Chapter 322

At this time, Jian Wuji and Han Feiyu appeared in front of a handful of spiritual liquid hot springs.

“This is the spiritual hot spring formed by Spiritual Qi flowing from the land of extreme inflammation. The two disciples can soak for a while, which is good for future cultivation.”

“This kind of spiritual liquid hot spring can only be eaten at one hour, and it is generally only enjoyed by Elder and a few peak owners.”

“It just happens that you two are here. In order not to waste it, it is assumed that you have discovered hidden benefits.”

Grapes surprised the two of them.

Jian Wuji immediately received all his clothes in the Interspatial Ring and happily jumped into the Lingye Lingye hot spring.

“Comfortable, the hidden benefits mentioned by the seniors were unexpectedly met by us.”

“Feiyu, come down quickly.” Jian Wuji beckoned to Han Feiyu, did he make a comfortable and intolerable voice.

“Is it so comfortable.”

Han Feiyu also collected his clothes and jumped down.

“Wuji, other senior brothers and sisters, will they come over?” Han Feiyu said with some worry, but comfort is really comfortable. The feeling of impurities deep in the body is not too cool.

“No, even if there is, Grape will inform in advance.” Jian Wuji said with a smile. He wanted to come before, but he felt that it was not interesting to be alone.

“By the way, Feiyu, you use Spirit Power to suppress your Interspatial Ring, otherwise there will be a one in ten thousand chance that the Interspatial Ring will explode.” Jian Wuji reminded.

“It will explode?”

“Yes, this space should be a special space hidden under the surface space, which overlaps with the space in the Interspatial Ring,”

“But there is only a one-tenth rule, just be careful.” Jian Wuji said. A senior brother had exploded the Interspatial Ring here before, and he only knew about it when he was curious to ask.

“I see.” Han Feiyu distinguished a trace of Spirit Power controlling the Interspatial Ring.

The two comfortable soaking in the spirit liquid hot springs, chatting about the time they used to study together at the Tianjian Academy.

Han Feiyu lay in a special recliner, leaving only his head on the Lingye Hot Spring.

“Good fortune makes people.” Han Feiyu sighed.

The two chatted about the students who died in the disaster in the Heavenly Sword Fairy City, and then they talked about entering the secret realm of the Blue Sword Gate.

At this moment, Han Feiyu discovered the rune patterns on the four Dao Item-level Gathering Races in the sky. For some reason, Han Feiyu felt that a certain door in his mind was opened, and his mind was completely attracted.

“What a special pattern.”

Unknowingly, the trace of Spirit Power that controlled the Interspatial Ring also dissipated.

Seeing Han Feiyu entering the pause state, Jian Wuji stopped talking, quietly enjoying the spiritual liquid hot spring washing his body.


A loud noise suddenly sounded, and the entire Lingye hot spring exploded instantly, and then many spiritual treasures floated on the surface of the Lingye hot spring.

Han Feiyu was also shocked, and then saw something in his Interspatial Ring appearing on the surface of the Lingye hot spring, but there were more things sinking at the bottom of the lake.

“Oops!” When Han Feiyu saw the Interspatial Ring burst open, he felt a little uneasy in an instant.

“Haha, Feiyu, you won the lottery, you can meet it with such a small chance, you hurry up……”

Jian Wuji was very old and happy when he said it, but as he said it, looking at the things on the ground felt a little bit wrong, and his voice gradually became quieter.

The best Spirit Stones, spirit crystals, tens of thousands of years of elixir, the best stalactite of the ten thousand years level, and the spirit mine, at least the spirit mine of the cultivation Dao Item level.

The fragrance of the pill was in the air, and anyone who tried it would know that this must be another spiritual pill of the Grandmaster.

“Feiyu, do you see if something is hiding from me and Master, for example, your dad is a Mahayana Venerable, or the president of a top large chamber of commerce.”

At this time, Jian Wuji’s mind was full of the word “Xianfu 2nd Generation”, which was the same word that Wang Xiangchi said when he was training them.

Han Feiyu hurriedly used the hidden real Interspatial Ring to collect the popped things.

“These are all I found in a Sect ruin.” Han Feiyu said with a change of face.

At this moment, a stone that fell into the bottom of the Lingye hot spring glowed with blue light, and then gradually strengthened.

Seeing this silence, Han Feiyu’s secret path is not good, it is a spring eye stone that has been strengthened to the extreme, and inside it can flow out more pure power than spiritual liquid.

At this time, a horrible suction came, directly sucking the spring eye stone into the air, and then exploded into a mass of powder.

The four Spirit Gathering Orbs emitted dazzling auras, absorbing the powder exploded by the spring eye stone.

At this time, the spiritual fluid waterfall of the Yinlingmen changed its color, and the spiritual fluid flowing out of it turned into a light blue color, and a hint of aura could be faintly seen in it, as if life were to be born.

The dragon eggs in the Lingye Lake were more active than before. The dragon eggs that had absorbed as many spiritual liquids as they shed, they all burped at this time.

Two-thirds of the spirit fluid remained in the spirit fluid lake.

Xu Fan, who grew up on the main peak, looked at the pale blue Lingye waterfall at this time.

Xu Fan made a virtual move, and a ball of light blue spiritual liquid appeared in his hand.

“This is the Azure Spirit Liquid? Is the luck technique used yesterday so powerful.” Xu Fan said in shock.

Yesterday, he used the luck technique to pray to Heavenly Dao to solve it so that the spirit gathering array could absorb some spiritual fluid.

“Grape, what happened?” Xu Fan said.

“Jian Wuji and Han Feiyu entered the origin space of the Gathering Array, and then…”

Before Grape finished speaking, Xu Fan’s figure disappeared.

In the original space of the gathering array, Xu Fan looked at the two naked young men.

“Put your clothes on, is the capital very strong?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Seeing Xu Fan coming, the two quickly put on their clothes.

Xu Fan waved his hand with the help of the Sect teleportation array, and the three of them appeared in a pavilion on the edge of the cliff on the main peak, facing the Lingye waterfall that had turned light blue.

Human-shaped puppets make tea for three people.

“Let’s talk about it, what did you add to the Sect Spirit Gathering Array, which turned Sect’s spiritual liquid into the sky blue spiritual liquid.” Although Xu Fan knew the reason, he still had to ask it again.

“Master, I was wrong. I didn’t suppress the Interspatial Ring and let it explode.”

“One of my spring eyes was sucked away by the Sect Gathering Array, and then it became like this.” Han Feiyu said nervously.

“Master, Feiyu was also accidental and didn’t cause damage to Sect, right?” Jian Wuji glanced at the pale blue spiritual liquid waterfall in the distance and said.

A group of blue spiritual liquid appeared, floating in front of the two of them.

“Sky Blue Spirit Liquid is one of the most difficult to obtain in the immortal world.”

“The Azure Spiritual Liquid can be transformed into the Azure Spiritual Qi, long-term absorption has the forging of menstruation, the Ascension qualification, the expansion of the spiritual vein, which is beneficial to the breakthrough bottleneck.”

“I can’t finish talking about all the benefits.”

“This degree of Azure Spirit Liquid Spring Eye Stone is comparable to the top Dao Item.”

“All in all, it’s a sentence, Sect has taken you a big advantage.” Xu Fan said while looking at Han Feiyu.

At this moment, hehe, as if spanning endless time and space, it sounded softly in Xu Fan’s ears.

Xu Fan looked around abruptly, and said suspiciously, “Is it an illusion?”


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