Chapter 360

After Xu Fan watched the celestial phenomena, he talked with Wang Yulun.

“Yulun, you said that for so many years, your daughter-in-law has never suspected that Xingci is your son’s business.” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“I think Qian’er should have guesses in her heart.” Wang Yulun said with a sigh.

“I think your daughter-in-law should know it. Or try to confess with her.” Xu Fan smiled.

“Uh, let’s forget this, let the flow go.” Wang Yulun said while looking at the starry sky.

Xu Fan waved his hand, and a small table appeared between the two of them. There were three dishes and two pots of spirit wine on it.

“Seeing you are so sad, let’s drink with you.” Xu Fan said, picking up a pot of wine on the table.


Just as the two were drinking, the base array of the Yinling Island quietly lit up, leading Sect to move 10,000 miles northwest of the Hundred Thousand Miles Giant Lake.

Many disciples cultivated overnight, and when they went out, they discovered that the entire Sect had changed positions.

And today Sect canceled all tasks, and Restrictions went out to Sect.

Xu Fan stood on the main peak, looking at the direction of the Extreme Sky Territory.

“Big Elder, what did you fortune tell?” Ning Dao appeared next to Xu Fan.

“I watched the sky last night and found that the area where the Yinling Island is located has become a place of great culprit, so I took Sect to change a place to freshen up.” Xu Fan said.

At this moment, a star boat carrying firelight dropped from the sky and directly hit the original hidden spirit gate.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fan narrowed his eyes, and the battle between the two worlds should have begun.

At this time, Ning Dao glanced at the communication Magical Item, and said with a solemn expression: “At the passage between the two realms, the Yaozu suddenly launched a sneak attack, destroying more than a dozen star boats in Elder.”

“Of course, the Yaozu side did not take advantage, and the loss was just as serious.” Ning Dao said, he was about to fly in the direction where the star ship fell.

“Ning Dage, please be slow, I have already let the puppet go, there is probably still danger there.” Xu Fan hurriedly stopped.

As soon as Xu Fan’s words fell, a monster warship of the monster race descended from the sky, carrying the half-remaining body of the giant beast warship, and smashed towards the location of the falling starship.

“Ling Zhan senior, are you ready?” Xu Fan said.

At the moment when the monster monster battleship appeared, Zhang Yue had notified Zhanling to take over the monster monster battleship that had been modified.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been staring.” Zhan Ling said hehe, he had wanted to drive this thing a long time ago.

The monster monster warship had already smashed the starship that sank into the giant lake, and then turned its gaze to the direction of the Yinling Island.

The monster battleship flew towards the location of the Yinling Island, like a small snack after a dinner.

“Haha, well done.” Zhan Ling laughed.

In order to make it easier for Zhan Ling to drive, Xu Fan had transformed the operating system of that monster warlord into the one they used in the realm of nothingness.

“Jiejie, I didn’t expect that there is a little Sect here, I want to kill you, and then I will kill the fairy city.”

The ghostly voice spread to the Yinling Island, and then the huge figure appeared in front of the Yinling Island.

At this time, all the disciples were calmly looking at the monster monster battleship, thinking that Sect would be teleported there next.

The monster monster battleship concealed the sky with its big hands directly above the hidden spirit gate Sect array, and it was photographed fiercely.

“It’s now!”

Zhanling directly removed the projection camouflage of the grapes, got up and punched, just like Lushan Shenglongba, before directly piercing the head of the monster behemoth, from the cockpit pinched out the Mahayana Demon Lord who was driving the monster behemoth battleship.


That ape-like Mahayana Demon Lord was directly photographed into meatloaf by the behemoth warship controlled by Zhanling.

A trace of true spirit flew out of the hand of the giant beast battleship, and quickly fled toward the sky.

“Haha, no true spirit can escape from my hand.” Zhan Ling jumped out of the cockpit directly and flew towards that trace of true spirit.

“Devil body, blood cut!”

A blood knife crossed the air and slashed directly at the trace of true spirit.


An extremely painful scream sounded, and the true spirit consciousness of the Mahayana Demon Venerable was directly annihilated.

“Elder Slasher, can you put that blank spirit body into the spirit gathering array.” Xu Fan said through sound transmission.


Zhan Ling directly invested the spirit body left by the true spirit into the core magic formation of the gathering formation.

“All disciples, begin to concentrate on cultivation, your chance has arrived.” Xu Fan’s voice resounded through the entire hidden spirit gate.


The disciple’s voice came from all directions.

At this time, a muffled thunder sounded, and then a pure cyan spiritual rain came down the entire hidden spirit gate.

“Unfortunately, I can’t wait for such a good thing.” After Ning Dao finished speaking, it is convenient for Xu Fan to say goodbye. Linsen Xiancheng still has a lot of things to deal with.

“Master, can Chu Fan take it out and accept this spiritual rain?” Li Xingci appeared beside Xu Fan and said.

“You wait.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

Not long after, a mountain guardian puppet appeared in front of Xu Fan, holding several Dao Item-level precious spirit mines.

A Phoenix divine fire rose from Xu Fan’s hand, and a mysterious array began to merge into the divine fire along with the spirit mine.

“Xingci, take a drop of Chufan’s Blood Essence.” Xu Fan said while controlling Shenhuo.

Li Xingci has not responded yet, and Su Rantian has already sent the child’s Blood Essence.

With the fusion of Blood Essence, a bloody jade Ultraman Tiga appeared in Xu Fan’s hands.

“Take this with Chu Fan, and you can bring it out to accept the Spirit Rain. Ascension is not good enough, but it can strengthen the soul, which is also a chance.” Xu Fan said.

“Forget it, give me the child, and you can also cultivate.”

“Stay in the realm of nothingness for a few years will affect you more or less. Taking advantage of this spiritual rain, you can wash it off.”

“Thanks Master.”

“Xie Da Elder.”

In this way, a pink baby appeared in Xu Fan’s hands.

A special shield was propped up by the blood jade Ultraman, and then began to slowly absorb the energy in the spiritual rain.

In the end, those energies were purified little by little by Ultraman Blood Jade and then passed into the baby’s body, moisturizing the baby’s soul.

Xu Fan looked at the baby in his arms and said with a smile: “Like your dad, but more like your grandfather.”

The look between the baby’s eyebrows made Xu Fan feel like Wang Yulun the more he looked.

“Haha, it seems that your grandpa’s life will be difficult in the future.”

“But it’s okay, just have a master guarding you.” Xu Fan looked at the baby’s pure jade-like eyes, and suddenly there was a hint of understanding in his heart for some reason.

“Master, the puppet rescued 46 God of Transformation cultivators and 21 Void Refining cultivators from that star boat. The 5 cultivators of the Integral Stage, their consciousness is in chaos.”

“How many died.” Xu Fan asked.

“1459 bodies were found.”

“Keep the remains of those cultivators properly and return them to the Elder Club in the future.”


“As for those cultivators who are confused and fall into a coma, drag them into the hidden spirit gate and accept the rain. It is estimated that they will return to normal in half a day.”

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