Chapter 363: Virtual Illusion Game

When Qianling Venerable heard this, he immediately patted his thigh.

“How can I say that the Xingzhou sold by Tianlianzong is so familiar recently.” Qianling Venerable suddenly realized.

“Big Elder, can you modify those monster warships here.”

“My Cultivation Base is still shallow, transform that monster battleship.” Xu Fan shook his head and said, the monster battleships on his own side can’t be completely transformed, let alone help others.

“Well, I’ll go to Heaven Refining Sect in a while and say, the ragged Spirit Stones will accept my star boat.” Qianling Venerable gritted his teeth and said.

Afterwards, Qianling Venerable ordered a batch of Sky Survey Guards from the Yinlingmen and left with them.

“It seems that the plan has to be accelerated,” Xu Fan said.

In Tianchi Nation, all civilians are following the direction guided by the clouds in the sky.

A middle-aged butcher with a family of four followed the flow of people to the next food distribution site. It is said that the cakes distributed there were all practiced by the gods using Magic Treasures.

The middle-aged butcher was naked, with a sturdy back, a pig-killing knife that had been with him for many years on his waist, pushing a trolley with both hands, and sitting on top of his old mother and baby son.

“Brother Niu, is it true that what the court said is true? Will there really be monsters to eat us if we don’t leave?” said the ordinary-looking middle-aged woman beside her, with a deep exhaustion on her face.

They have been on their way for three days in a row.

“You don’t need to believe the imperial court, but you have to listen to what the gods say.” The middle-aged butcher pointed to the arrow in the sky, which was a sign to guide them.

“Mother, come up, I’ll go down for a while.” said a little boy with bright eyes.

“Hu’er, sit down, you are not tired.” The middle-aged woman said with a smile.

“Mother, come on, I want to walk on the ground.” The little boy jumped off the wheelbarrow and followed the middle-aged butcher.

“Grandma, make room for my mother.” The little boy said to the old woman who was fainting in the car.

The car is very small, except for the luggage, the rest can barely accommodate two people.

The old woman moved her butt and fell asleep again, and the middle-aged woman went up.

The little boy looked at his father who wanted to push the cart, and took out half of the fine cake and jerky from his arms.

“Father, you can eat these.” The little boy said.

The middle-aged butcher looked at the little boy lovingly.

“Hu’er, why didn’t you finish the food the fairy gave you.” The middle-aged butcher said and looked at the excellent cakes and jerky in the little boy’s hands.

“I don’t have to walk, I eat less.”

“Father, you eat this, let’s hurry up and see what the fairy city looks like.” The little boy said excitedly.

At this moment, there was a strange cry from the sky, and a strange bird with its wings spread tens of meters rushed towards the flow of people below, and the target was the little boy who was following the middle-aged butcher.

The middle-aged butcher had fear in his eyes, but he still protected the little boy under his body and drew out the pig-killing knife pinned to his waist.

Sitting on a wheelbarrow, the middle-aged woman got up and prepared to press the little boy under her.

At this moment, a roar sounded, and the head of the strange bird burst open. When the dead bird’s body was about to hit the little boy’s family of four by inertia, a shield covered the area.

The strange bird hit the shield

At this time, the people who had recovered from their spirits knelt down and shouted for the immortals to appear.

The little boy’s family knelt on the ground, shouting thanks to the fairy for help.

At this time, a Nascent Soul puppet appeared, pushing the corpse of the strange bird into the sky.

The little boy kneeling on the ground looked up to the direction where the puppet was flying, and he faintly saw a huge huge boat.

“Father, I will also be a fairy in the future.” The little boy said with a firm expression, and a ray of thunder flashed in the depths of his eyes for an instant.

“Well, if you encounter an immortal accepting a disciple, I will take you there.” The middle-aged butcher smiled, watching the blood that has not dried on the ground, and the beating heart slowly calmed down.

One day later, the little boy’s family of four finally arrived at the destination. It was a avenue hundreds of meters wide, and everyone was walking along the avenue.

The little boy looked at the sign on the side of the road and said to the middle-aged butcher: “Father, let’s walk along this road for a hundred miles. We can take a fairy car to the giant city when we get there.”

As the only literate person in the family, the little boy has the responsibility to show his family the way.

“Really? Is it finally here?” The middle-aged butcher happily said, and the long and long journey made him look sluggish.

The whole family is happy.

In the hidden island, underground space, Xu Fan controlled the iron mixed ape to teach the little spider supernatural powers while chatting with Grape.

“Grapes, the civilians are all in place, at least more than 10 billion gathered together, and the food is easy to solve, what should be done with the remaining management.” Xu Fan said.

Xu Fan knows that when thousands of people gather together, if they are all idle and have nothing to do, there will definitely be problems.

At this time, several light curtains appeared in front of Xu Fan. Above is the plan provided by Grape. The general content is to use its huge computing power to arrange reasonable tasks for everyone, so that everyone has corresponding work every day.

Xu Fan shook his head. Although grape hashrate is huge now, it can’t be wasted.

At this moment, Xu Fan’s eyes lit up and he thought of the online game novels he had read in his previous life.

“Grape, can you make a virtual online game that can accommodate tens of billions of people?” Xu Fan said excitedly.

“Modular operation, there is no need to scan real data like a trial tower.”

“It’s playing, please wait for a while.”

An hour later, the deduction of Grape was finished, and a complete plan was placed in front of Xu Fan.

“Add some more functions to select geniuses and link puppets with consciousness. In the future, you can directly let the people inside do tasks for us.”

“In this way, those mortals who have the talent for fighting and don’t have Spiritual Roots can shine in reality.”

“and also……….”

After Xu Fan proposed this plan, the inspiration burst out instantly, and he talked a lot about the inspiration of the game setting.

From the game to reality, to the future Minor World plan.

Xu Fan kept talking for several hours, and finally stopped excitedly.

“It’s almost like that, I’ll talk about it later when I think of it.”

“It turns out I still have a talent for game planning.” Xu Fan said happily.

Three days later, Xu Fan had a game helmet made of Lingtie in his hand.

“Has the production line been established.”

“One hundred production lines have been established, and 50 million helmets can be produced every day,” said Grape.

“After you make up one billion, just send it, young people give priority to it, and you can arrange the rest,” Xu Fan said.

After Xu Fan gave his instructions, he put the helmet in his hand on his head.

“Let me see how grapes make the game.”

Xu Fan closed his eyes and let the illusion circle in the game helmet intervene in his mind.

At this time, Xu Fan’s figure appeared in a small village where birds and flowers are fragrant.

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