Chapter 265

Xu Fan nodded looking at the thick armored badger number one.

It doesn’t seem to be the pig’s feet of the demon race, Xu Fan said in his heart, so that he can control this majestic and majestic honey badger with confidence.

At the moment when Xu Fan’s killing intent locked the No. 1 thick armored honey badger, although there was a look of despair in his eyes, the depth of his desperate eyes was a longing for that glimmer of life.

He thinks that the owner in front of him has no reason to kill himself.

The number one thick armor honey badger looked at the fingers hovering between his eyebrows and knew that his own life was saved.

“The demon slave will always put the owner’s interests first.” The thick armor honey badger knelt down and said humblely.

“Oh, then what is your ethnic group?” Xu Fan asked with interest. He became a little interested in the thick armored badger in front of him.

“Second place,” said the thick armored badger.

“I can solve the sequelae of your thick armored badger clan fighting, but I need the allegiance and soul origin of all the talented thick armored badger in your clan.” Xu Fan made a very excessive request.

Because once the origin of the soul is controlled by outsiders, it will never be turned back, including future generations, will be implicated by Karma.

At this time, the thick armored badger became silent. He understood that once he agreed to this request, his own race would be completely controlled by the owner in front of him in the future, and he did not dare to gamble.

“Go back and think for yourself, I won’t force you.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan, transformed by the five-spirited monkey, gently covered the top of the head of No. 1 thick armor honey badger with the palm of his hand, and added another control yoke deep in his soul.

“The support for your clan remains the same as before.” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you, Master.”

“Go back, you will set out to solve your family’s problems.”

“Yes,” said the thick armored badger.

In the demon spirit world, in the puppet base 10,000 meters below the territory of the thick armored honey badger clan.

An aura flashed through the teleportation array, and the No. 1 thick armor honey badger walked out of the teleportation array.

Feeling the shackles of control deep in his soul, he felt very heavy.

However, after looking around the entire underground puppet base and the production lines of Magic Treasures, the mood of the No. 1 thick armor honey badger slowly became clear again.

For the races that are not in the demon spirit world, everything he sees in front of them can make his family take refuge in them without hesitation.

“Strength~” the thick armored badger muttered.

At this time, the Yihua god stage puppet came over with an empty bone.

“This is what you need, and there are 5,000 sets, the armor of your clan.”

After receiving the empty bone, the No. 1 thick armor honey badger said gratefully: “During this time, our clan will swallow the sand snake clan’s territory, and you can arrange for the puppets to deploy there.”

“Okay, just tell me if you have any difficulties.” The God Huanqi puppet said with a smile on his face.

“Well, I hope you can provide a little more detoxification and healing spirit pill at that time.” No. 1 thick armor honey badger said respectfully.

“The puppet has been arranged to start refining, and it will be fine to come over and get it after ten days.” The god-changing puppet said.

“You bothered.” No. 1 thick armor honey badger said respectfully.

“The more you expand the territory of your clan, I will be able to collect more resources here, and it will not be a problem to provide you with Dao Items in the future,” said the God-Human Puppet.


At this time, at a distance of hundreds of millions of miles from the territory of the thick armored honey badger, hundreds of gold-eating squirrel rats were traveling a hundred meters underground, encountering mountains and opening mountains, diving in water, and eating gold in encounters with gold.

The original thousands of gold-eating spirit rats have been reduced to 10%.

During the trip, the Golden Rat encountered countless demons living underground. The weak directly slaughtered, and the strong fled.

I don’t know how much time has passed before the Golden Devouring Rat came to a huge forest of poisonous miasma.

“It meets the conditions for the establishment of the base, and there is no inflowing monster race in the surrounding area.”

“The base teleportation array began to be established.”

Thousands of meters underground in the Poisonous Miasma Forest, a space as large as a football field, with a mysterious teleportation array in the center, and gold-eating rat puppets around it.

Inside the hidden spirit gate, Xu Fan, who was refining Dao Item, received a report from Grape.

“The group of gold-eating spirit rats and puppets found a suitable place to build a base, the poisonous forest, don’t enter, this place is good.” Xu Fan said while looking at the map projected by grapes.

“Then leave a mixed-iron ape puppet to develop in this area.”

“In addition, I have to figure out a way to make a few fake and real iron apes, so that they can fool people at the late stage.” Xu Fan thought.

“Grape has formulated a corresponding plan, when the time comes, the owner only needs to help.”

Putao’s answer made Xu Fan very satisfied. This is a good tool for sharing the worries of the master.

At this time, I was refining Dao Item’s first clone with Xu Fan and couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Ontology, when you talk about business, talk about business, don’t stop.”

“The Demon Star of Town No. 2 is without you. If the refining is successful, I don’t know that it will be the Year of the Monkey.” Clone No. 1 said angrily.

“Isn’t there something wrong with me.”

At this time, Xu Fan’s communicator rang.

Xu Fan’s figure instantly disappeared into the underground space.

“Let’s look for me as a disciple. I’ll see what’s going on. I’ll be back soon.”

Xu Fan’s voice echoed in the underground space.

“I believe you a ghost!!”

Inside the mountain plain behind the main peak of Yinlingmen, in a dojo.

“Master, I was wrong, I shouldn’t be promoted to the stage of transformation so hastily.” Xu Yuexian lowered his head and said.

“Don’t blame you, you were in the trap at the time.”

“It’s not that the foundation of the Nascent Soul period is not well laid. There are many secret methods behind that can solve this problem.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“When you are promoted to the stage of transforming into gods as a teacher, I will train you the spirit of the immortal implements and help you build the supreme immortal foundation.”

As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, Xu Yuexian’s Interspatial Ring trembled.

“Hey, since the consciousness is awakened, let’s come out and have a chat.” Xu Fan said while looking at Xu Yuexian’s Interspatial Ring.

“You are a nether cultivator, why dare to refine me.” A little boy’s voice came out.

Xu Fan looked at Xu Yuexian and asked, “Yuexian, is this immortal tool useful?”

“At present, we can only make Magic Treasures more powerful, and nothing else is of much use.” Xu Yuexian said.

“If the Master is useful, just take it away,” Xu Yuexian said.

“Did you protect food last time.” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“Didn’t that be fooled by the name in the first place.”

At this time, Xu Yuexian’s Interspatial Ring issued a repulsive force, directly pushing the fairy spirit out.

“It turns out to be a picture scroll, very rare.” Xu Fan said with squinting eyes.

Then a purple halo directly trapped the scroll-like fairy artifact spirit, and finally turned into a purple spirit orb and fell on Xu Yuexian’s palm.

“The master of this spirit is still alive in the immortal world. As long as you spend a long time with this spirit spirit, you will be bewitched by it, and finally taken away.”

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