Chapter 274 The Giant Tortoise Returning from Pregnancy

“I found a Seven-Colored Peanut Flower in a ruin in the Fantasy Sea Fairy City, which I refined into a Samsara clone.” There was a trace of melancholy in Li Xingci’s faint tone.

The chance he had just got was taken away by his wife Master.

“Seven colors of the other shore flower, your kid is lucky.”

The seven colors of the other shore flower will begin to decline the moment it comes into contact with the breath of life, and it will not work, so this thing has not been preserved until now.

After seeing the Seven Colors of the Other Bank, if there is no corresponding secret method, it will directly decline.

Knowing that Li Xingci used the seven colors of the other shore flower to refine his body, Xu Fan was relieved.

“Are you with Su Rantian now?” Xu Fan asked again.

“Now Su Rantian is trapped by his Master.” There was a hint of helplessness in Li Xingci’s tone. Is there any way to save people from a Venerable.

“Can you still contact Su Elder now?” Xu Fan asked.

“If you can get in touch, Tian’er said, let me not worry, now his Master is about to ascend to the immortal world, and it is estimated that he will agree to the marriage of the two of us at that time.”

“Hey, I blame the low Master Cultivation Base, otherwise I will take you directly to grab your wife back.” Xu Fan said.

“Master doesn’t need it. Actually, it’s pretty good now. Thanks to the Seven Colors of the Other Shore Flower, after a while, the disciple’s Cultivation Base will be able to break through to the spiritual transformation stage, and just take advantage of this time to return to the Sect meditation cultivation.” Li Xingci said.

“Okay.” Xu Fan nodded and said.

Xu Fan ended the call, looked up to the sky and said with emotion: “Another apprentice is about to advance to the stage of transformation.”,

After calculating the time for me to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, he sighed deeply.

At this time, in a dark river in the huge lake of 100,000 miles, a giant tortoise of the transformation stage brought twelve turtles of the Gold Core stage of different colors to the huge lake of 100,000 miles.

Xu Fan’s figure appeared above one hundred thousand miles, waiting for the return of the old turtle.

“It’s not easy, I’m finally back.” Xu Fan said with emotion.

Xu Fan has lost a lot of fun since the giant tortoise with his sons went out to accept the inheritance.

Whenever Xu Fan was fishing on the spirit boat, he would think of the group of little turtles.

A wave appeared on the calm lake in the distance, first a small red flower appeared on the lake, then a huge wave was set off, and the whole body was exposed.

Afterwards, twelve turtles with the size of a basketball court appeared on their back shells. The twelve colors look very beautiful against the sun.

“My God, what have you experienced.” Xu Fan said, looking at the barnacle of the giant tortoise in the transformation stage.


After seeing Xu Fan, the giant tortoise roared, as if to say hello to Xu Fan that I was back.

As the giant tortoise got closer and closer to Xu Fan, the tortoise shell full of barnacles gave Xu Fan a tingling scalp.

Looking at the smooth back shells of the other twelve Gold Core turtles, Xu Fan could guess what was going on.

The huge head of the giant tortoise head leaned in front of Xu Fan and gently rubbed Xu Fan’s hand, indicating that he was in pain now.

“I know, I will clean it up for you now.” Xu Fan said comfortingly.

When Xu Fan’s palm touched the giant tortoise, Xu Fan felt that the giant tortoise was so painful that his soul was trembling.

Looking at the tortoise shell barnacles with satisfaction, Xu Fan felt excited when he thought of shoveling these barnacles one by one.

A Tier 4 spirit sword appeared in Xu Fan’s hands, and a Sword Ray was cut out, and a gold core barnacle was cut off against the tortoise shell.

The barnacles on the giant giant tortoise are the highest in the Nascent Soul stage. They protect the young barnacles from safely attaching to the shell of the giant giant tortoise.

Xu Fan landed on the tortoise shell that had just been cut out, and began to look around the barnacles attached to the tortoise shell.

Barnacles in the Foundation Building period are equivalent to the size of an adult, the Gold Core period is the size of a carriage, and the Nascent Soul period is equivalent to a heavy truck.

At this time, countless mental attacks attacked Xu Fan. This was Barnacle’s attack method, which directly affected the soul.

Then he put a shield on himself to block the barnacle’s soul attack. Xu Fan held a spirit sword and didn’t use magical powers. He just cut out the Sword Ray one after another, like a harvester, harvesting the surrounding barnacles frantically.

At this time, around the giant tortoise head, there were hundreds of Nascent Soul puppets next to the barnacles cut by Xu Fan. This was the most delicious seafood, and he would not let it go.

At this time, Xu Gang appeared next to the giant tortoise and asked, “Master, do you need any help?”

Seeing Xu Fan harvesting like grass, Xu Gang flashed a little excitement, and he really wanted to do so.

“No, you are watching by the side, there will be a place for you to work.”

As Xu Fan said, he cut out Sword Ray to harvest the barnacles around here.

“As expected to be the Master, the Sword Rays cut out are so intriguing.” Xu Gang exclaimed. The Sword Ray made him feel a tingling scalp.

At this moment, the barnacle suppressed by Xu Fan directly changed the target to Xu Gang.


With a sound of hoofs, the phantom of the three-legged Golden Crow appeared behind Xu Gang, blocking Barnacle’s soul attack.

“There are no soft persimmons here.” Xu Gang snorted coldly.

The tortoise shell that resembled a small island was chopped by Xu Fan for a full afternoon, and finally it was cleaned up.

“Xu Gang.” Xu Fan ordered.

“Master, I am here.” Xu Gang hurriedly replied, finally it was his turn.

“You are responsible for polishing.” Xu Fan said, pointing to the potholes and some ordinary small barnacles.


Xu Gang directly used his magical powers to condense a steel brush, and began to use Spirit Power to control the large steel brush to brush on the turtle shell.

Standing on the head of the giant tortoise, Xu Fan began to enter the soul space of the giant tortoise with his spiritual thoughts.

The barnacles of the endless sea are a very magical species. They will not only adhere to the appearance of giant sea beasts, but also penetrate into the soul and bury seeds in the soul of the giant beast.

In this way, even after the outer shell is removed, it can be reborn with the help of the seed buried in the soul of the giant beast.

In the soul space of the giant tortoise head, Xu Fan transformed a large tongs and pulled out the seeds in the soul space one by one.

Every time he pulls out a seed, Xu Fan feels his own soul is purified.

It didn’t take long for Xu Fan to pluck out all the seeds.

Xu Fan returned with spiritual thoughts and directly released a ball of spiritual fire to burn all these seeds.

At this time, Xu Gang had polished the tortoise shell, and the whole tortoise shell reflected the dazzling light against the sun.

Xu Fan looked at the newly renewed giant tortoise and said with satisfaction: “Yes, not bad~~”


The giant tortoise whispered softly, expressing gratitude to Xu Fan.

“You are welcome, you are also considered to be the spirit beast of our Hidden Spirit Island. This should be the case.” Xu Fan said with a smile, waving his hand to indicate that he was not so polite.


The giant tortoise made Xu Fan’s expression weird again.

“Are you pregnant again?” Xu Fan said with a strange expression.

Your child hasn’t grown up, isn’t it good?


“You were strengthened by a dragon, and you were pregnant with its child!!”

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