Chapter 267-I’m Sorry

“Less than 10%.” Wang Xiangchi worried.

At this time, Jian Wuji, who had recovered a bit of body consciousness, slowly stretched out his hand, indicating that 10% is fine.

“Master, you’re not saying that Wuji is a man of destiny, ten percent should be able to succeed.” Wang Xiangchi said through voice transmission.

“Yes, your baby apprentice is a man of destiny. Although it is only 10%, he will succeed under the guidance of Heavenly Dao’s will.” Xu Fan said calmly with a smile.

The elixir in the sky is still being turned into pure medicinal power by the five-linged monkeys and injected into Jian Wuji’s body to replace the source of curse.

“The Cultivation Base of Wuji is saved.” Jian Wuji smiled, thinking that after Jian Wuji recovered, he would take him to find the evil demon clan poisonous baby of the transformation stage for revenge.

“You underestimate the Man of Destiny. There is a 10% chance that you will succeed 100%.”

“As a man of destiny, of course you can’t use such mediocre methods to treat. If you want to play, just play a little exciting.” Xu Fan said, this kind of pig’s feet European Emperor physique, if you don’t play a little exciting, you can’t stand the two pigs’ feet. Words.

At this time, a few rays of light flashed in the distance.

A five-linged monkey and a pangolin plus a puppet during the refining period.

“Pangolin, think empty, accept my control.” Xu Fan’s voice reached the pangolin’s ears.


Afterwards, the Five Spirit Monkey, who was treating Jian Wuji, turned all the elixir in the sky into spiritual mist and finally condensed into a green ball, exuding a strong source of life.

Slowly floating above Jian Wuji, a silk thread was drawn from it and pierced towards Jian Wuji’s eyebrows.

Then the five-linged monkey flew into the sky.

“It’s exciting, Master, what do you mean?” Wang Xiangchi asked suspiciously.

“Hey, it’s not interesting to absorb the origin of a demon clan transforming god-stage poisonous baby.”

“If you want to play, just play something big, and absorb the origin of their poisonous baby clan in the opposite direction.” Xu Fan said with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

“I know that the poisonous baby clan is a race that is not popular in the demon spirit world. Although difficult to deal with, the highest Cultivation Base in the clan is the fit period.”

“Reverse the curse, link the poisonous baby clan with Karma’s power, and let Jian Wuji absorb the origin of all the poisonous baby of their clan.”

“The probability of success is less than 1%. As long as it can be achieved, the Poison Baby Clan will be the source library of Jian Wuji in the future, which can be drawn at any time.” Xu Fan explained.

“Master, is it a bit too risky?” Wang Xiangchi said.

“Believe to be a teacher.”

At this time, in the sky, two five-spirited monkeys and a refining virtual puppet formed a triangle, surrounding the spirit boat where the sword Wuji was in the middle.

The pangolin in the fit period sits in the center of the town.

“Grape, I just passed it to you, do you remember the curse reversal formation?”

“I control the pangolin, you control the five-spirited monkey and the puppet of the refining period.” Xu Fan said.


In an instant, the eyes of the two five-spirited monkeys and the puppeted eyes in the refining period became emotionless, leaving only the purest reason.

Xu Fan led Wang Xiangchi out of the spirit boat a few kilometers away, and then a huge dark red formation appeared in the void.

A layer of red clouds slowly gathered in the direction of the large array.

At this time, a Nine Heavens galaxy-like spiritual liquid fell in the sky as the energy source to drive the large array.

The dark red formation slowly formed, and an indescribable phantom representing Karma’s power floated above the formation.

“Master, this formation of yours is a bit rude.” Wang Xiangchi said as he looked at the bloody red cloud covering the large formation.

“Guess that the means of sucking up their family’s original force of luck is not serious.” Xu Fan said with a smile while looking at Wang Xiangchi.

“It should be serious,” Wang Xiangchi said uncertainly.

“It should be removed, it’s not serious.” Xu Fan gave a white glance and said the own silly apprentice.

Compared with the serious methods of cultivation, Xu Fan still likes the unscrupulous Demon Cultivator method. He feels that the method of Demon Cultivator is much more interesting.

At this time, a large dark red formation was completely formed, and a dark red light with the thickness of a telephone pole poured into Jian Wuji’s body, as if there was a bottomless abyss.

The pangolin’s eyes were blood-red at this time, and the bleeding red aura on the whole body looked abnormally evil.

The power of Karma deduced and changed in the sky above Jian Wuji, and from time to time, the power of Karma poured into Jian Wuji through the blood-red beam of light.

Wang Xiangchi felt his scalp numb when he saw this weird formation. This formation gave him a cruel feeling.

At this time, in a poisonous fog-shrouded area in the wilderness of the Central Continent, a monster poisonous baby was shining with inexplicable light, and a chain of rune chains gushed out of the poisonous baby’s body, trying to tie the poisonous baby’s whole body.

“Meet a master who cursed together.” Poison Baby said, feeling the weak counteracting force emerging from the curse secret technique in her body.

The chains on Poison Baby’s body were broken one by one, and new chains emerged from behind, which were stronger and more resilient than last time.

“Master, Wuji is all right,” Wang Xiangchi said, looking at Jian Wuji’s trembling body.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little bit painful. Just hold on and it’s okay.” Xu Fan said with his eyes closed. At this time, he wanted to control the pangolin with all his heart to maintain a large formation.

At this time, Jian Wuji was like a torture ground with a sick body, and then he was stabbed with thousands of swords, and the pain was so painful that he couldn’t even make a sound.

I just felt that a big stick was breaking my own bones, and then he was healed by another person, and then I was smashed by the big stick.

If Jian Wuji knew what Xu Fan said, he would definitely complain and insist on your NNGT

At this moment, the chain on Poison Baby’s body broke down, and Jian Wuji felt like a bone had been taken out of him. If he didn’t want to look at his mother again, Jian Wuji hoped that he would die immediately.

At this time, as the chain on Poison Baby’s body became more and more tough, it had reached the point where he could break free.

“If you want my roots, well, I’ll give it to you, and see if you can withstand a small foundation building period.”

At this time, the poisonous baby gave up resistance, let the chain tie her whole body, and then began to absorb his origin.

The blood-red big formation above Jian Wuji began to slowly change its formation, and then a source of power emerged from Jian Wuji, and the injury recovered in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

The skin that was originally pale and bloodless began to slowly become ruddy.

“Master, did you succeed?” Wang Xiangchi said with joy.

“What is the success?” Xu Fan said.

“Genyuan started to feed back, isn’t this a good thing?” Wang Xiangchi said suspiciously.

“Nothing is too much. If you make up too much, it’s more uncomfortable than the pain.”

At this time, Jian Wuji’s body began to swell, and his skin began to become excessively ruddy, like a well-cooked prawn.

“As long as you can survive this level, you can start to absorb the origins of the poisonous baby clan behind.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“This percentage has passed, and the back is only one percent.”

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