Chapter 288 She Has the Ability to Kill Us Now

When Xiao Ling was chatting with Feng Changning happily, Xiao Ling’s expression suddenly became serious.

“Changning Big sis, the old thing from the transformation stage last time with three people appeared at the cordon on Jiufeng Island.” Xiao Ling said solemnly.

“Can you kill them?” A killing intent flashed in Feng Changning’s eyes. She didn’t want to experience the feeling that life and death were in the hands of others last time.

“Big Elder’s last batch of support materials contained secret weapons. I have locked them down, and none of them can run away.”

Xiao Ling said that a light screen was projected, and above it was the cultivator who wanted to destroy the treasure of Jiufeng Pavilion last time.

At 30,000 miles away from Jiufeng Island, a skylark and four people are flying towards Jiufeng Pavilion in a leisurely manner.

“Yan fellow daoist, that giant island really has forty million mortals you said.” asked a cultivator with a gray face and a slender figure with blood in his eyes.

“Yes, there is a little Sect in charge. The strongest is only the Nascent Soul stage. The name is loud, Jiufeng Pavilion.” The cultivator asked with a smile said.

“Haha, Jiufeng Pavilion, I’m so scared of this name. If I don’t know the truth, just hearing this name can scare me away.” The blood-eyed cultivator said with a smile.

The cultivator beside him also laughed.

“Let’s be more careful. When I came last time, I hadn’t tried the Nascent Soul Head Teacher’s combat power. In case it is a Tianjiao, the ability to cut the gods is in trouble.” Yan said the cultivator.

“Haha, Yan fellow daoist is too careful. During the Nascent Soul period, she couldn’t overcome any storms. She has the ability to kill us now.”

As soon as the cultivator with blood in his eyes finished speaking, the four people on the skylark shuddered at the same time. Following a beam of light in the sky of Houtian, the skylark pierced the egg like a bullet, and the skylark disintegrated in the air.


After the alloy gravity rod passed through the skylark, a huge wave rang directly in the sea and shot towards the surrounding sea.

Feng Changning watched the live broadcast for a long time and was speechless.

“Is this a secret weapon supported by the Elder?” The shock remaining in Feng Changning’s eyes has not dissipated. If an attack of that level hits Jiufeng Island, Feng Changning can’t even think of the scene.

“Yes, it’s amazing, the grape Big Brother hidden spirit island controls more than 3,000 space-based weapon satellites.” Xiao Ling praised.

“Awesome, the four gods were overhauled, and they were all gone.” Feng Changning said.

“Changning Big sis develops quickly, and then the big Elder will send more powerful things.” Xiaoling said.


In Yinling Island, after Xu Fan watched the large-scale drama series, he began his daily life.

Fishing, preaching for disciples, and caring about the development of the demon spirit world when you are bored.

Supreme Immortal City, Volcano Immortal Town, in the Refining Hall.

There are more than a dozen combined and even Mahayana cultivators, all surrounding the master of the refining hall.

“My lord, please tell us, who is the Great Master in Refining Room No. 1? I beg you.”

“The war between the two worlds is about to break out. We don’t have the Dao Item in our hands yet. When we encounter a well-matched monster, I can’t kill, and I won’t be reconciled to death.” A cultivator with a muscular beard with a height of two meters pleaded.

It is rumored in the world of cultivation that a refining tool Great Master came to the Supreme Immortal City and Volcanic Immortal Town, and a Dao Item was refined in less than two months.

All of a sudden, those cultivators who had collected Dao Item spirit materials and had no Dao Item became red eyes.

In the entire Central Continent, the famous refining tool Great Master is counted, but the list of refining tools Great Master that can be inquired about now is hundreds of years away.

So now those cultivators in the Central Continent that are not ranked are beginning to shift their targets to the newly promoted or previously hidden Great Master.

At the moment when the first clone finished refining the Dao Item, although the fluctuations emitted by the Dao Item were blocked by the large array in the refining room, there was still a trace of leakage that overflowed outside the refining room.

It was just this slight leak that instantly made those refiners who were refining the refiners energetic.

In a short while, the news that a Great Master had arrived in Volcano Fairy Town spread throughout the central continent, and those powerful cultivators that had Dao Item spirit mines that were not ranked instantly turned red.

The master of the refining hall looked at the people around him, and said helplessly: “Retreat, that Great Master is a Sect refining Great Master, you can’t make the number.”

“How can you know if you don’t try, please the Lord to give us a chance.” A group of people begged.

Some big palace masters finally said helplessly: “Please tell me about your rewards and the Dao Item and the number of spirit mines you want to customize and refine.”

“I will count here, and let the refiner Great Master take a look. I can only help you here. No matter how you make trouble, the result will be the same.” The hall master said loudly.

In the end, although everyone was unwilling, they still left Jade Slip with Dao Item they wanted to refine.

Three days later, when the hall master confirmed that there was no refining device for clone number one, she notified clone number one to visit by herself.

Generally, after the Great Master refines a Dao Item, it takes a few days to cultivate.

The door of Refining Room No. 1 slowly opened, and as soon as he entered, the hall master found Clone No. 1 who was holding a large book and reading.

Feisheng XX, is this telling the story of the Great Thousand World, the Lord thought.

After seeing the lord, Clone One slowly put away the big book, and stood up to greet him warmly: “Brother, welcome, I just want to ask you to comment on my newly refined Dao Item.”

A ten thousand-year-old black iron Dao Item spirit sword appeared in the hands of Clone One, and the sword body trembled and screamed.

“The sword spirit is self-reliant, and the sword sound is crisp. I don’t need to look closely to know that this is a Dao Item boutique spirit sword. It’s really good.”

The lord of the palace carefully observed this Dao Item mysterious iron spirit sword, secretly claiming to be surprised, and glanced at the refining talent of clone one in his heart.

After observing for a long time, the hall master remembered the business, and said to the clone number one: “Brother, the protection circle of this refining room has not been done well, the fluctuations emitted when your Dao Item was formed are overflowing to the outside. It attracted the attention of those without Dao Item cultivator.”

“If you don’t come out, they will find me.”

The hall master said and handed a Jade Slip.

Clone No. 1 took it and took a look. Good guy, there are more than one thousand information about buying Dao Item, and it also wrote the amount of remuneration and prepared spirit mine.

Just find one and count it as more than four times the income.

“Look, I’ll help you contact that cultivator if you are fancy.” The hall master said.

“Brother is in trouble.” Clone No.1 said, before coming here, the body specially instructed him to have a good relationship with the master of the refining hall.

“What are you polite between brothers?” The hall master said indifferently.

“Brother, we have time to discuss your fairy rune formation system.”

The Lord’s eyes lit up instantly.

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