Chapter 290: The Wind of Nothingness

After Xu Fan hung up the call, he shook his head and smiled and said, “If you let the palace master see heaven, is he still willing to be a mediocre Grand Great Master?”

The refiner Great Master has a more or less paranoid character. If you let a refiner Great Master see a problem that makes him so interested, his life may be planted on it.

“Leave him alone, there is a clone there.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, Xu Fan felt in his heart, pinched slightly and said, “The earthly catastrophe of my stupid apprentice is about to begin.”

Heavenly Demon Continent, outside the Log Demon City, this demon city is not far from the Heavenly Demon Sect, only three demon cities are separated.

Outside the Log Devil City, Su Rantian used a formation to cover the next layer of formation, carefully watching the surroundings to prevent anyone from peeping in the dark.

“Tian’er, right here, one hundred thousand miles away from the Log Devil City, plus the barren area, no one should pay attention to us.” Li Xingci said.

“Okay.” Su Rantian said softly.

A little white elephant appeared, and after a cry, began to circle Su Rantian affectionately.

“Okay, okay, I know you are hungry.” Su Rantian smiled and took out a few high-grade spirit fruits to feed the little elephant.

At this time, a gust of wind blew. The figures of the two have appeared thousands of miles away in the magic circle, and the two phantoms in the circle are still playing with the little elephant.

“Well, this magic circle will disappear automatically in three days, and the people of Heavenly Demon Sect will find it by then.” Su Rantian looked around cautiously and said. She always remembered Xu Fan’s words, so she always felt it happened. Something.

“Tian’er, you are too cautious, just let the flow go.” Li Xingci said with a smile.

At this moment, a wind of nothingness suddenly blew, and instantly swallowed the area where the two of them were, forming a huge deep pit.

Not long after, a Mahayana Venerable appeared above the pit, looked around blankly, and then sent a message to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

“Those two are probably cultivators outside of the Heavenly Demon continent. If they are unlucky and enter the realm of nothingness, even immortals will not be able to save you.” Mahayana Venerable shook his head and started to seal the swallowed area by casting secret methods.

Hidden Spirit Gate, above the huge lake of one hundred thousand miles.

“Poor apprentice, I don’t know when I will see you.” Xu Fan sighed.

Because of his proficient in divination, Xu Fan knows a little about the calamities that every apprentice will face in the future.

The catastrophe faced by his four apprentices, Li Xingci, is the more dangerous among these apprentices. He was even ranked first in the past. Later, after the third student Xiangchi officially recognized Jian Wuji’s apprentice, Li Xingci became Got the second.

After being proficient in divination, Xu Fan understood that small catastrophes can be resolved at a price, but life catastrophes cannot be solved, and at best they are delayed.

The reason why Xu Fan really matched Su Rantian and his apprentice to form a dao companion was not only because Su Rantian was rich, but more importantly, Xu Fan discovered that the power of catastrophe on his apprentice Li Xingci began to be shared with Su Rantian. .

The catastrophe of the original nine deaths began to become blurred, and the fate of the two seemed to merge together.

If it weren’t for this reason, Xu Fan wouldn’t allow someone to force his apprentice, even if he was a rich and beautiful woman.

In the realm of nothingness, under the blue sea and blue sky, a pair of unconscious men and women lay on the beach.

Li Xingci slowly regained consciousness until the sea was high tide and the waves slapped on the faces of the two of them.

At this time, Li Xingci only felt sore and sore all over his body, and he could barely stand up.

Li Xingci calmly observed the surroundings and sensed the situation in his body, then dragged Su Rantian’s armpits with both hands and walked to the higher beach in the distance.

Not long after, Su Rantian also woke up.

“Xing Ci, where is this?” Su Rantian asked, her condition is very bad now, it feels like her Spirit Power has been sealed all over, and she was beaten by someone else.

“I don’t know, but I can be sure that this is not the realm of cultivating immortals.”

Li Xingci sat beside Su Rantian, squinting at the sun in the sky.

“Is this the Minor World.”

“No, this is the real world. The sun in the sky is also real, not the same as the sun projected by Minor World.” Li Xingci said, making gestures with his hands for the height of the sun.

“The Spirit Power in us is not sealed, but ablated.”

“Our physical strength has also dropped to the level of a mortal, not even as good as a mortal.” Li Xingci felt the physical condition and said.

Su Rantian frowned, and the loss of Cultivation Base was the worst news for her.


Both their stomachs rang at the same time.

Su Rantian subconsciously wanted to take something from the Interspatial Ring, but found that the Interspatial Ring had become a decoration, and the own Dao Item Palace could not be moved.

Li Xingci patted Su Rantian’s shoulder lightly, smiled and said, “Leave this to me.”

Then he got up and found two pebbles the size of an egg from the ground, and walked towards a 30-meter-long fruit tree not far away.

Two pebbles were thrown by Li Xingci with a special technique, directly smashing two football-sized fruits.

Li Xingci peeled off a fruit shell, observed it, and then handed it to Su Rantian, who also peeled off one himself.

“God, eat it, this fruit is non-toxic.”

“Thank you Xingci.” Su Rantian believed in Li Xingci’s words.

A football-sized fruit with a green shell and red heart, the center of which contained juice, was slightly sweet and not greasy, and the two were already hungry, so they ate them out soon.

After eating the fruits, their condition improved.

“Xing Ci, what shall we do now.” Su Rantian asked unconsciously, now that Cultivation Base is completely lost, and she has become a real weak woman.

Li Xingci looked around and said: “Let’s climb to the top of the mountain first to see if there are people around.”

“I feel that after I find someone, I can understand the situation here and how I can escape.”

At this time, Li Xingci suddenly moved his heart, and asked Su Rantian: “Tian’er, there are two mountains in the distance, which one do you choose.”

“Let’s do this.” Su Rantian pointed at a mountain and said, for Li Xingci’s words, she rarely asked why.

The two of them walked towards the mountain, and Li Xingci was comforting Su Rantian along the way.

“Tian’er, don’t worry, trust me, I will definitely take you out.” Li Xingci promised.

“Xing Ci, I’m not worried about this. Now we are unarmed, what if we encounter some danger.”

“Wow~~” Su Rantian’s voice just fell, five brown giant wolves the size of an adult buffalo appeared, surrounding the two.

At this time, Su Rantian was not calm at all.

The giant wolf’s scarlet eyes stared at them droolingly, as if looking at the walking food.

“Xing Ci, will you remember me in your next life.”

“I’ll talk about things in the next life.” Li Xingci’s fingernails began to change.

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