Chapter 386: Above the Golden Ring

“Haha, you little greedy ghost.” Wang Yulun laughed suddenly.

Xu Fan beside him also laughed. In order to help Wang Yulun win the favor of his grandson, he specially used many precious spirit fruits to refine a lot of fructose.

The entire Yinlingmen is only one, and if you want to eat it, you can only go to Wang Yulun’s to ask for it.

So when Li Chufan was about to leave, Wang Yulun deceived Li Chufan into calling grandpa.

Wang Yulun smiled and took out a green soft fructose, and stuffed it into Li Chufan’s mouth dozingly.

As the fructose was eaten into his mouth, Li Chufan ran away like a little monkey.

“I’m looking for my mother. Li Chufan twisted his body and pulled out of Wang Yulun’s arms and ran away.

“This kid is filial since he was a child.” Xu Fan said with a smile looking at the direction Li Chufan was leaving. The kid planned to take out the fructose in his mouth and feed it to his mother.

“Give me more fructose.” Wang Yulun said.

“Accompany me to fish for 10 fructose, and the price is clearly marked.” Xu Fan said while looking at the distance. Just now Grape reported that he found a small Star.

“100 at a time.” Wang Yulun said, fishing for the second time in a day, and disturbing his cultivation.

“50, can’t be more.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and ordered Grape to move forward.

“make a deal.”

Xingzhou adjusted its direction slightly and flew towards the newly discovered little Star.

“Mysterious ice crystals are commonly used in spirit mines for refining water attribute Magic Treasures.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the dark blue little Star in the distance.

The diameter of this little Star is only more than 70 meters.

The iron claw flew out and easily grabbed the small Xuan ice crystal Star and dragged it towards the starship.

“It’s much better than the previous method of obtaining spirit mines from the floating sky boat.” Wang Yulun watched as he was dragged into the star boat, Star said.

“If even the sea boat can’t be compared, I will directly take the sea boat to the endless sea.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

As Xingzhou stopped and went in the outermost region of the extreme sky, it was only half a month later that Xingzhou came to the information to mention the vicinity of the channel.

“Is this entering the star gate of the channel?” Xu Fan said as he looked at the giant gate in the distance.

Xu Fan used the message with spiritual eye skills in his eyes and looked at the huge star gate in the distance.

In a deep blue sky, there stands a star gate that seems to be left over from the ancient times.

“This star gate is a projection of a fairy artifact, and the body doesn’t know where it is.”

“This kind of fairy artifact shouldn’t exist in this world.” Xu Fan said with a frown.

This fairy artifact is like a creature with a three-dimensional world suddenly appearing in a two-dimensional world, which is totally unreasonable.

A light curtain appeared in mid-air, and above it was the regional map of the Territory of the Sky.

“There are 99 star gates in the entire polar sky.” Xu Fan looked at the nodes connected by thin lines in the light curtain. Each node represented a projection of a star gate.

“Grape, how much space does Xingzhou have?” Xu Fan asked.

“There are still 40%, Spirit Stones can still support the starship to run for a year.” Grape said.

“Okay, set off toward the star gate.”

Xu Fan then synchronized the location of the Star Gate to the Xingzhou network.

Xingzhou flew slowly towards the star gate, and Xu Fan didn’t really feel the magnificence of the star gate until he approached the star gate.

“It’s like feeling the projection, I don’t know what the human body of this fairy artifact is like.” Xu Fan’s eyes flashed with realistic light, and at this moment he was very eager to see the body of this star gate.

After Xu Fan became the Great Master of Refining Tools, he also saw a few immortal tools. Because of his excellent refining aptitude, he just took a look at any fairy tools, and the refining method appeared in his mind.

Even if you don’t know what spirit mines are refining, you can feel that you can refine a magical weapon like power.

But from the moment he saw the star gate, Xu Fan felt a blank in his mind. For the star gate in front of him, he couldn’t think of a way to refine it.

“It seems that only by going to the Great Thousand World to know how to refine it.” Xu Fan thought, looking at the Star Gate.

At this time, Xingzhou had already passed through the star gate, and in an instant, as if a train had found a railroad track, the speed of Xingzhou suddenly increased dozens of times.

“Master, the rules of this space are abnormal. Any flying object entering this space can accelerate dozens of times.” said Grape.

“Can the space be teleported?” Xu Fan asked.

“It’s still the same as the outside world.” Grape replied.

“Got it.” Xu Fan nodded.

At this moment, a streamer suddenly passed through the flank behind Xingzhou and sent a message to Xingzhou.

“It’s so slow. When you get to the Star Station, your shit won’t be hot.”

Seeing this news, Xu Fan narrowed his eyes.

An angry voice of Zhan Ling came from the main control room of Star Zhou.

“Grape, give me all you can to speed up, you have to see what the urgency looks like!”

“Grape, accelerate with all your strength.” Xu Fan said.


A special blue shield replaced the original streamlined shield, and the star boat began to accelerate, turning into a streamer flying along the star boat path towards the streamer just now.

“It turns out that after the speed has reached a certain level, this is the scene outside.” Wang Yulun said, looking at the chaotic color outside the passport.

“When you can see the color of the space, it proves that the speed has reached the limit of this realm.” Xu Fan smiled.

With the extreme acceleration of the star ark, it soon surpassed that star ark.

Zhan Ling controlled Xingzhou deliberately for a period of time beside the star boat, and easily surpassed after sending a message.

After seeing the news, Mahayana Venerable in that star boat.

“Too much bullying!”

The star boat began to accelerate with all its strength, but then could only sigh at the tail flame that turned into a little starlight.

A month later, Xingzhou came to a place where the stars converged.

A star the size of the earth is surrounded by a giant golden ring. All star boats can only dock on the golden ring.

“Master, there is a message from that Star, asking if we want to stop.” Grape said.


Xingzhou slowly approached with the golden ring, when a voice appeared.

“Please report the basic information.” The voice is exactly the same as the original electronic sound.

“Belong to Xiancheng, belong to Sect.”

“Linsen City, hidden spirit gate.” Xu Fan said lightly.

“Please stop, Xuanyu, Zone B, Class 370.”

Xingzhou docked in the direction indicated by the voice.

Above the golden ring, Xu Fan led everyone off the boat and walked towards a huge pavilion in the distance.

At this time, a cultivator who wears an Elder will come over.

“Fellow daoist stay, can you inquire about some news, we have to collect the situation of the major immortal cities here.” The cultivator of the Elder will politely said.

“You ask.” Xu Fan said.

“Are Lingxi Fairy City and Feilin Fairy City still there? How is Linsen Fairy City now? Can it survive the siege of the Monster Race?”

“The two immortal cities have been destroyed. They moved to the vicinity of Linsen Immortal City to fend off the monster clan together.”

“As for the situation in Linsen Xiancheng, it’s okay, after shrinking the area, I can barely defend it.”

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