Chapter 379: Brother Sha’s Ambition

Linsen Xiancheng, at the passage between the two realms, is the holy city of the demon clan of the Yuehu clan.

The god-changing moon fox woke up from his dream again, looked at his paws, and said in disbelief: “Is my previous life really a human cultivator.”

At this time, when the eyes of the moon fox in the transformation stage looked at the holy city again, it was no longer the eyes of the kind of race or faith, and the eyes began to slowly become fierce.

But then he began to doubt himself, that the human race in the dream might be a dream, but then the memory of the dream human race appeared in the mind.

“Fake! Everything is fake!” The expression of the moon fox in the transformation stage began to become crazy.

Far away when studying the formula at the Yinlingmen, Xu Fan thought of Xu Fan looking in the direction of the Moon Fox Clan’s holy city, and said lightly: “Slowly cooking with a small fire is the truth.”

At this moment, the voice of grapes sounded.

“Master, the data alloy you requested is successful!”

“Does the fifth-tier alloy of the treasure have it? Is it the formula with the label just now?” Xu Fanxi said.

“No. 497, an alloy formula based on red copper.”

“Yes, there is no need to worry about treasures in the future.”

During this period, as long as Xu Fan is free, he will go to the sand sculpture to study the formula.

At this moment, the sand sculpture also ran over.

“Big Elder! I researched it here.” The sand sculpture said excitedly while pressing a piece of black metal in his hand.

“Double happiness is coming, Brother Sha, I have also researched it out here.”

Xu Fan took the black alloy in the hands of the sand sculpture and said, “The grape test.”


Before long, a light curtain appeared in front of the two of them.

“Senior Brother Sha, you really have this talent.” Xu Fan said in surprise. The properties of this alloy are several times better than the one he just posted.

“Brother Sha, name this alloy.”

“In the future, this kind of alloy will definitely be well-known in the world of immortality.” Xu Fan said.

“Is this alloy so good?” Sha Diao said, looking at the black alloy in Xu Fan’s hand.

“It’s much better than you researched out that Dao Item grade alloy.” Xu Fan said.

“In the future, if Senior Brother Sha can sell it to Quanxiu Immortal Realm Refining Master at a low price, or buy Magic Treasures directly, then Senior Brother Sha will definitely gain a lot of merit after the Human Race defeats the Monster Race, and it will be even more meritorious to ascend to the Immortal World in the future.” Fan said.

“Benefits are boundless, really.” The sand sculpture murmured, as if remembering the unbearable past.

At this time, Xu Fan quietly approached the sand sculpture and said in a low voice, “If you can develop cheap Dao Item alloys, Immortal Ascension will not be a problem in the future.”

“That’s for the future, now this black alloy is called sand sculpture alloy.”

“Father, your son won the bet he made at the beginning.” The sand sculpture said with emotion when he looked to the sky.

At that time, when he was young, the words that a teenager shouted to his father had already come true, but now it was nothing but wrong.

“Senior Brother Sha, how about the name Hei Jin.” Xu Fan said with a frown, trying hard to make himself look normal.

“It’s called Sand Sculpture Alloy. I hope my dad can hear this name one day.” Sand Sculpture said.

Xu Fan still wanted to persuade him, but after seeing Sha Sculpture’s determined expression, he would never use those two words after cursing others.

A month later, the cultivator of Linsen Xiancheng discovered that the fifth-order treasure that was expensive to heaven is now the price of cabbage.

And these fifth-order treasures have various common styles.

For a time, all cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage in Linsen City were equipped with Tier 5 treasures.

Although they are all black in a single style, they are all real fifth-order treasures.

After the cultivator with the fifth-order treasure fought against the monsters, they all sighed that this fifth-order treasure was surprisingly easy to use.

In addition, each Magic Treasures is engraved with the logo of the sand sculpture alloy at the end, and the origin of the sand sculpture alloy is micro-engraved.

When the monster entered the realm, the cultivator of Linsen City rose up to resist.

Today, the Great Master Sand Sculpture, the hidden spirit gate refining device, can’t bear the low-level Magic Treasures used by the cultivator to resist the monsters, and then donate the alloy that has been researched for a hundred years.

Not for fame or fortune, only for the masses. The cultivator has excellent Magic Treasures to resist the demon world, and restore the peace of the immortal world, and repair the glory of my human race.

This micro-carving article instantly detonated Linsen Xiancheng. The name of sand sculptures resounded in Linsen Xiancheng. Those who have the sand sculpture alloy Magic Treasures in their hands all praise the name of the sand sculpture Great Master.

On Yinling Island, Xu Fan looked at the exhilarating sand sculpture, and couldn’t help but sigh. The whole world of immortal cultivation probably only cares about the name.

In fact, for so many years, Xu Fan has always respected Sand Sculpture, and has always called Senior Brother Sha instead of Senior Brother Sand Sculpture.

“Okay, Brother Sha, don’t smirk at the sign on Magic Treasures.” Xu Fan said. This micro-engraving article written by Xu Fan not only moved the cultivator of Linsen City, but also the sand sculpture.

More importantly, Sand Sculpture felt the power of merit and luck in his body.

This motivated the follow-up research of Sand Sculpture, and now I am facing a pile of basic spirit mines all day, wanting to research out Dao Item grade alloys.

“Big Elder, was it true what you said last time?” Sand Sculpture asked, with a strange look in his eyes, as if a person had found a goal that he could fight for his entire life.

“What last time?” Xu Fan asked in confusion.

“Immortal Ascension you said.” The sand sculpture said hehe.

“Oh, if you can really do it, when the Human Race defeats the Demon Race and the Heavenly Dao in this world is assimilated, you will be able to take credit for Immortal Ascension.”

“But this is very difficult. Human race defeats Demon race. You have to account for more than two levels of factors.”

“This is much harder than the Mahayana Demon Venerable who killed 20% of the demon clan.” Xu Fan said.

“That’s also hopeful, isn’t it?” Sha Sculpture said, and Xu Fan couldn’t bear to interrupt him with the light of fighting spirit in his eyes.

“Brother Nasha, come on,” Xu Fan said.

People of faith should not be laughed at.

When Xu Fan ended his conversation with Sand Sculpture, he controlled a puppet to fly towards the holy city of the Moon Fox tribe, where there was Illusion Art that needed to be updated.

At night, Moon Fox fell into a dream again in the transformation stage, and this time his dream was renewed.

In his dream, he had turned into a madman, only knowing to kill the Yaozu, and the hatred for the Yaozu had become the essence, occupying nearly half of his mind.

As long as you see a demon, you will lose 100% of your mind.

One day by chance, he got a way to enter the demon world.

It took a hundred years to finally find the entrance to the Demon Realm. At this time, he was already in the mating stage, and he didn’t even dare to take a peek at Venerable’s combat power.

Having entered the demon world, he has completely turned into a state of madness, only knowing to kill, heal his wounds, and then continue to kill, and run away when he encounters the Mahayana Demon Venerable.

For a time, the small clan in that area was killed with trepidation, for fear that madness would come to the door every day.

Dreaming of this, the god-changing moon fox woke up instantly, with a look of fear in his eyes.

In the history of their Moon Fox tribe, there was really a human madman who attacked their tribe and was later killed by the Elder in the tribe. When he was a child, he even read this record.

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