in up to three months,” said the sand sculpture.

“Hey, that’s not right. Why is the big Elder still in the Gold Core stage? According to the Dao Item refined by the big Elder, the feedback I got is that it is enough to be promoted to the God stage.” Then the sand sculpture asked puzzled.

“…” Xu Fan felt uncomfortable for an instant, feeling a little unwilling to speak.

“Uh, don’t care about these details, since Brother Sha wants to refine the sea boat, then I will let Pang Fu purchase the raw materials.”

“In addition, Senior Brother Sha is also looking for a place to refine the sea boat.”

Xu Fan’s words quickly drew the sand sculpture’s attention.

“Find it, a thousand miles northwest of the main peak, that canyon just fits the refining sea boat.” The sand sculpture began to get excited when he talked about refining the sea boat.

“That’s fine, I’ll let Grape help you remodel it later.” Xu Fan said.

“That’s good.”

Afterwards, Sand Sculpture asked Jade Slip Zhonghaizhou refining technology questions, and Xu Fan patiently answered them one by one.

After three days, Sect came to visit and the two people stopped the technology exchange.

In the main peak welcoming room, Xu Fan looked at Qianling Venerable, who was full of spring, and the puppet carrying the grape clone next to him.

“This is this period of time, the share and rent that Xingzhou has harvested.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

Xu Fan took the Interspatial Ring, without checking it, and handed it over to the puppet next to it.

“Looking at the Venerable spring breeze, is it a good thing?” Xu Fan said with a smile. In fact, I knew in my heart that Qianling Venerable destroyed two smuggled monster warships and finally captured it. A complete monster battleship of the monster race.

Qianling Venerable is also fiercely in the circle controlled by their Venerable star boat.

“Haha, I won’t tell you, Xu Da Elder should know.”

“Not much, I’ll know when Elder sees the dividend.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

Now, the puppet in his hand has caused a lot of Venerable prying eyes, but the secret country work, he does it strictly, in the eyes of other Venerables, he has obtained a powerful Dao Item or fairy.

“Haha, thank Venerable for giving me a chance to get rich.” Xu Fan smiled.

“Thank you, it’s all due.”

“But I learned this time, hoping that Elder can help me strengthen the spirit of this puppet.”

“I found that after the puppet encountered more than two starships or more enemies, the operation of the puppet was obviously a bit unable to keep up.”

“When we destroyed the three demon starships, I was almost hit.” Qianling Venerable said. Since having this puppet that can help him control the starships, he seems to have taken a strange path.

“…” Xu Fan was speechless.

You are very demanding when you operate Tingcai.

“How do you want to strengthen Venerable?” Xu Fan asked.

“Replace the weapon spirit in this puppet with the great weapon spirit in your Sect.”

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