Chapter 313 Green Skin Dragon Egg

Two kinds of Spiritual Qi dragons penetrated into the body of the giant tortoise head, which stabilized the life source of the dragon egg in its body.

“It’s really cruel.” Xu Fan said, looking at the giant tortoise head.

“If there is no such spiritual source supplement today, it is estimated that the dragon egg will be born, and the giant tortoise will ascend to heaven.” Xu Fan said with a sigh.

At this moment, six beams of light in the sky enveloped the giant tortoise with its head.

The true spirit comes to the world, and the visions follow.

“Grape, completely blockade the huge lake of 100,000 miles. The town monster star and the sky survey guard are in a full attack state.” Xu Fan said.


Suddenly, the entire 100,000-mile giant lake was covered with clouds and mist, leading straight to the sky.

At this time, Ning Dao, who was flying over the huge lake of 100,000 miles, looked back in the direction of Yinling Island.

“Are you going to give birth? It’s not easy.”

In Lingye Lake, the already calm giant tortoise roared again.

“Fortunately, I was prepared.”

A Medicine Pill Calabash appeared in Xu Fan’s hand. After opening the lid, nine Grandmaster Pill Calabash flew out of it and flew directly into the mouth of the giant tortoise head.


The giant tortoise roared, the first dragon egg appeared in the Lingye Lake, and then the second and third were born one after another.

Then began to have difficulty giving birth again.

Xu Fan waved his hand, ten drops of the origin of wood appeared above the Lingye Lake, and then turned into spiritual mist and merged into the body of the giant tortoise head.

“You can also be regarded as the first spirit beast of my hidden spirit island. I won’t let you have an accident.” Xu Fan said that the dragon egg has already formed and can be taken out violently at any time.

Then the remaining three dragon eggs were born one after another, and after the giant tortoise had given birth, he fell into a coma.

“Master, is this the dragon egg?” Xu Gang said curiously.

“Yes, but I don’t know what level the green-skinned dragon egg is.” Xu Fan said while looking at the dragon egg floating on the Lingye Lake.

The dragon egg obtained from the demon spirit world last time was golden, and it should be first-level higher than the green skin.

Just when Xu Fan wanted to collect my dragon egg, he found that the sleep of the entire Lingye Lake was declining.

At this time, the waterfall above Lingye Lake suddenly became more than ten times larger, and instantly hit the surface of the entire Lingye Lake.

“The three Dao Item-level spirit gathering orbs are finally used.” Xu Fan sighed that it was not easy. In the past few years, the spiritual fluid absorbed by the six dragon eggs was enough to flood the entire hidden spirit gate.

The original surge of spiritual fluid actually balances with the absorption speed of the dragon egg.

Xu Fan looked at the six maelstroms on the Lingye Lake, feeling that his own bitter days had just begun.

“It’s all scattered, this egg won’t hatch for a while.” Xu Fan waved his hand to disperse the crowd.

In Xu Fan’s small courtyard, Xu Gang is listening to Xu Fan’s arrangement.

“Nine thousand miles north of the Hundred Thousand Miles Giant Lake, Mengjia Country, Xiyun County, there is a natural passage connecting the demon spirit world with us here.”

“Although there are people from the Elder Society to guard, we Sect still have to send someone to guard.”

“This time you lead the team with that virtual refining stage puppet, a thousand heavy armored god stage puppets, and 200,000 Nascent Soul stage puppets.”

“There is a town demon star, and a thousand space-based weapon satellites are dispatched by you.”

“When the disciple who has travelled out returns, you can take away if you are willing to go.” Xu Fan ordered.

“Yes.” Xu Gang said, a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes, can he kill again.

“Be careful when fighting. When the Mahayana Demon Venerable appears on the opposite side, you should lean towards the Venerable that Elder will send. Normally, don’t get too far away.” Xu Fan exhorted.

“Understood.” Xu Gang said hehe, his Five Elements divine channel method is powerful, and his ability to escape is even better.

At this moment, a light curtain appeared in front of the two of them, and it was the connecting channel that formed naturally above them.

I saw that many unknown little monster races ran out of it, and were immediately killed by the Elder cultivator.

“Okay, now the battle has begun.” Xu Fan thought he could live a stable life for a while.

“Master, I will leave now.”

“Also, be careful in everything,” Xu Fan said.

At this time, the disciples who were closer to the Yin Lingmen had begun to return to Sect one after another.

At this time, Ten Thousand Soldier returned to Sect with exhaustion.

Ten Thousand Soldiers looked at the Sect gate that he missed day and night, and suddenly had an urge to cry.

“Hey, isn’t this the Junior Brother Qian who was captured into Sacred Land? How did you escape from the Tomb of Heroes?” Xiong Li said with a smile.

He never expected that the most clever kid among the Sect generation’s disciples was caught in the acacia Sacred Land.

“Big brother, don’t laugh at me, I almost can’t come back.” Ten Thousand Soldier said depressed.

“I know all about you, go to your Senior Brother Qiu to report, and after a few days of training, follow me to the two-way passage to defend against the demon clan.” Xiong Li said, patting the shoulders of thousands of soldiers.

“That’s the intention, let me take a day off before talking.”

Thousands of soldiers said that they summoned a spirit boat and flew towards the main peak.

Not long after, a Sword Ray swept across the horizon, and Xiang Yun appeared in front of Xiong Li.

“What delayed it?” Xiong Li asked, looking at Xiang Yun who should have returned early.

At this time, a Dao Item spirit sword appeared beside Xiang Yun, swimming around Xiang Yun like a fish.

“I found a spirit sword and only surrendered until yesterday.” Xiang Yun said with a smile.

“Big brother, are you going to the two-world channel?”

“Of course I want to go.”

“After that, we will fight together.”

Afterwards, disciples such as Lei Ren, Lei Wenxi, Yu Nan, Si Ruoyu returned one by one, and the whole Sect began to lively.

“Master, can I accompany the big brother to the two-world corridor.” Wang Xiangchi begged.

“You’d better stay in Sect. You can go out after your dad gets through the catastrophe.” Xu Fan said, joking, after you leave, who will accompany your dad to feed the monkeys and play chess.

Now protecting your brother is the number one thing in Yinlingmen.

“Yes.” Wang Xiangchi’s tone was a little low. He went to feed the monkeys every day, and it was really meaningless to see the cruel pangolin training monkeys.

At this time Xu Fan came to the underground space, looked at the production line that was already running at full capacity, and said, “Grape, all heavy armored puppets in the future will be equipped with a Tier 5 shield.”

“Yes, apply for the use of heavy gold in the spirit mine to refine a Tier 5 treasure shield.”

“Forget the heavy gold, use the heavy alloy developed by Senior Brother Sha. Although it is a bit inappropriate, you can add a combination rune array on top.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Yes, the mission has been established.” Grape said.

In the underground space, thousands of tool puppets began to move.

At this time, in the hidden spirit gate, there were thousands of large spirit boats floating in the air. On the spirit boats, there were various types of combat puppets, and some disciples who had just returned.

“Go, how can you grow without going through the big scene.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the far away Lingzhou.

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