Chapter 286 Little Elephant

Clone One looked at this huge luxurious refining room with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

A group of sacred fire appeared in the hands of Clone One.

“Well, it’s a little stronger than I expected.” Clone No.1 nodded and said.

“How about, how much refining speed can be Ascension.” At this time, the communication Magical Item in the first clone sounded Xu Fan’s voice.

“Without the addition of Shenhuo power, the speed can be twice as fast as Ascension.” Clone No.1 replied.

“Ning Dage’s Dao Item spirit sword, grape brothers, six town monster stars, and the entire hidden spirit island accessory combination Dao Item, how long will it take?” Xu Fan asked.

“Give me ten years.” Clone One thought for a while and said.

“No problem, I wish you a happy life in Volcano Fairy Town.” Xu Fan hung up after speaking.

After finishing the call, Clone One looked at the own mixing room, and decided to go outside for a stroll.

Hidden Spirit Island. One hundred thousand miles above the lake.

“Master, Master No.1, if he went to the Supreme Immortal City, will something happen?” Xu Yuexian said worriedly. There are not a few things in the world of cultivating immortals who are rebelling against the guest.

“You’re afraid that he will oppose the guest.” Xu Fan said with a smile while fishing.

Xu Yuexian nodded.

“Haha, you think too much, the clone is just a clone, you can take him back with a single thought for the teacher.”

“Even if I want to take back the clone number one right now, he will probably be very happy,” Xu Fan said.

“Well, Master, the supernatural powers you gave me are almost under control.” Xu Yuexian said again.

“I want to go out and have a look.” Xu Fan said, squinting at Xu Yuexian.

Xu Yuexian nodded.

“Go, remember what the teacher said to you before, you only need to spend the Spirit Stones on your body when you meet the shop of China Unicom Big Thousand World, don’t go back to the Sect Treasury to get the Spirit Stones.” Xu Fan warned.

“Understand.” Xu Yuexian happily agreed.

“Master, if it’s okay, I’ll leave first.” Xu Yuexian said happily.

Xu Fan just waved his hand to signal Xu Yuexian to be casual.

An impatient escape light disappeared into the horizon.

“Grape, what’s special in the world of cultivating immortals recently?” Xu Fan asked.

“The northern ruins are opened, and there is a chance to climb the immortal in the ruins.” Grape responded.

“Oh, that’s right.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this time, a Yin & Yang copper coin appeared in Xu Fan’s hand and then flicked.

A bowl appeared under the copper coin, and as the Yin & Yang copper coin fell, there was a crisp clash in the bowl.

“The sun is facing up, not bad.” Xu Fan leaked a smile, put down the fishing rod in his hand, folded his hands together, and bowed slightly to the sky.

“May my disciple be prosperous, and all disasters will be avoided.” Xu Fan said with a solemn expression and concentration.

Xu Fan was taken out of an inexplicable aura and disappeared into the sky.

“Yes, this Yin & Yang Destiny Technique still has something to do.”

This is the second magical power of Yin & Yang’s Qiyun technique, praying for luck, to ask for good luck for others.

Xu Yuexian, who was flying at this time, didn’t know why, and suddenly felt that she had mastered her thoughts, and she was blessed by the gods in her heart.

“Master used the Destiny Technique on me again?”

Xu Fan didn’t feel so wonderful at this time.

“How do I feel that my luck is a little bit overwhelmed.” Xu Fan feels that he is chilly all over now.

“Master, when you used the technique of praying for luck just now, you were talking about the apprentice, not Xu Yuexian.” Putao reminded him in time.


At this time, Xu Fan felt that his surroundings were becoming dangerous, so he planned to ask Tian Jigui for a blessing and then return to his own courtyard for a while.

In a small Lingye lake not far from the Lingye Lake, Tianji Turtle lay leisurely on the bottom of the lake, thinking of his previous life in the Great Lingye Lake.

Xu Fan couldn’t stand Tianjigui’s little bitter eyes and asked the tool puppet to dig it.

Xu Fan came to the Little Lingye Pool and looked at the leisurely Tianji Turtle squinting, wondering if the time to become a tortoise would pass faster.

“Old turtle, give me another blessing.” Xu Fan said.

The Tianji tortoise at the bottom of the spiritual liquid pool directly spit out a bubble, which rose to the surface of the pool to burst out the sound of the Tianji tortoise.


“You haven’t grown up, you can only use it once in ten years.”

After hearing what Tianjigui said, Xu Fan walked away disappointedly.

On the way back, Xu Fan suddenly saw a little jade-white elephant eating spirit fruit.

At this time, there was endless loneliness in the eyes of the little elephant, and there was a feeling that the baby could not find her mother.

“Hey, this little flower is doing evil,” Xu Fan said with a sigh. This little elephant doesn’t seem to be weaned yet, and it’s a bit older than Xiaohua’s child-nurturer.

“I want to find my mother.” Xu Fan asked.

The little elephant who was eating the spirit fruit looked at Xu Fan, his lonely eyes slowly becoming radiant.

The little elephant nodded and rubbed Xu Fan’s arm with his head, expressing willingness.

“I’ll ask someone to send you back.” Xu Fan said and sent a message to Li Xingci.

A escape light flew towards Xu Fan. After the escape light stopped, two figures appeared beside Xu Fan.

The immortal world was able to escape the shock, and a magical thought flashed through Xu Fan’s mind.

“I have seen the Master.”

“I have seen the big Elder.”

“Okay, I’ve seen Su Elder, please get up quickly, your wife should feel distressed soon.” Xu Fan showed a honey smile on his face.

In the world of cultivating immortals, flying together can only be the closest people who can depend on life and death.

Su Rantian was wearing a red dress, and with an indifferent attitude on his face, Li Xingci rarely blushed.

“Master, why do you need to be a disciple.” Li Xingci blushed and quickly changed the subject.

“Do you know the origin of this little white elephant?” Xu Fan asked.

“The White Spirit Elephant of Rui Beast can suppress a sect of luck. It is known that there is only one pair in the Heavenly Demon sect.” Li Xingci thought for a moment and said. He also collected a lot of information about Sect Sacred Land in the world of immortality.

“Five months ago, the pair of white spirit elephants of the Heavenly Demon Sect gave birth to a baby elephant. The Sect Leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect was overjoyed, and the whole family was celebrating.”

“Some time ago, the Heavenly Demon Sect heard the news that the baby elephant was missing.” Su Rantian looked at the little white spirit elephant and said, took out a precious sacred jade fruit from the world of cultivation and handed it to the little elephant.

Xu Fan looked at the little Bai Lingxiang eating Zhenghuan with a big head.

“Xing Ci, find a Samsara slave to send the little elephant to the Heavenly Demon Sect’s sphere of influence.” Xu Fan said, although he blocked Karma, this little elephant will be a disaster here sooner or later.

Besides, separating the baby elephant from mother and child is itself a very excessive thing.

“Let’s go with Xingci in person. It just so happens that we haven’t been to the Demon Region yet.” Su Rantian said with interest.

“You are a core member of the Elder Club, aren’t you afraid of something going there?” Xu Fan said with a frown.

“It used to be a bit of a hassle, but now it’s okay. Elder will have reached a verbal alliance with the Heavenly Demon Sect.”

“Although the Yaozu invasion is still fighting separately, the relationship between the two sides can still be maintained.” Su Rantian explained.

“Well, you guys be careful.” Xu Fan exhorted.

“Yeah.” With a wave of Su Rantian, he received the little elephant eating the sacred jade fruit into the Dao Item starry sky.

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