Chapter 334 Wuji, Don’t Eat It

After Xu Fan learned of the opposite demon world, he began to think.

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly thought of the mixed iron ape clan puppets moved to the underground space of Yinling Island, and it was just right for the mixed iron ape clan to occupy and guard there.

At this time, a lot of materials for setting up the magic circle appeared beside Xu Fan, as well as the Xuan Jinsha that had just been dug out.

In mid-air, Xu Fan began to portray that the magic array should hide the natural passages of the two realms, and set up a teleportation array at the natural passages of the two realms.

“Pavilion Master Feng, if you want to completely conceal this place, you need to connect with your luck, so that it will not be discovered by Demonic Beasts.” Xu Fan said while looking at Feng Changning.

“Good.” Feng Changning nodded and said.

Xu Fan’s eyes flashed approvingly, she was worthy of being a female emperor, she had courage, this kind of matter involving luck, she agreed so readily.

At this time, an aura flew out of the sea boat and turned into a five-spirited monkey in the air, and then began to seal the seal to display the magical powers of luck.

An invisible hand appeared, directly from Feng Changning’s Qi Luck Cover, pulling out a long line of Qi Luck and connecting it to the hidden magic circle. Suddenly a golden yellow symbolizes the fluctuations of luck spreading to the surroundings.

The teleportation array outside the two-world passage began to operate, and a tall imitation iron ape puppet walked out of the teleportation array and plunged into the two-world passage.

After doing all this, Xu Fan looked at everyone and said, “Let’s go, let’s go home.”

Haizhou returned to the original road.

Hidden Spirit Island, in the trial tower.

In the life and death escape game, more than a thousand Sect disciples are preparing.

“Feiyu, do you think we can get the number one this time.” Jian Wuji said, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

Kendo cultivator was originally known for speed in the cultivator world, but in this racing game, he and his good brother Feiyu ranked behind 400.

“I feel like I can make the four hundred.” Han Feiyu said lightly, already simulating how to avoid when encountering various dangers in his mind.


At this moment, a roar sounded, and a mountain-like evil dragon appeared behind the disciples.


A dragon’s breath sprayed towards the Sect disciples, and for an instant, as if a flare gun sounded on the arena, all Sect disciples instantly ejected and started.


The sky and the earth changed, and the Heavenly Rain Thunder Pool blocked all the space, leaving only a curved tunnel with a diameter of a kilometer.

“Damn, the passage is different this time.” Jian Wuji said while avoiding the thunder in the thunder pond passage.

At this time, nearly a kilometer in the Lei Chi comrades, Sect disciples gathered, all in various postures to avoid the thunder that appeared in the front and the evil dragon chasing behind.

Han Feiyu quickly walked a Z-turn in the air, avoiding the sudden appearance of thunder, and then ascending with his sword, avoiding the breath of the world-destroying dragon behind him.

He took the time to take a look at the number of survivors, and now more than a hundred seniors have fallen into the mouth of the evil dragon.

At this moment, a looming light was slowly approaching Jian Wuji.

Han Feiyu’s eyes narrowed, and I don’t know why, this shadow brother has been targeting both of them.

“Wuji, that coin is here again, pay attention.” Han Feiyu said through sound transmission.


At this time, Han Feiyu and Jian Wuji left and right, directly surrounding the looming light.

At this time, the three escape lights seemed to merge into one, and they began to frantically avoid the obstacles in the passage of the lightning pond.

At this time, the Sect disciple named Shadow Claw looked at the left and right, and couldn’t help frowning a little.

“Fengfeng Master Wang’s points are not easy to get. If you have tasks in the future, you have to add more money.” Ying Ci thought in his heart.

With the passage of time, the thunder pond channel has become smaller and smaller. Now the diameter of the channel is only the same as before, and nearly half of the disciples have entered the belly of the evil dragon.

At this time, it has become more and more difficult for the three ways to escape in parallel.

At this time, Jian Wuji gritted his teeth and directly slammed the sword against the shadow stabbing light. The two immediately lost their balance in the passage and ran into a thunder that suddenly appeared.

Both of them fell stiffly into the thunder pond, and were swallowed by the world-destroying dragon afterwards.

Jian Wuji walked out of the illusion room and looked at the shadow stabs in black clothes and masks who came out together and said, “Brother, do we have hatred.”

“Hey, it’s really time to add more money.” Ying Ci gave Jian Wuji a faint glance, and then his figure turned into a cloud of thick ink in the air, disappearing from thick to light.

“Brother, one day I will defeat you,” Jian Wuji said through gritted teeth.

Not long after, Han Feiyu also came out of the illusion room.

“Feiyu, how many?” Jian Wuji asked hurriedly.

“Three hundred and eighty-six.” Han Feiyu said unwillingly, if it wasn’t for the speed of escape that had been reduced by avoiding those thunders, he would still be able to hold on for a while.

“Let’s go, let’s continue to class.” Jian Wuji said. During this time, they were in the trial tower trial, and the rest of the time was in the main peak school.

“It’s noon, I want to eat at Auntie’s place.” Han Feiyu said as he looked at the noon sun, and couldn’t help but add his lips. There was no way to maximize the deliciousness of the ingredients. No one could hold it.

“That’s all right, let’s go.”

The two flew towards a mortal city behind the main peak.

While flying, Jian Wuji suddenly felt his own head hurt, but then disappeared, as if he hadn’t appeared.

In the sky, Jian Wuji rubbed his head.

“Illusion is overloaded?” Han Feiyu asked. In Sect, a disciple who frequently enters illusion has brain pain.

“It should be an illusion.” Jian Wuji said, shaking his head.

At this time, in a fairy city on the edge of the central continent, a Nascent Soul cultivator was looking in the direction of Yinling Island.

“Boy, wait for me to meet our husband and wife. After I recover from my injury, I will take you back to the demon world.” A red light flashed in the cultivator’s eyes.

After being seriously injured, the Xuefox Demon Venerable was attached to a Nascent Soul cultivator with the secret technique of the clan. According to the mark left on Jian Wuji, it took a lot of hard work to chase here.

After wandering in The Mortal Realm for a while, she discovered that Jian Wuji was a treasure house of the origin of life, and she regretted not cherishing it last time.

At this moment, Jian Wuji who was eating suddenly shuddered.

“Wuji, after the big Elder comes back, let the big Elder take a look.”

“I feel that something is wrong with you.” Han Feiyu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and said.

“Is there?” Jian Wuji hurriedly checked himself, and found that there was nothing wrong with his body.

At this time, a young woman carried a plate of crystal shrimp chips and put it on the table.

“You eat slowly, I still have three dishes here.” The woman said with a smile.

“Mother, that’s enough, we can’t eat so much.” Jian Wuji smiled bitterly at the delicious food on the table.

“Don’t lie to your mother, I know that immortal cultivators can keep eating.” The woman said reproachfully, looking at Jian Wuji.

“Auntie, don’t do it, we really can’t finish it. These are all made by spiritual food. If you eat too much, you will get fat. Then those female disciples will look down on Brother Wuji.” Han Feiyu said with a smile, he felt All these things must be prescribed to the right medicine.

“Really, Wuji, don’t eat.” The woman said quickly.

Nothing is as important as his son’s lifelong event now.

At this time, the sea boat that had shrunk to one kilometer flew into Sect and stopped in the plain behind the main peak.

Xu Fan came to the underground space with all the spirit mines from the collection channel.

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