Chapter 299 Earth Core Gold

After the Yin & Yang copper coin was suspended in Xu Fan’s hands for a while, it slowly disappeared into Xu Fan’s hands.

“Forget it, I have taught so many things since I was a child, and this catastrophe should be able to survive.”

Xu Fan looked at the sky and remembered what the apprentice taught when he was young. The routines are all in it, and the rest is good fortune.

At this moment, twelve colorful spirit turtles slowly passed by Xu Fan’s spirit boat.

The twelve pairs of tortoises looked at Xu Fan, and they all raised a question.

“Why doesn’t my mother come out to accompany us.”

“All of you are obedient, your mother is raising a baby, and you will be able to come out to accompany you after your little Brother is born.” Xu Fan comforted.

The twelve pairs of small eyes were still looking at Xu Fan.

“Your breeder is traveling outside and will be back after a while.”

“Okay, I will let the puppets who feed you tell you stories~~~”

“I can’t find your father, don’t ask anymore~~”

Xu Fan comforted, and finally coaxed the twelve little turtles over.

Looking at these potential little turtles, Xu Fan decided to raise them for tens of thousands of years.

A light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Xu Fan, and above it was the scene of Xiang Yun fighting in a secret realm.

At this time, Xiang Yun was facing dozens of Nascent Soul monsters alone.

Sword formations run by hundreds of spirit swords resist the attacks of those Nascent Soul monster races.

“It turned out to be a strong clan among the monster clan, no wonder I was suppressed like this.” Xu Fan said.

“Grape, release the rescue puppet at a critical moment.”


“By the way, why did you suddenly notify me of this?” Xu Fan asked. Generally, grapes handle such trivial matters by themselves.

“After the early warning mechanism is triggered, the puppet will automatically scan the surrounding environment.”

“And in the secret realm where Xiang Yun is located, there are Dao Item-level spirit mines, the core of the earth.”

Xu Fan, who was half-lying, stood upright, and said solemnly: “Xiang Yun is an important disciple of my Sect, in the secret realm, is there any threat to his safety?”

For some reason, the recovery of the grape was a little slower than before, and the body hidden in the underground space also trembled.

“After the puppets are dispatched, it is not a problem to safely exit the secret realm, but there are many unpredictable dangers in order to go deeper.”

“Then you tell Xiang Yun the value contained in this secret realm, and let him make a choice.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.


At this time, Xiang Yun, who was resisting the attack of the monster race, made the sound of grapes on the Sect mask on his face.

“Sect disciple Xiang Yun, it has been detected that you are in danger and do you need support.”

“In addition, you will be notified that the secret realm you are in has a high-value spirit mine. After you report it, you can get 20% of the total value.”

“If you don’t report it, you can keep it for mining in the future.”

At this moment, a tiger demon swooped over, a pair of tiger claws as if to tear the space apart.

“It’s still a matter of thinking. I request Sect’s support and report this secret realm to Sect.” Xiang Yun said without thinking. Everyone in Sect knows that grapes are intelligent and everything is based on Sect.

If you embezzle this secret realm by yourself, you won’t have to wear small shoes everyday.

As soon as Xiang Yun finished speaking, the Yihua god puppet appeared from Xiang Yun Interspatial Ring holding a silver giant shield.

The phantom of the giant silver titanium heart shield appeared in the sky, directly suppressing all the monster races surrounding Xiangyun with power.

“Three hours later, the puppet of Sect’s spirit mine gathering will arrive. Please disciple Xiang Yun to wait here.”

“The degree of danger of this secret realm is unknown. It is best not to move without special circumstances.”

Listening to the voice in Sect’s mask, Xiang Yun’s mouth twitched, and then he took back all the spirit swords in the air, and began to communicate cordially and friendly with the monsters suppressed by the puppets.

At this time, Xiong Li flew out of the hidden spirit gate with a space treasure.

Xiang Yun didn’t wait long before he saw his good Dage.

“Big Brother!” Xiang Yun said in surprise, but acquaintances came to his surprise.

“When I heard that it was you, I came here at full speed.” Xiong Li said with a smile.

A huge barracks appeared, and groups of puppets with a clear division of labor came out from the gate.

Oversized mining puppets, auxiliary puppets, transport puppets, and puppets dedicated to combat.

Three space-based weapon satellites slowly rose into the sky.

Afterwards, a Lianxu puppet and a five-spirited monkey also came out.

“Big Elder’s queen double is here too.” Xiang Yun said in shock.

“It’s just that Grape is controlling the battle. This little scene can’t reach the level of Elder’s shot, unless there is a fit period Demonic Beasts.” Xiong Li said while looking at the space-based weapon satellites flying into the sky.

He is now thinking about a question, how high is the sky of the secret realm.

At this moment, the whole earth began to vibrate.

A thousand-footed centipede rushed out of the distant mountains.

Feeling the pressure of this Demonic Beasts, their faces changed.

“Big brother, do Sect have the magical powers to speak the law? I also want to learn it.”

Xiong Li looked at the millipede in the distance with some pain. You can come out later.

At this time, after feeling the breath of Demonic Beasts in the conjugation period, the eyes of the puppet and the five spirit monkeys in the refining period lit up at the same time, and then disappeared in place.

After Xiong Li and Xiang Yun looked at each other, they knew that Elder had taken action.

At this time, six heavy armored puppets of the transformation stage holding a huge titanium heart shield surrounded the Demonic Beasts in a hexagonal shape.

The six-sided titanium heart shield turned into a six-sided wall, blocking the centipede in the middle.

A giant sword with a length of one thousand meters appeared in the sky, and it was inserted fiercely.


A mushroom cloud rose, ending the sinful life of the millipede.

“Too strong, the puppet refined by Big Elder is really too strong.” Xiang Yun exclaimed.

“The puppet can actually exert such a powerful magical power under the control of the big Elder.” Xiong Li said. He spent a period of time with tens of thousands of soldiers, knowing how difficult it is to use a puppet to directly urge the magical powers.

After the Demonic Beasts were wiped out during the integration period, all the mining puppets on the scene began to move, waving their huge hook shovel towards the bare mines on the ground.

The void moved for a while, and the five-linged monkey appeared beside Xiong Li and Xiang Yun.

“I have seen Elder.” The two looked at the same eyes as Xu Fan, and the two hurriedly saluted.

“Get up, good job.” Xu Fan said with a smile while controlling the five-linged monkey.

“This is what I should do.” Xiang Yun said.

“What should be done, you report this secret realm to Sect is your credit.”

At this time, a small mining puppet handed Xu Fan a small piece of earth marrow gold and reported the approximate output.

“Xiang Yun, it is estimated that the refined output of the earth’s marrow gold can reach 10,000 catties, your 20%, how about I and you converted into two Dao Item spirit swords.”

Then Xu Fan considered Dao Xiangyun to build a sword formation, and said: “Or I will replace you with four basic-level Dao Item spirit swords.”

“These two, you choose one.” Xu Fan said.

“Big Elder, I don’t want anything from my disciple.” Xiang Yun said sincerely. In his opinion, the original Dao Item spirit sword couldn’t be exchanged for the big Elder and his commitment.

“Then four basic Dao Item spirit swords.” Xu Fan automatically chose to say, it’s yours and must be taken away.

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