Chapter 301

Outside the Volcano Fairy Town, there is a place where large spiritual veins gather for cultivation.

In a small Immortal Cave, Han Feiyu looked at the hundreds of treasures placed on the ground, ranging from 1st to 3rd order spirit swords, with a very awkward expression on his face.

People gave it for free, so it should be thankful.

But I can’t accept it. It’s like eating a delicious meal for free. After you come out, others see you pitifully, and they just stuff you a bunch of Steamed buns. It’s the kind of days I know I can’t eat enough.

Food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it. This is how Han Feiyu feels about this bunch of Flying Swords.

Han Feiyu took out a cracked spirit sword and sighed.

This senior must have had a hard life, he was a good man, he was still thinking about funding my spirit sword.

The spirit swords on the ground were cherished by Han Feiyu one by one, he wanted to keep it, and thank this senior for the opportunity in the future.

In Yinling Island, Xu Fan slowly raised the corners of his mouth as he looked at the pile of gold in the heart of the earth.

“Big Elder, a total of 142,461 kilograms of marrow gold.” Xiong Li said, feeling very good when he was tasked.

“Not bad, Xiong Li has worked hard.” Xu Fan nodded and said.

“Wish to die for Sect.” Xiong Li said.

“When you are about to die, you should run, and your little head is thinking about anything.” Xu Fan waved his hand to make Xiong Li retreat.

After Xiong Li left, Xu Fan asked the puppet to get the earth’s marrow gold into the underground space, and waited for the first clone to finish refining the required Dao Items before sending them there.

Just when Xu Fan wanted to see what was going on with his stupid apprentice, the sky was covered by a huge spirit boat that was more than 3,000 meters long and slowly fell in front of Xu Fan.

“Big Elder, look at this little sea boat.” Sand Sculpture said triumphantly.

After Xu Fan got up and flew around the small sea boat for a while, he said, “Brother Sha, even though this giant cannon looks very exciting, you can’t make so many.”

Looking at the dense cannons on the two wings of the small sea boat, Xu Fan felt that his brother Sha wanted to use the cannons to move the sea boat.

“Haha, for the first time refining, I can’t help it.” Sand Sculpture said hehe.

“Big Elder, I can refine a giant cannon, but I’m still not sure about refining a one-time treasure cannonball. I can only trouble Big Elder.”

The two sand sculptures of Xu Fan boarded the small sea boat and began to patrol.

Touching the thick barrel, Xu Fan said: “This stuff is a big money collector.”

“The cost of a shell that can kill the sea beast in the Integral Phase is at least 300,000 Spirit Stones. Even after the production line is established, it will cost at least 270,000 Spirit Stones. It is still the most common Spirit Power shell.”

Seeing that there are hundreds of cannons on both sides, a volley of 3000 high-grade Spirit Stones is required.

“Yes, I just thought that the giant cannon on the floating sky boat was very powerful. If it really owns the giant cannon, then it should be distressed.” Sand Sculpture said.

“Senior Brother Sha, you have too many giant cannons, you can’t use them over there, you should go halfway.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

This small sea boat will eventually be sent to Jiufeng Island. With their current strength, they can’t afford artillery shells at all, so they can only make up for it by themselves.

“I see, give me half a month.” Sha Diao said.

At this moment, Xu Fan’s expression suddenly became serious. ,

“Senior Brother Sha, there is something wrong with me, you should be busy first.” Xu Fan disappeared as he said.

He just got the news of Grape, his good brother Wang Yulun is back, and he seems to have suffered a serious injury.

A rapid escape light flew towards the main peak.

On the main peak, the guest hall, Wang Yulun sat on a chair with gray hair, looking like an end is approaching.

“Big Elder, hurry up and save Yulun.” Murong Qian’er cried.

“Grape, go to the treasure house to get the source of wood and the Celestial Pill.” Xu Fan commanded, and with his hand forming the seal, he used a life magical power to stabilize Wang Yulun’s situation.

“Yulen, what’s wrong with you.”

Wang Yulun looked like the end was approaching, and both the Cultivation Base and the life span had come to an extreme.

Due to Xu Fan’s supernatural powers, Wang Yulun’s pale face began to become ruddy.

“Xu Dage, I thought I would never see you again in this life.”

Wang Yulun looked at Xu Fan and laughed. There was a kind of death without regret when he saw the person he wanted to see the most before he died.

“Your lifespan is short now, and the end is approaching. Whatever you encounter, there is still a Mahayana Venerable who stole your lifespan with the magical powers of time.” Xu Fan asked.

There is a trace of killing intent in Xu Fan’s eyes.

No matter who it is, dare to hurt my ironest brother, I will send you to The Underworld in this world.

Wang Yulun waved his hand and said forcefully, “No one shot at me. I fell into a mysterious secret realm with a time flow that is thousands of times faster than the immortal world. Thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye.”

As he said, his eyes motioned Murong Qian’er to bring things over.

A small blue stone appeared in Xu Fan’s hands.

“This is the only thing I brought out from that mysterious secret realm. I hope it will be useful to Xu Dage.” After Wang Yulun finished speaking, he felt a little fainted.

Hearing these words, Xu Fan almost burst into tears. When are you still thinking of brother.

At this time, the origin of the wood and the celestial pill sent by the guardian puppet.

“Brother, if you have a breath, I can also rescue you.”

The origin of the wood in Xu Fan’s hand instantly turned into a spiritual mist to cover Wang Yulun, and the Celestial Pill turned into a spiritual liquid and flew into Wang Yulun’s mouth.

Two five-linged monkeys appeared in the Great Hall, but when they saw the scene in the Great Hall, their eyes were full of fear.

The two five-spirited monkeys thought of that Daming, who was living on the satellite island, had to follow in his footsteps.

“I won’t kill you.” After Xu Fan finished speaking, he took control of the bodies of the two five-spirited monkeys.

The two five-spirited monkeys, one left and one behind, began to perform magical powers at the same time.

A shadow of a sundial appeared over Wang Yulun, and the time on the sundial was about to come to an end.

“It’s time to fight.”

Xu Fan gritted his teeth, a Yin & Yang coin appeared in his hand and threw it out.

In the big bowl, as the copper coins fall, the sun faces up at last.

‘Pray for Luck’

“Returning Longevity”

The sundial above Wang Yulun just moved back gently for a quarter of an hour, and the two five-spirited monkeys were already showing their aging.

As the sundial moved back, the origin of the wood and the celestial pill began to work, and the old gray-haired man became a relatively healthy and younger old man at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Seeing Wang Yulun’s appearance, Xu Fan looked at the two five-spirited monkeys again.

Then Xu Fan thought for a while and consumed these two monkeys, and there was no monkey behind to fight for him.

With Xu Fan waved his hand, all the visions in the Great Hall disappeared, and the five-linged monkey also took a life with him and returned to the satellite island happily.

Wang Yulun, who was originally drowsy, slowly woke up, feeling his physical condition, and said with a smile: “I knew Xu Dage could save me.”

“Cultivation with peace of mind, first slowly restore the Cultivation Base, and then I will help you advance to the god of transformation, heaven-defying to change your life.”

“In addition, when it’s okay, take more spirit fruits and go to the satellite island to see the two five-spirited monkeys. I will do my best for you.”

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