Chapter 324 Fox Demon

“I hope Human Race has a back hand.” Xu Fan said while looking at the light curtain.

“Butcher, this fairy city must be destroyed today.” The werewolf said.

After six figures, three foxes and three wolves came out, they fled towards him instantly.

The butcher Venerable, who was fighting a fox and a wolf, just glanced at the six monsters who wanted to enter The Mortal Realm and sneered.

“Do you think I am a fool?” Venerable the butcher sneered.

At this time, a Sword Ray struck in the direction of Senxiancheng in the distance.

“Ancestor, save me!!”

Sword Ray passed directly through the figure of the Mahayana Demon Venerable Giant Wolf.

“The Fairy Slashing Demon Sword!”

The ancestors of the two races exclaimed.

At this moment, another Sword Ray hacked.

A Mahayana Fox Demon splits into two, sprinkling blood on the ground.

The other four Mahayana Demon Lords were scared to pee, where did the sword repair come from?

Just when the four Mahayana Demon Venerables wanted to escape back to the demon spirit world, the Venerable Massacre left the battlefield and guarded the passage.

“The kid from your family is going to die today,”

A Sword Ray slashed across the space and slashed towards a monster of a fox clan.

The girl who was fighting looked at Sword Ray, gritted her teeth, waved a huge shield and appeared in front of the fox demon.

‘boom! ! ’

Sword Ray slammed into the giant shield and directly caused the giant shield to be scrapped.

“Hurry up.” The fox girl used her clan’s secret technique to help the fox clan Mahayana Demon Venerable conceal his trace.

At this time, Xu Fan in Yinling Island canceled the light curtain. You don’t need to look at the plot behind him to know that the two powerful monster races fled back to the monster spirit world. The remaining monster races had to do everything except the invisible one. die.

As for the Fox Demon who ran away, he would usually come to him for trouble.

Xu Fan can guarantee 100% of this. Sect has two destined people. It would be strange if God didn’t arrange a wave.

“Hey, another crisis.” Xu Fan said with a sigh.

“Grape, recall all the disciples of Sect who are away, we are going to change a place.”

“By the way, the relatives of those disciples have also been brought to the island.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.


Li Xingci and Su Rantian came to Xu Fan’s courtyard.

“After a while, Sect may face an attack from the Mahayana Demon Venerable. In order to be foolproof, you can take Su Elder to the Elder Club headquarters to raise a baby.” Xu Fan said.

“Master, is Sect in danger?” Li Xingci hurriedly asked.

“If Sect is in danger, I can call Master at any time.” Su Rantian said with concern.

“It’s nothing big, but the Fox Clan Demon Venerable’s methods are weird, which may affect…” Xu Fan said and glanced at my disciple Su Rantian.

At this time Li Xingci began to hesitate, not knowing how to choose.

“You follow Su Elder, take Sect out to play, and then you will be back.” Xu Fan said relaxedly.

“Don’t hesitate, of course children are important.”

“You go now.” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you, Master.” After Li Xingci finished speaking, he and Su Rantian teleported to Linsen Xiancheng via a secret teleportation array.

This is Xu Fan’s personal connection to Xiancheng’s teleportation formation through Ning Dao’s relationship.

After the two left, Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Now there are not too many variables in Sect, of course, as long as the two pig’s feet are honest.

At this time, Han Feiyu and Jian Wuji were in the battle royale game, cautiously advancing, staring at the team of puppets with giant cannons in front.

“Feiyu, are we really going to do this?” Jian Wuji’s tone was a little startled. Every time the puppet giant bombarded him, he was really scared.

“Then bombarded you so many times, we must find this place back.” Han Feiyu said, staring at the team of puppets.

“Otherwise, the brother will have to bombard you.” Han Feiyu said calmly.

“Listen to me this time and take you to eat chicken.”

Hearing Han Feiyu’s assurance, Jian Wuji nodded and said: “Our strength is not bad, but there is a problem with the strategy. This time I will listen to you.”

At this moment, a sneaky probe puppet appeared in the distance.

Han Feiyu suddenly became energetic. Said: “Here, the brother is around, we just have to wait patiently.”


After the investigating puppet confirmed that no one was around, he took a bunch of puppets and suddenly attacked the team of puppets with cannons.

The puppets in the sneak attack had a clear division of labor, and the team of puppets were quickly and harmlessly resolved, leaving only one giant cannon.

At this time, a figure appeared in the perspective of Han Feiyu and Jian Wuji.

“Don’t move rashly, this one is definitely not a real person.”

Han Feiyu held down Jian Wuji Yujian in the starting position.

Sure enough, the figure in the cloak, after confirming that no one was around, pushed the cannon in one direction.

Look at the hard movement, it must be a puppet.

“Go, let’s keep up slowly.”

With the help of this secret sword formation, Han Feiyu quietly followed the puppet pushing the cannon with Jian Wuji.

While following, Han Feiyu found many traps again.

Until a hidden place, the puppet pushing the cannon stopped.

“You have worked so hard with me for so long.”

Jian Wuji was taken aback. He thought he had been discovered, and was about to take out the guy to do it, but was held down by Han Feiyu.

“Aren’t you coming out, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

At this time, the puppet slowly turned the cannon.

When the muzzle was pointed in the direction of the two men, Jian Wuji almost revealed his stuff, but was still held by Han Feiyu.

After the muzzle turned around, a figure appeared in the field of vision of the two of them, and muttered: “Does it feel like something is wrong.”

“It should be true this time, let’s do it.” Jian Wuji whispered.

“Don’t worry, look at the situation again.”

It wasn’t until the end that another figure appeared and started to debug the cannon before Han Feiyu confirmed that the brother was a real person.

Just when Han Feiyu was about to sacrifice Flying Sword, Jian Wuji suddenly said, “Let me come.”

“Go.” Han Feiyu nodded and said, for some reason, when he discovered that person’s true body, his heart was very dark.

A Sword Ray quickly stunned and passed directly through the head of the disciple who was debugging the cannon.

Seeing that the number of people in the existing Battle Royale game was reduced by one, Jian Wuji excitedly said to Han Feiyu: “Feiyu, thank you, otherwise, with me alone, it is estimated that I will never get revenge.”

“The revenge is just the beginning, and we still have to get the first place.” Han Feiyu said firmly in his eyes.

He felt that this battle royale game was much more dangerous than the immortal world, and it was a good place to train people.

After Han Feiyu put away the cannon, he took Jian Wuji to the inside of the survival circle of the battle royale.

Just as the two relaxed slightly, a shadow appeared behind them.

Just a sword, two heads rolled to the ground.

A looming figure looked at the two headless corpses on the ground and said lightly: “Almost concealed me.”

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