Chapter 338

“The seaside?” Han Feiyu said suspiciously.

“let’s go.”

Jian Wuji didn’t wait for Han Feiyu, and flew directly to the beach.

At this time, Han Feiyu had clearly felt something was wrong, but thinking of Xu Fan’s words, he calmed down again, and followed Jian Wuji to the sea.

A small miscellaneous fox by the sea is squatting on the beach and admiring the scenery of the endless sea.

“The endless sea of ​​The Mortal Realm, the sea of ​​demon spirits in the demon spirit world, there are endless resources here.”

“If the Demon Realm unifies The Mortal Realm in the future, I can own this sea area, that would be great.”

“Wait a second, when I ascend to the Great Thousand World, I must ascend with the demon weapon.”

The miscellaneous fox is imagining a bright future.

At this time, two fawns appeared in front of the miscellaneous fox.

“Woo~~” Yunhualu arched the miscellaneous fox with his nose, meaning you are lost.

“Tweet~” The miscellaneous little fox also replied in animal language, meaning that I came to this place accidentally and was waiting for my master, who was on this island.

When Yun Hualu heard it, he turned out to be his own, so he could play happily. It immediately turned around the little miscellaneous fox.

“Woo~” (Let’s go play together.)

“Tweet.” (Go ahead, I’m going to wait for my master.) The little fox’s eyes flashed impatiently.

If it weren’t for the injury, the Cultivation Base was damaged and couldn’t show its full combat power. Maybe she had already killed this little Sect.

“Woo.” (Let’s go, I’ll take you to a good place, where there are many elixir for life, just eat it.) Yunhualu said, and directly bit a paw of the small miscellaneous fox with his mouth. , With the deer behind him, disappeared in place together.

At this time, a spiritual light flashed in an elixir world of the Elder Club headquarters, and two deer and a miscellaneous fox appeared.

A snow-white elixir rabbit appeared next to Yunhua Lu, one rabbit and one deer, and two auspicious beasts rubbed their faces against each other, behaving very intimately.

At this time, the miscellaneous little fox shrank her head and looked around tremblingly. She felt a terrifying aura around her, which could easily kill herself in her heyday.

“Tweet Tweet~” (Xiaobai treats today, we can eat a panacea for a beast.) Yunhualu proudly said.

“Spit up~” (Eat whatever you like, I’m the boss here.) The snow-white little rabbit raised his head and said proudly.

At this moment, a terrifying spiritual thought swept away.

The three beasts were accustomed to it, but the miscellaneous little fox instantly changed his face.

A giant hand covering the sky appeared, picked up the small fox and disappeared into the air.

“Hey, how can there be a little monster from the monster race here~~”

His tone was full of doubts, as if a monster suddenly jumped out of his bed.

The three beasts raised their heads to look at the sky, and their eyes were filled with puzzlement, why this companion was caught as soon as he arrived.

“Spit up,” (Don’t worry about it, I’ll put it back in a while) said the Elixir Rabbit.

In the world of elixir, the cultivator of Elder will not harm the auspicious beasts inside.

At this moment, Jian Wuji was enjoying the sea view of the endless sea by the sea of ​​Yinling Island, but he felt that he had disappeared in the dark.

Xu Fan is also observing Jian Wuji through the light curtain to prevent accidents.

“If the director didn’t take the wrong script, it should be Jian Wuji being invaded by the injured little fox consciousness, intending to forcibly recognize the Lord.”

“As a result, it was suppressed by the nine top Dao Item spirit swords in Jian Wuji’s body, and the master was reversed. In the end, the Mahayana Demon Venerable turned to recognize the master of Jian Wuji.”

“This kind of drama is silky and smooth, and it still has a lot of words. If I were the author, I would definitely write that way.” Xu Fan said while sitting in his room with a smile.

But as time went by, before Jian Wuji showed any abnormality, Xu Fan felt something was wrong.

“Hey, is the script wrong?” Xu Fan asked in confusion.

Six copper coins appeared in Xu Fan’s hands, lightly scattered towards the sky, and fell on the ground to form a wonderful formation.

“Take advantage of luck to prevent the disaster.” Xu Fan suddenly thought of something.

“Grape, what’s wrong in Sect.”

“Yunhualu disappeared with the little deer and a miscellaneous fox, so I should go to play somewhere again.” Grape responded.

“Miscellaneous fox.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin. Then Yunhualu wouldn’t take the little fox to the headquarters of the Elder Club.

“MMP, just take my hand, what’s the matter with you consuming my Sect’s luck?” Xu Fan said with a dark face, he obviously felt that his Sect’s luck was 10% less.

“Forget it, Jian Wuji is also my disciple and grandson, you should consume it if you consume it.” Xu Fan sighed and said.

At this moment, Jian Wuji, who was far away by the sea of ​​Yinling Island, suddenly felt a burst of light in his mind, but there was a burst of emptiness in his heart, as if there was something missing.

“How is it, is the disaster resolved?” Han Feiyu asked caringly next to him.

“The disaster is gone, but I feel like I’ve lost something.” Jian Wuji muttered as he looked at the seaside, and the feeling of disintegrating soul came to his heart again.

Jian Wuji licked his lips and suddenly missed that time.

“That’s good, let’s go back and continue to class, that demon fox, it is estimated that Master Zu used special means to kill.” Han Feiyu said.

At this moment, a black spot appeared in the distance, and then the two Daoist’s Han Feiyu swords who had fallen heavily were not far away.

“Damn, why is it so unlucky, I met the giant eater in the transformation stage.” Xiong Li stood up cursingly, and helped up the tens of thousands of soldiers who had fallen not far from him.

“So are you, you just said that there are eight hundred killer whale puppets underwater, what’s the result?” Xiong Li carried the half-conscious tens of millions of soldiers to a puppet.

“Hello, big brother~”

After seeing Xiong Li, the two hurried over to salute.

“Haha, no gift, I’ve heard of the names of your two juniors a long time ago.”

“In less than two years since I came to Sect, I have improved to less than 300, which is amazing.” Xiong Li looked at the two and said kindly.

The second-generation disciple’s horror Xiong Li has been taught. If he were to be included in the same period, he could only guarantee the top five in all points.

“We still need to work hard.” The two hurriedly said. For the legendary big brother in front of them, the two have been fascinated for a long time. Xiong Li is still in the honor of Sect in the shadow stone of the Tianjiao battle in the Central Continent. In the hall.

“Cultivate well, and work hard for Sect in the future.” Xiong Li said with a smile.

Just when he was about to go back to cultivate, a cultivator riding a Nascent Soul deep-sea flood dragon, and the flood dragon also planted on the beach.

At this time, the originally mighty and ferocious Jiaolong had already eaten half of its body, dying, and died soon.

The disciple riding on the dragon is also covered in bruises.

“Dragon Sparrow and Demon Bird, I’m never ending with you!!” Yu Qianshan said as he looked at the dying Deep Sea Flood Dragon beside him.

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