Chapter 391

As Xingzhou’s main artillery fired, Xu Fan’s expression was also very excited from the beginning, but it was dull.

“The record that Senior Brother Sha gave me at the time seems to be that Elder Society and Tian Lianzong killed this thing.”

“I’m overestimating my own strength.” Xu Fan murmured.

Looking at the behemoth in the distance enjoying the cannonball massage, Xu Fan said discouragedly: “Locate the cannonball and give it a shot. Let’s talk about it if you have a chance.”


After Xingzhou secondary artillery fired a positioning shell, it moved back towards Linsenxiancheng.

Hidden Spirit Island, behind the main peak is a place dedicated to Xingzhou’s docking.

Xingzhou slowly landed, and Xu Fan walked down from Xingzhou with a constipated expression on his face.

“Big Elder, next time let me take that monster behemoth puppet, maybe I can kill that behemoth.” Spirit Slayer Venerable had a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

“The strongest attack that the monster monster battleship puppet can perform is stronger than that of the main artillery. It can’t break the defense of the extremely empty giant beast.” Xu Fan suddenly thought of it at this time.

“If you equip the monster monster battleship puppet with top-level Dao Item weapons, you should break through the defense of the extremely empty giant beast.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

“Really.” Zhan Ling exclaimed.

“Then the problem has arisen again. The spirit mine for refining the top Dao Item can be encountered but not sought, which is the more dangerous zone in the depths of the sky.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

“Let Grapes assist me next time.” Zhan Ling said, he also knows the benefits of that extremely empty behemoth, and Xu Fan will probably use it when he refines his Dao Item.

“This star boat is only the first level star boat, so forget it.”

“Let’s talk about it after building a more advanced star boat in the future.” Xu Fan said, the positioning cannonball has hit the extremely sky behemoth, unless he ran out of this world, otherwise he couldn’t escape from the palm of his hand.

“It can only be this way.” Zhan Ling said, it seems that the own advanced Dao Item is still in the foreseeable future.

At this moment, there were thunderclouds in the sky of Yinling Island, and a Dao Item like a hula hoop appeared in the air.

A masterpiece of Kuang Lei, a huge thunder slammed directly on Dao Item of the hula hoop.

“Boom Rumble~”

“The refining was successful.” Xu Fan said lightly while looking at the thundercloud in the sky. This Dao Item is the most difficult Dao Item he refined except for grapes.

“Dao Item Thunder Tribulation, it seems that Dao Item refined by Big Elder is not easy.” Zhan Ling said with a smile.

Generally speaking, Dao Item provokes Thunder Tribulation, and this Dao Item is considered to be in grade.

While speaking, a huge thunder struck again.

The Dao Item in the sky trembled, and his breath became much weaker.

“Grape, start the energy-absorbing array.” Xu Fan looked at this Dao Item and felt unbearable.


At this time, a shield appeared under the thundercloud.

“The last one is left for Najie.” Xu Fan said.


At this moment, in a mortal giant city on the Yinling Island, the middle-aged butcher who was about to arrive home was looking up at Lei Yuan in the sky.

There is always a familiar feeling.

“How do you feel that the black cloud in the sky is like my brother.” The middle-aged butcher said suspiciously.

The middle-aged butcher gently tapped his finger towards the thundercloud, and a flash of lightning appeared on his fingertips, as if the thundercloud in the sky was greeting the middle-aged butcher.

“I’m not you Dage.” The middle-aged butcher shook his head and entered the house.

At this time, Dao Item, which resembled a hula hoop in the sky, had already endured the last thunder tribulation and was digesting the power in the thunder tribulation.

“In the future, Yinling Island will have its own Minor World.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

This Dao Item was made by Xu Fan in order to refine the Minor World. As long as the Dao Item accommodates the Minor World in Changning, the Minor World will become a pendant on the hidden spirit island in the future.

In the underground space, a hula hoop is spinning around Xu Fan.

“A bunch of people find a goal for you, don’t worry.” Xu Fan said, looking at the hula hoop spinning around him.

“Ontology, I suggest you find a bigger Minor World.”

“The level of the Minor World you want to store is a little bit terrible, and the use of the world is a bit wasteful.” Clone No. 2 said.

“I know that the recent Minor World is in Linsen Xiancheng, that has been merged with Xiancheng formation, and currently only this one is the most suitable.”

“In the future, you can find a suitable Minor World and merge.” Xu Fan said.

“It’s fine if you are happy,” said the second clone.

“There is no big work, you have to rest first during this time.” Xu Fan said, and now he feels most upset about his two clones.

“I don’t know how the clone number one is now.” Xu Fan said.

“Should be thinking of a way to find you.” Clone No. 2 said.

“Then is he stupid? Take the time to get rid of my control and take advantage of this great opportunity. What are you looking for?” Xu Fan shook his head and said, he had seen the desire for freedom in the eyes of Clone One.

“It’s very risky to be out of your control. It’s better to lie down beside you comfortably. Besides, isn’t it because of the hard times now?” The second clone said calmly.

Ever since Xu Fan got a large number of Yuehu Clan craftsmen, Xu Fan has regained the spiritual wisdom of the former No. 2 clone.

“It’s not unreasonable for you to say that.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

“Let’s do this first, I want to take that Minor World.” Xu Fan said.

It is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Yinling Island, somewhere on the lake surface of a hundred thousand miles.

Na Jie was dancing happily beside Xu Fanxu, it already felt the smell of Minor World.

Xu Fan looked at the calm sea and snapped his fingers softly.

A giant magic circle appeared, the runes on the circle began to circulate slowly, and a passage of Minor World appeared in front of Xu Fan.

Xu Fan stepped into the passage of Minor World.

As soon as he entered Minor World, Xu Fan felt the oppressive power from Minor World, and the Cultivation Base dropped from Nascent Soul to the Gold Core stage.

“This Minor World is really small.” Xu Fan said, feeling the breath of Minor World.

“The area of ​​this Minor World is equivalent to the total face of the earth in the previous life. Counting those undeveloped places, it is not a problem to feed more than 10 billion people.” Xu Fan said.

“Najie, do it.”

The hula hoops surrounding Xu Fan instantly flew towards the sky of this Minor World like wild dogs out of the cage.

Xu Fan stepped out and appeared in the main city where Feng Changning established the dynasty.

“This is considered a low-spirited world, but this kind of pure ancient dynasty is still very good.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan walked down the street wearing a sapphire robe, and saw the delicious food if he stopped and tasted it.

When Xu Fan passed a long street full of warm jade and fragrance, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of beautifully dressed women.

“My son, how about a drink with the slave house.”

“My son, it’s the first time to come to Beijing. Do you need the slave family to tell you something interesting in the capital.”

“My son, ignore those impure little foxes, I can have a long conversation with my son Xingye at fifty taels.”

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