Chapter 250

Demon spirit world, outside the territory of thick armor and honeypot.

The thick armored honey badger No. 1 saw the tool puppet escaping from the underground base.

“What’s the master’s order?” No. 1 thick armored badger asked, wondering in his heart. Previously, orders were transmitted directly by voice. Why would there be a puppet here this time, and he didn’t exchange anything.

The tool puppet did not speak, and took out a space treasure and handed it to the No. 1 thick armor honey badger, and then handed it a demon jade.

“What’s going on?” The No. 1 thick armor honey badger took Yao Yu and began to check the information inside.

“The master’s base was destroyed by a group of spiders.” The expression of the thick armored badger number one became more and more serious.

Then he saw that the owner planned to open a small base next to his own territory and support the rise of their thick armored badger clan, and the expression of the thick armored badger slowly returned to normal.

“Master, rest assured, Number One will live up to your hopes.”

A good thing that can not only help the owner, but also help the rise of one’s own race, of course the No. 1 thick armor honey badger likes it.

At this time, more than 10,000 meters in the territory of the thick armor and honey badger, a team of excavating puppets had dug a room, and then the teleportation circle was activated, and the ordinary puppets of the Yihua God stage walked out of the teleportation circle.

This is the puppet carrying the grape clone, it changed into a vest and came to the demon world.

As soon as the puppets came out, hundreds of custom-made Yaozu space-based satellites over the Ten Thousand-Heavy Mountain Range were activated, and they began to slowly shift towards the thick armored badger clan.

At this time, the Wanzhong Mountain Range was 10,000 meters below the ground. A small goblin spider in the transformation stage followed a five-meter-long ground crystal spider.

“Mother Master, this underground space is just right for me to build a nest. Can this place be given to me?” The little earth crystal spider cautiously said to her mother.

I was able to call Master Mother to support me. I was so lucky to beg for it. I don’t know if this request can be accepted.

“I want to build my own nest by myself before the fit period.”

“Xiaosi, did you know that if other children say this, they will have lost the right to continue living.”

“But as my most gifted child, forget it this time, I want to build my own nest, and I’ll talk about it after I grow up to a fit period by my side.”

Six pairs of scarlet eyes stared at the little earth crystal spider, containing endless brutality and killing intent.

“My mother, I know.” The little earth crystal spider lowered his head and said.

“This place is good. It’s very suitable for building a nest. I don’t know which clan behind those puppets are.”

“Keep it here first. If there is no monster occupation in the future, then this place will be your lair.”

“Master thank you mother.”

In the underground space of the Hidden Spirit Island, Xu Fan looked at the initial establishment of the underground base of the thick armor and honey badger clan.

“Grape, check if there is that kind of monster clan that is good at forging and refining monster weapons in the history of the monster clan, and finally exterminates the clan.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“There are gold-eaters, earth-rocks, hundred elephants, mixed iron apes,…” Grape reported a bunch of names.

“The gold-eaters and the mixed iron apes are more suitable for the owner.”

“Both of these two demons are two tribes with high refining achievements in the history of the demons, and there are records of refining the heavenly weapons of the demons.”

The heavenly artifacts of the Yaozu are equivalent to the immortal artifacts of the human race.

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of Xu Fan, with the image of the gold-eater and the mixed-iron ape above.

“Children only make choices, I want them all.” Xu Fan looked around and said.

“It just so happens that the Gold-Eating Spirit Rat clan used to be an underground cave dweller, so let it continue to develop underground. From now on, all the puppets over there will appear in the image of the Gold-Eating Spirit Rat.”

“As for the mixed-iron apes, first find a remote place and slowly develop.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Golden Devouring Rats, first rely on the thick armor and honey badgers to develop underground.”

Xu Fan thought for a while and said, “It seems that I have to refine a Little Brother for you.”


This matter can’t get through.

A map of the demon world with the core of the Wanzhong Mountain Range slowly unfolded in front of Xu Fan.

“This area is equivalent to the continent of The Mortal Realm, with four Mahayana Demon Lords of the Demon Temple sitting on the ground.”

“The small clans that are not influential occupy 80%, and there are only five big clans with the demon veteran.”

“There are four places similar to the Wanzhong Mountains, and there are places with richer resources…”

Xu Fan started to crack the Interspatial Ring of the blind box while listening to Grape’s report.

“There are many small clans that don’t enter the stream, then I can use my dragon slaying technique.” Xu Fan said with squinting eyes.

“The theory is true, but it must be supported by top combat power,” said Grape.

“I know that we must have top combat power, but it takes time.” Xu Fan said lightly.

“Take your time and don’t rush, even if the two realms of The Mortal Realm are completely integrated, it may take several thousand years.” Xu Fan said leisurely.

According to his analysis of the situation, when the two worlds are completely integrated, there must be a big battle, but it is expected that no one can do anything about it.

Xu Fan has heard of Ning Dao’s views and analysis on the battle between the two worlds. Although the overall strength of the Monster Race is stronger than the Human Race, the top combat power of the Human Race slightly overwhelms the Monster Race, and there is another Dinghai Shenzhen sitting on The Mortal Realm, so the final victory must be Belongs to the human race.

Xu Fan agrees with Ning Dao’s view, not to mention, once he is promoted to the Mahayana stage, suppressing the Yaozu is just a matter of waving his hand.

I just don’t know if the Yaozu can survive that time.

At the same time, in the Heavenly Lianzong, Qianling Venerable looked at the already modified starship with fiery eyes.

“Qianling Venerable, the psionic core of this starship has been installed, and the speed is expected to be 1.5 times that of the original.”

“The two main guns have been debugged, but due to the strength of the starship hull, the two main guns can fire at most two salvos. One more time, the entire hull structure will be damaged.”

Qianling Venerable looked at the two modified main guns, and imagined the scene of the main gun salvos in his mind, and instantly felt that his whole soul was boiling, and he wished to go to the extreme sky to fight the monster warship for a while.

This time, he will fight ten!

“Iron Spirit Great Master, trouble you.” Qianling Venerable said gratefully.

“No thanks, those monster warships of yours are worth this price.” Tie Ling Great Master said with a smile, and then asked very cordially: “Do you want my Tianlianzong to help you with the captured monster warships? Modify it.”

“After all, there is still a difference between the battleship of the monster race and our human race, let us modify it, and you will have another star boat behind.”

At this time, Qianling Venerable suddenly felt that his own mouth was a bit cheap. Since he was going to give it to the Hidden Spirit Gate, what kind of bullshit was there. Now the entire Human Race Cultivation World knew that he had captured a monster warship of the Monster Race.

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