Chapter 369 I’m from the Moon Fox Clan…

After hearing Xu Fan’s words, Ning Dao directly called 66.

At this moment, a huge dark cloud appeared in the distant sky, covering the sky and the sun.

“Master, there are a large number of flaming bird demon clan approaching your area, and the highest combat power is turning into a god.” Putao Suddenly reported.

“Ning Dage, let you see another benefit of this steel great wall.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

The Fire Rock Bird Demon Race wants to directly cross the Great Wall of Steel from the sky to slaughter the Human Race behind.

Xu Fan ordered the battle puppets in the sky to hide and let them fly toward the Great Wall of Steel.

When the flaming bird force was on the Great Wall of Steel, Xu Fan said: “Chongyue Qianshan Formation, get up!”

At this time, the Great Steel Wall built by the puppets lit up with earthy light. In an instant, the Baili area of ​​the Great Steel Wall became the no-flying center, and all the flying monsters in the sky felt a terrifying force pressing on them. Body.

As the gravity formation started, bird rain began to fall in the sky.

Xu Fan manipulated the puppets and Ning Dao to hide in the shield of the Great Wall of Steel, watching the fighting puppets easily slaughter the fallen flaming bird.

Among them, several of the Fire Rock Bird Demon Clan of the Deity Transformation Stage landed to resist, and were suppressed by the heavy armored puppets of the Deity Transformation Stage, and then were sealed in a small ball.

“This gravitational formation connects the entire Great Wall of Steel, and you want to cross it from the air, unless it is a monster above the transformation stage.”

“Fortunately, the demon races that are now appearing are just unimportant small races, and those big demons that have entered the stream have not yet appeared.” Xu Fan looked at it and said.

“Come on, the two new passages in Linsen Xiancheng have begun to show the shadow of the moon fox clan. As long as they feel the threat of your steel great wall, they will definitely come out to destroy them.” Ning Dao said.

At this time, a team of cultivators from the Linsen Xiancheng Elder Club appeared in front of Ning Dao.

Ten refining periods and one hundred transforming gods.

The headed cultivator said to Ning Dao: “Meet the guardian.”

“Well. You are finally here,” Ning Dao said with a smile.

“Things are urgent, so I won’t be able to catch the wind and wash them out. Your task now is to protect these puppets from building the Great Wall of Steel from being destroyed.”

“You don’t have to worry about the monsters below the transformation stage, you can mainly pay attention to the monsters above the transformation stage.” Ning Dao ordered.

“Yes.” The leading Lianxu cultivator saluted.

The Lianxu cultivator began to patrol the surroundings with that team of cultivators.

“This is the new cultivator of the Elder Association to support Linsen Xiancheng. There are ten teams, all of which are elites from the Elder Association’s internal academy.” Ning Dao introduced.

“That must be great,” Xu Fan said.

“I used to feel great, but then I met you and your apprentices, and everything looked so average.” Ning Dao smiled.

“This average is the average I said.”

“Yes.” Ning Dao laughed.

At this moment, shocking battle fluctuations suddenly erupted in the distance. After a while, the leading cultivator came over with a corpse of a demon clan.

“Report that the guard envoy found a hidden Void Refining Stage Monster Race near the Great Wall of Steel.”

“Yes, it’s hard work.”

Ning Dao looked at the broken corpse of Fox Demon, shook his head and said: “You can only make fertilizer. By the way, when you encounter a monster above the transformation stage, remember to seal the true spirit so that it can be in the hands of this hidden spirit gate Elder. Change something good.”

“Understood.” The leading cultivator nodded and said.

“From now on, the five true spirits of the Demon Race during the Void Refining Period can exchange for a Tier 5 Magic Treasures at Sect, or a treasure of the same level.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

The true spirit of the monster race has many uses. In addition to transforming into a rain of true spirits in the hidden spirit gate, it can also be used as a true spirit of a puppet, but Xu Fan was too lazy to make it before.

“Understood.” The leading cultivator nodded and said, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

After the leading cultivator left, Ning Dao couldn’t wait to ask: “Can you exchange the Dao Item spirit sword for the three true spirits of the monster race in the combined stage?”

“Hehe, Ning Dage thought about it.” After Xu Fan finished speaking, he immediately disconnected his consciousness.

Looking at the puppet returning to the main force, Ning Dao whispered: “You still owe me a Dao Item spirit sword~~”

Xiong Li was guarding the area of ​​the Great Wall of Steel, at this time in the midst of indiscriminate bombing by Xu Gang.

There is a rain of magma boulders in the sky, and every magma boulder will explode when it hits the ground, forming a violent explosion.

A thousand-armed colossus stood in the air, and his eyes looked coldly at the slain demon clan below.

Xiong Li, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn’t help swallowing as he watched the magma rain in a radius of a hundred miles.

“What a hatred this is, the Yaozu will not even give you the opportunity to make fertilizer.” Ten Thousand Soldiers sighed beside Xiong Li.

At this moment, a woman with seven white foxtails behind her appeared not far from the Thousand Hands Colossus.

A pink Ribbon wrapped around the Thousand Hands Colossus, followed by seven foxtails.

“No, Fox Demon during the refining period.” Xiong Li immediately wanted to call for support.

At this moment, the void shook, and the five-color aura reversed.

“Fox family, must die!” A cold voice sounded in the sky.

Thousands of hands stretched out in an instant, and brought the fox girl with the chaotic fire, and the fan Ribbon was directly burned by the chaotic fire on that arm.

At this time, the void has been sealed off by the Thousand-Hand Colossus.

The fox woman’s face changed, and she was shocked and said, “This is a cultivator!”

“Charm all beings.”

A mysterious aura enveloped the Thousand Hands Colossus, trying to take him to a warm world.


Another colossus with a thousand hands appeared from behind the fox woman, and an arm burning with chaotic fire grabbed the fox woman.

“Let me go, I belong to the Yuehu clan…”


The fox woman hadn’t finished speaking, she was directly slapped into flesh by the Thousand-Hand Colossus with her hands together.

The two watching the battle from a distance shuddered.

“This is too cruel.” Xiong Li murmured.

After this wave of monster clan was destroyed, the Thousand-Hand Colossus turned into Xu Gang and came to the two of them.

“Clean up the battlefield.” Xu Gang said.

“Okay.” The two people who hadn’t recovered yet nodded and said.

After Xu Gang left, the two looked at the battlefield and said, “Is there anything to clean up?”

Apart from the scorched earth, there was only ashes left on the battlefield that had just been burned into crystals.

“Master Xu Feng has an antagonism with the fox clan. When he encounters a lot of fox clan in the future, let Xu Fengzhu come over directly.” Ten Thousand Soldiers said with a smile.

“It seems that some time ago I heard that when Feng Master Xu took his wife to perform the task, the fairy city where he was located was breached by the monster clan.”

“Feng Master Xu was threatened by the Fox Clan during his escape, and it is estimated that he will be hated at that time.” Xiong Li said.

“It turns out that the monster race has always been tyrannical, and the fox race likes to play with human nature.”

“The Fox Clan must have offended Xu Feng’s bottom line.” Ten Thousand Soldiers analyzed.

“With our unparalleled combat power, Fengzhu Xu, the monster race will be unlucky in the future.” Xiong Li sighed.

“It’s not an ordinary bad luck.” Ten million soldiers added.

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