Chapter 278

At this time, an angry roar came from a small house in Wanyu Xiancheng, but it was blocked by the small courtyard sound-absorbing array.

Zheng Feng looked at the pile of fake Interspatial Rings condensed with spirit iron in front of him, a little stunned.

“The disguise of this Interspatial Ring turned out to be better than what I did.” Zhengfeng said in disbelief.

After calming down, the positive wind watched his hard work for more than a year turned into a pile of scrap iron, and he didn’t feel too sorry. The masters could only blame themselves for inferior tricks.

He even wanted to find the young man to learn from his experience, oh no, he should be called senior now, after all, there are few cultivators in this line, so it’s rare to meet together.

“It would be great if I could see that senior again.” Zhengfeng said regretfully.

At this time, in the Yinlingmen, Xu Fan called Xu Yuexian out.

“I ran into your old acquaintance when I was out. I didn’t notice him, but I didn’t expect him to attack me.”

“Since I met, let’s go through the process.”

Xu Fan gave Xu Yuexian the reduced Zhen Yaoxing II.

“Take this, go and sell your old friend again.”

“Grape will report his location in real time.”

“It seems that since the last time I escaped, the price has risen again, and it just happens to be able to subsidize some households. Recently, the nutrition of the giant dragon head turtle has begun to fail to keep up.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, the Spirit Stones in the hidden spirit gate treasury were about to reach the warning line. If it weren’t for the demon spirit world and Qian Lingzong’s dividends from time to time, it is estimated that the financial crisis has already begun.

“Yes.” Xu Yuexian happily took the Demon Star of Town No.2 that Xu Fan handed over and flew towards Linsen Xiancheng. This kind of thing has become familiar.

“There are still four years, and four more years, those dragon eggs will be able to come out.”

“At that time, Sect will have six more dragon-blood turtles.” Xu Fan said.

During this time, Xu Fan had a monthly salary of 3000, raised a 4.0 displacement gas tiger, and was driving the car at the expense of his family.

After arranging Zhengfeng’s affairs, Xu Fan turned his attention to the bag of Interspatial Ring on the stone table.

“I don’t know if there are any good things.” Xu Fan said with a smile. When he returned, Xu Fan opened a few Interspatial Rings and found that most of them were worn by Gold Core and Nascent Soul cultivators.

Most of them are useless Magic Treasures and Cultivation Techniques.

Xu Fan called a few puppets from the treasure house to classify the things in the Interspatial Ring.

He took out ten Interspatial Rings from the bag and started to open the blind box.

“Treasures, charms, formations, Spirit Stones, nothing interesting, next one.” Xu Fan muttered.

“Spirit Stones, Cultivation Technique, formations, puppets, next one.”

“Ling Pill, Poison Pill, and a Poison Sutra Cultivation Technique, you can read this Poison Sutra.”,

Xu Fan left the poison scriptures, let the puppets sort the rest, and opened the next Interspatial Ring.

“Damn, so many spirit crystals!”

“There is fairy jade!!”

“This is the fairy disciple Xia Fan who was stolen.” Xu Fan looked excited and began to examine the contents of this Interspatial Ring carefully.

There are even more spiritual materials such as Wannian Profound Iron, Bronze Essence, Gold Essence, and Elixir of Wannian.

Xu Fan looked at it and found that something was wrong. These things seemed to be treasures that took time to settle or could be formed in a special environment.

“This isn’t the Interspatial Ring of Calabash pig’s feet, right?” Xu Fan thought, touching his chin.

Thinking of this, Xu Fan sent a message to Wang Xiangchi.

“Is the Interspatial Ring of your Calabash apprentice stolen?” Xu Fan asked.

“Feiyu? I didn’t say this, but asked me to find out if there is any thief in the world of immortality.”

After receiving news from Wang Xiangchi, Xu Fan confirmed his guess.

At this time, in a certain fairy city, a young man with huge wealth decided not to use Interspatial Ring in the future.

“How can I say that Zhengfeng offers a lot of rewards, it turns out that it provokes pigs’ feet.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Looking at the fairy jade in his hand, Xu Fan wondered whether he would use it to incubate that Dragon Island.

“Forget it, this fairy jade is probably not enough, let’s use it to nurse the child.” Xu Fan took out more than a half of the fairy jade and melted a ball directly at the nine languishing dragons in the spirit gathering formation.

When I got that fairy jade last time, I got a secret method from Li Xuandao to transform the fairy jade into Spiritual Qi.



Nine dragons receive high-quality Spiritual Qi supplements. The dragons regularly restore their heyday. The blue dragons that dominate the water begin to spread clouds and rain in Sect.

For a while, the entire Sect returned to the way it was before the giant tortoise came.

“Grapes, how long can this state last?” Xu Fan asked.

“Four months, then began to decrease, and after half a year, it will return to its original state.”

“It’s only four months, it’s a bit short.” Xu Fan frowned slightly, feeling different from what he had expected.

“Just now, the suction power of the Spiritual Qi vortex on the giant tortoise has increased.”

“Okay, I see.”

Xu Fan’s tone was distressed, and he felt that he couldn’t keep up with the speed of earning Spirit Stones.

“Or I’ll grab that kid’s Calabash, I don’t know if Heavenly Dao will come and hit me.” Xu Fan said, but in other words, he was not really stupid enough to think of it.

These pig’s feet may have existed over a long period of time in the future, and if you acted on these big guys when you were young, that would be death.

Xu Fan remembered that he had read a novel in his previous life. It was a brainless villain who crossed a long river of time, reversing time and space and wanted to kill the pig’s feet when he was a child. As a result, he directly alarmed the pig’s feet after the finale. Boom into scum.

“Four months is four months. It’s better than nothing. If it doesn’t work, I will sell the two monster ape-shaped star boats.” Xu Fan said.

When Xu Fan was a little worried about the lack of Spirit Stones, a thousand Spirit Sect disciples sent to rent the share of the grape clone.

“Qianling Venerable is good these days.” Xu Fan asked politely.

“It’s okay, that’s when I went to the Extreme Sky Territory to collect resources, I was a bit grumpy.” The Qianlingzong disciple said.

“Oh, that’s good.” Xu Fan nodded and said, hearing that Qianling Venerable didn’t go to the demon clan to fight with him, and he felt a little pity, because then there would be no high income.

After Xu Fan bid farewell to the disciples of Qian Lingzong, he glanced at the resource collection share of the extreme sky realm he had sent, and nodded. It was very stable, without much surprise, and only a small goal of less than two thousand.

“Let Pang Fu buy another set of Dao Item Spirit Gathering Array. I don’t believe that four Dao Item level Spirit Gathering Arrays can’t support your dragon egg.” Xu Fan gritted his teeth and said.

Originally, the giant giant tortoise could have been conceived for hundreds of years before the dragon egg was born, but Xu Fan let the giant giant tortoise introduce the giant giant tortoise into the hidden island. The rich Spiritual Qi caused the six dragon eggs that were still gestating in the body. reaction.

When Xu Fan discovered this situation, it was too late. If he stopped now, he could only honestly wait a few hundred years.

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