Chapter 263 Heavenly Demon Sect Alternative Holy Maiden

Xu Lingtai looked at the logo on his dao companion’s clothes and found it very difficult.

So quietly wrote down the symbol of the sign and sent a message to Xu Fan.

In the hidden spirit gate, Xu Fan looked at the message sent by his own disciple and the sign attached at the end.

“Grapes, what’s this sign?” Xu Fan asked.

“Heavenly Demon Sect, the top Sect outside the Central Continent, will have a hostile relationship with Elder.”

“That said, my future daughter-in-law is a devil.” Xu Fan touched his chin to think, he said that this is still within the scope of his script.

At this time, Xu Lingtai was wrapped around her neck by a pair of jade arms.

“Husband, why don’t you rest for a while.”

There is a touch of charm in the purity, just listening to the sound can make people intoxicated.

“Xier, the magical powers you used last night and the symbols on your clothes.”

“You didn’t tell me where you really came from.” Xu Lingtai said after a long silence.

“Is it important, I’m just your wife now, I’ve already broken off with the previous ones.” Mu Xi said with a complicated expression.

“If you want to understand my past, Xi’er doesn’t mind.”

Mu Xi gently pressed his forehead against Xu Lingtai’s forehead.

In an instant Xu Lingtai understood Mu Xi’s past life.

The original Heavenly Demon sect candidate for Holy Maiden, there are 10 such alternative Holy Maiden Heavenly Demon sects, and finally only one can become the Heavenly Demon sect Holy Maiden. The rest of the Holy Maiden will be turned into nourishment through secret methods to enhance the election. The foundation of Holy Maiden.

Originally Mu Xi was the strongest candidate Holy Maiden at first, and the voice of becoming Holy Maiden was also the highest.

But 20 years ago, after the last candidate, Holy Maiden, was found, everything changed. She was no longer the best one.

It took only 5 years for the candidate Holy Maiden to be suppressed, so the candidate Holy Maiden, the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect has already designated it as the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The things that followed were more clichéd. Ben Xi exhausted all means to escape from the Heavenly Demon Sect, arrived in the Central Continent, and finally fell in love with Xu Lingtai.

“If you are still the best, will you run away in the end?”

“Will it absorb the nourishment that the candidate Holy Maiden turned into?” Xu Lingtai looked at his wife with complicated eyes.

“I will still run away. When I become the Holy Maiden, I have an opportunity to choose. It is to give up the opportunity to absorb the nourishment and become the Holy Maiden, let those who are candidates for the Holy Maiden live, and then escape.”

“Unfortunately, I had no choice at that time.” Mu Xi sighed.

“Husband, do you still like me as a witch?” Mu Xi looked at Xu Lingtai nervously. As a man she had identified, she cared about Xu Lingtai’s opinion of him.

“What a witch or a witch, you are just my wife now.” Xu Lingtai said, holding Mu Xi in his arms.




Outside the hidden spirit gate, Xu Fan and Xu Gang sat on the spirit boat and chatted.

“Xu Gang, your daughter-in-law is not easy.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I went to the Dinet and found out that there was no information about that woman, so I knew it was not easy.”

Xu Gang poured a cup of tea for Xu Fan.

“Master, do you have news about that woman?” Xu Gang asked.

“I just know that the lady is from the Heavenly Demon Sect.” Xu Fan said.

Xu Gang paused and began to read the information of Heavenly Demon Sect through grapes.

After reading the information of Heavenly Demon Sect, Xu Gang’s performance was very flat.

“As long as Lingtai likes it, nothing else is important. Someone needs to go through me first if they are looking for trouble.” Xu Gang said that a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and a huge Golden Crow phantom was looming behind him.

“Yes, you have learned three kinds of magical powers. After the remaining Jin Xi Tianxia and Wood World come to learn, you can combine Five Elements and break the infant and transform the gods.”

“In this way, your foundation will be extremely strong, and the Heavenly Tribulation in the future will be an existence that has been passed by casually.”

“At that time, your combat power was at the same level. Except for the openers, you could fight casually.” Xu Fan said slowly.

“It’s all cultivated by the Master.” Xu Gang, who had a fierce look just now, has now returned to a silly look.

“When the ten-year period of Lingtai expires, let him return to Sect.”

“Looking at their affectionate energy, it may not be long before you will be a grandfather.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan said, tapping the surface of the 100,000-mile lake with his hand, and the five Spiritual Qi gathered in the heavens and the earth.

A Nascent Soul mermaid holding a steel fork appeared, and a blue ice armor bowed to Xu Fan on the water.

“See the master.”

“Go catch a sky blue marlin.” Xu Fan casually ordered.

“Yes.” The mermaid plunged into the huge lake of 100,000 miles with a steel fork in his hand.

“Master, this is what you condense with supernatural powers.” Xu Gang asked curiously.

“Some time ago, thanks to your little sister, I got a few more interesting Cultivation Techniques.” Xu Fan said.

“Now Yuexian has turned into a spiritual stage, and is solidifying Realm.”

“Promoting with Medicine Pill has a mediocre foundation. I am afraid that Transcends Tribulation will be a bit difficult in the future.” Xu Fan sighed.

“Yuexian told me, she also regrets a little now.” Xu Gang said.

“So you will talk more about your little sister in the future, let her not eat anything outside.” Xu Fan said.


At this time, the mermaid speared a sky blue marlin out of the water.

“Master, the sky blue marlin has been caught.” The Nascent Soul mermaid said respectfully.

“Yes, it’s the most delicious body type.”

“Send the fish to the Yinlingmen Canteen, and then you can return.” Xu Fan said.


The mermaid of the Nascent Soul period speared the fish and flew towards the hidden spirit gate.

Xu Gang looked a little strange next to him.

“How is the combat power of the Demonic Beasts summoned by the Master?” Xu Gang asked.

“With almost the same equipment, this mermaid has completely abused you.” Xu Fan said.

“Would you like to try.”

Xu Fan used supernatural powers to condense into a human-like faceless cultivator, which is also in the Nascent Soul period.

Xu Gang stared at the condensed five-faced cultivator, thinking about a question, did he provoke the Master again recently.

“Master, how are you looking at me these days.” Xu Gang asked cautiously.

“It’s okay, Cultivation Base’s combat power has grown rapidly, and I am very pleased to be a teacher.” Xu Fan said.

“The faceless cultivator condensed by the Master, Master will not personally control it.” Xu Gang asked again.

“That’s so much nonsense.”

Xu Fan waved his hand, and a force that Xu Gang could not resist directly pushed Xu Gang into the sky.

The faceless cultivator standing on the lake disappeared instantly.

Suddenly the water in the sky, Spiritual Qi rioted, directly condensed into a big sword in the air, and smashed it down at Xu Gang in mid-air.

Seeing this posture, Xu Gang immediately felt relieved. As long as the Master does not control the faceless cultivator himself, he has a chance of winning.

‘Supernatural Power: Frozen Void’

The entire space suddenly burst into an astonishing chill, as if it was freezing the entire space.

The faceless cultivator also turned into an ice sculpture in this astonishing cold.

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