Chapter 307

“The orthodox education of Yinlingmen.” A question mark appeared in Jian Wuji’s mind.

“Just like the Heavenly Sword Academy, there will be teachers giving lectures and further training courses.”

“I wanted you to take a look before you challenge, but you walked too fast, I can’t tell you.” Wang Xiangchi said, with a vague sense of gloating in his tone.

“I have applied for the permission from Grape. You can go directly to the main peak classroom.”

“Then I will go there to listen to the class.”

Jian Wuji said that he was going to the main peak, but then stopped again, looked back at Wang Xiangchi and said, “Master, what else do you have to say.”

“Um, don’t just listen to kendo in the advanced courses, but also look at other kinds of advanced courses.” Wang Xiangchi exhorted.

“Master, do you have any more.”


A ray of light flew in the direction of the main peak in the distance.

“What’s the use of being impatient now?” Wang Xiangchi smiled.

At this time, in the underground space, there were countless incomprehensible scriptures around Xu Fan, and every scripture had an aura that penetrated into the soul.

Slowly rotating around Xu Fan, from time to time, scriptures disappeared, and then new scriptures appeared and added to the entire scripture.

Xu Fan’s soul was already full of scriptures at this time.

After a long time, Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

“Cultivation Technique and magical powers related to the soul are really not good to create.”

The creation of Cultivation Technique made Xu Fan’s brain a little bit painful. According to him, the overclocking time was too long and needed to dissipate heat.

At this moment, Xu Fan received news from Ning Dao.

“Big Elder, the monkey is here~”

Seeing Ning Dao’s news, Xu Fan’s eyes suddenly brightened.

On the satellite island, under Xu Fan’s surprised eyes, Ning Dao directly released more than a hundred five-spirited monkeys from the treasure palace.

One is in the mating period, four is in the refining period, 33 is in the Nascent Soul period, and more than 80 is in the Gold Core period.

“Big Elder, in order to catch these five-spirited monkeys alive, I have spent a lot of effort and made a lot of favor with fellow daoist.” Ning Dao asked for credit, saying that the words are not easy, and anyone can hear it.

Xu Fan looked at the group of five-spirited monkeys like a rare treasure.

“Ning Dage’s double sword flow is said to have the same power of two Dao Item spirit swords to exert greater combat power. Leave this to me.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Big Elder is serious about this!” Ning Dao said excitedly.

“Ning Dage’s business is mine.” Xu Fan promised.

“Big Elder still wants monkeys.”

“As many as there are.”


Ning Dao handed Xu Fan the Magic Treasures, the souls of the five-spirited monkeys, and then returned to Linsen Xiancheng, where there were other things waiting for him to deal with.

“Master, let them cultivate that Cultivation Technique.” The pangolin asked, with a bit of excitement, and his little fortune could be stable for a while.

“No, that Cultivation Technique is a bit crude, let them cultivate this “Ten Thousand Origins”.” Xu Fan took out a jade disc and handed it to the pangolin.

At this time, Xu Fan gave a part of the core of Magic Treasures in his hand to the pangolin, so that he could better manage the group of five-spirited monkeys.

“Work hard, I won’t treat you badly in the future.” Xu Fan smiled, as if the slave owner said to the overseer under him.

“Pangolin will die.” The human-shaped pangolin bowed and bowed.

Xu Fan nodded, and glanced at the two five-spirited monkeys with a slightly regretful look, and his body slowly disappeared in front of the monkeys.

He still has a bit of conscience, after all, it costs two monkeys to deduct a Cultivation Technique, which is a bit unreasonable.

After the pangolin confirmed that Xu Fan had left, he immediately returned to his true form.

The pangolin looked at the group of five-spirited monkeys with a grinning face, holding the giant whip in his hand and said: “From now on, your master will be the Elder, the Elder of the Hidden Spirit Gate.”

“In the future, Elder’s words will be like the demon’s decree. If you don’t follow it, you will only live inferior to death.”

The words of the pangolin directly aroused the anger of all the five-linged monkeys, who were glaring at the pangolin.

At this time, the bodies of the two Wulingming monkeys that were about to be scrapped couldn’t help but tremble, and a cold breath rushed into their foreheads. The two of their brothers had learned this pangolin method.

That time the five-linged monkey in the fit stage looked at the pangolin disdainfully and said, “How can you care about me.”

The pangolin just smiled and raised the Magic Treasures clone of the soul in his hand, directly conveying the demon power.

Suddenly, all the five spirited monkeys felt their souls begin to tear, and endless pain came.


“It hurts!!!!!! Ah~~”

All the five spirit monkeys began to scream, and their bodies began to tremble as if they were electrocuted.

“Kneel down facing the Hidden Spirit Gate.” The pangolin said coldly.

“You still have a chance to surrender. If you want to continue resisting, I will let you know what life is better than death.”

“Please… solve… Except… Restrictions.”

“We…Submission…” said the five spirit monkey headed tremblingly.

“Kneel down.” The pangolin said lightly, not only did not relieve the punishment on the five-linged monkey, but increased it by a point.

The two five-spirited monkeys next to them looked a little unbearable, but they didn’t intercede in the past, they just looked at the group of five-spirited monkeys with sympathy.

In the end, all the five spirit monkeys knelt tremblingly in the direction of the hidden spirit gate, and the pangolin was relieved of the punishment.

“Remember, Elder will be our only owner in the future,” said the pangolin.

On Yinling Island, Xu Fan watched the scene where the pangolin was teaching the five-linged monkey, and suddenly felt that this pangolin might be taken to the world in the future, and he would continue to be the supervisor of his monkey training.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at the sky, and said: “The good days are not long.”

In Xu Fan’s perception, the entire earth began to move, and there were many stars in the sky that had never been seen before.

In addition to the scenes of double sun and sky appearing in the sky from time to time, Xu Fan knew that the two worlds would not take long to completely merge.

In the middle of the night, Wang Yulun sat on a chair in the small courtyard alone, looking at the strange stars in the sky.

“What are you thinking about.” Murong Qian’er walked slowly behind Wang Yulun.

“You are wondering, should I say sorry to you before I die, I have concealed a lot of things from you.” said the white-haired Wang Yulun.

“You are talking about the time you were captured by the witch?” Murong Qian’er said with a clear mirror. She doesn’t blame Wang Yulun, after all, the witch threatened her husband with her life.

Wang Yulun looked towards the sky and did not respond.

“Or, the secret realm we accidentally discovered.” Murong Qian’er continued.

Wang Yulun has not responded yet.

“The time in Ten Thousand Flower Fairy City?”

“Where is the Xiangzhou border?”

Murong Qian’er said everything she guessed.

“You know a lot, but those are not my intentions.” Wang Yulun said with a sigh.

“I know, I also heard Xu Dage say, this is your fate.”

“I didn’t blame you, who told me to only recognize you in this life.”

“By the way, apart from what I just said, what else do you keep from me.” Murong Qian’er asked suddenly.

“No, Madam is amazing, I can’t hide anything from you.” Wang Yulun said with a smile, feeling like an old naughty child.

“Of course.”

Wang Yulun sighed. He just expressed his feelings just now, not to really confess. After all, he is a mortal body, and he still needs to sleep.

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