Chapter 394: Puppet Captain

After a two-hour class, everyone walked out of the classroom tremblingly.

Everyone lost the excitement they had when they first came to the upper realm, with a sad look on their faces.

“Unexpectedly, the current situation of the upper realm is so serious. I don’t know how long the battle with the monster clan will last.”

“It seems that you can’t be a Rogue Cultivator in the upper realm. You have to join the Hidden Spirit Gate.”

“Now when you encounter a monster in the immortal world at least in the Gold Core stage, how to play this.”

There are different opinions, but one thing is unified, that is, the Outer Sect must be added to the hidden spirit gate.

Everyone knows that the tree is so low that it can enjoy the cold.

At this time, a god-shifting puppet appeared beside the cook.

“Whether to accept the position of chief chef of the Yinlingmen?” said the puppet.

All the cultivators who have just left the classroom look at the cook enviously, but the craftsmen are different.

The cook looked at the old man and the two younger sisters beside him, then nodded and said: “I accept, please lead the way.”

The puppet took the cook’s shoulder and soared into the sky.

The first cultivator in Minor World appeared.

In Xu Fan’s small courtyard, Xu Fan and Wang Yulun are eating.

“I have changed chefs, this level has caught up with Wuji’s mother.” Wang Yulun took a mouthful of green vegetables and put it into his mouth and said, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

“I hired a good cook that Minor World found.” Xu Fan said with a smile, unconsciously scanning his good brother again.

The thing that I missed day and night hasn’t appeared yet. At the beginning, the life expectancy of a thousand years was promised, but when the woman changed her mind.

Xu Fan was upset when he thought of this place.

“Yu Lun, when you dreamed before, have you ever dreamed of a broken world?” Xu Fan asked casually, wanting to see if there were any clues.

“Broken world? It seems to have been a dream before.” Wang Yulun frowned and said.

“In my dream, there seemed to be a woman who was talking to me all the time, but I forgot the specific content.”

Wang Yulun said that he took a piece of crab balls and put it in his mouth. It was another intoxication about the taste buds.

“Oh, that might be your previous life.” Xu Fan said.

“The previous life is the previous life. Don’t delay it now.” Wang Yulun said nonchalantly.

I want her to delay you, Xu Fan said depressed.

After a meal, the two came to the huge lake of 100,000 miles and started fishing.

Wang Yulun threw the hook extremely reluctantly.

“Hey, I don’t want 50 pieces of fructose. Grandson can’t coax me.”

“The matter of cultivation is a combination of work and rest. With your current level of diligence, there is no problem in fishing for a day.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes, Xu Dage is right.” Wang Yulun smiled and began to be forced to open business.

In the outermost area of ​​the Iron Great Wall No. 3, a top-level configuration Nascent Soul bladesman supreme version of the puppet, standing on the steel wall with a virtual knife in hand, looked at the monster race gathering in the distance with disdainful eyes.

“Once every few days, don’t kill the Yaozu no matter what.” said the middle-aged butcher.

Now the middle-aged butcher has become the captain of the No. 3 Great Wall Tiankui Division.

“The Demon Realm is much broader than ours, The Mortal Realm, and of course the Demon Race is more than the Human Race.”

“There is no such thing as a mortal in the Demon Realm.” Ling Zhan said next to him. When nothing happened, he would control the puppet to come to the Great Wall of Steel to kill the demon clan to play.

“According to you, that’s amazing.” The middle-aged butcher said.

“So many monsters, can you kill them all.”

“What are you doing with so much heart? It is not us, but the top Venerables that determine the outcome of the battle between the two worlds.”

“It’s hard to say when the high-level human race will win, these little monsters,” said Ling Ling.

He looked at the monster race that was gathering in front of him, and it was not enough for him to fight against his true body.

At this moment, three beams of light fell in the extreme distance, and then the earth roared.

“It’s also a fit-period great demon who doesn’t believe in evil. You can only remember how many deaths you have.”

“These monster races are also stupid enough.” Ling Zhan said with a sneer in the middle-aged butcher.

Therefore, the number of crafting masters of the Moon Fox clan has increased. Xu Fan has opened up where he can refine Dao Item Town Demon Stars. Now there are twelve Town Demon Stars staring at the periphery of the Great Steel Wall.

As long as the demon clan above the Void Refining Period appears outside the Great Wall of Steel, the Zhen Demon Star will strike directly.

“I feel that our strength can be killed.” The middle-aged butcher manipulating the puppet took out a piece of cotton cloth from behind and carefully said the virtual knife.

“You think too much, don’t feel that it’s easy to kill this miscellaneous soldier and feel that you can do it by yourself.”

“Those big clans have not attacked with all their strength. After they digest the territories that occupy our human race, they will probably free up their hands to beat us.” Ling Zhan said with a glance at the middle-aged butcher.

He found it necessary to talk to this good brother more about strategy and the overall view.

At this moment, the army of the monster race in front of them had already gathered together, rushing towards the Great Wall of Steel, looking like they had forgotten their lives.

“You are right, but I believe that as long as I can wield the saber, the demon race will be killed one day.” The middle-aged butcher turned into a thunder light after speaking and rushed towards the demon tribe army.

There are tens of thousands of puppets behind the middle-aged butcher. They are all puppets controlled by Master Tiankui in the game.

Zhan Ling now looked at the middle-aged butcher’s back like Ben Lei on the Great Wall of Steel, and exclaimed: “I have seen it so many times, every time I see me, I have to pick it up for a while, every move can provoke thunder and lightning.

After this, after Cultivation Base is advanced, who is not afraid. ”

At this time, the middle-aged butcher manipulating the puppet had already confronted the monster race.

The puppet waved the Void Slashing Knife in his hand with all his strength, bringing a ray of thunder to shining the entire battlefield.

Seeing the scene of the battle between the puppets and the monster army, Zhan Ling couldn’t help but once again sighed Xu Fan’s horror.

Although some Gold Core Nascent Soul stage puppets are now controlled by the sky puppet masters, in the future these Tiankui masters will be promoted to the god transformation stage and even the consolidation stage.

As long as there are puppets, there are countless sky puppet masters with rich combat experience.

Thinking of what the late stage puppet master might develop in these days, Ling Zhan couldn’t stop shuddering.

He felt that the big Elder was going to play a big big chess game, especially during the battle between the two worlds.

If he hadn’t got a little understanding of Elder’s daily life, he would definitely suspect that Elder had the ambition to dominate the two worlds of shemales.

At the time of Zhan Ling’s fantasizing, the battle was over, and the puppet returned to the Great Wall of Steel.

The middle-aged butcher manipulator puppet bit the Void Slashing Knife in his mouth, and the other puppet arms in one hand returned to Soul Slashing.

“Hey, the captain of our Butcher Brigade was actually injured.” Seeing the middle-aged butcher puppet looking embarrassed, Zhan Ling laughed. This kind of thing is very common on the battlefield.

“Sneak attacked by a monster of the transformation stage.”

“It’s all a big loss today.” The middle-aged butcher said, looking at the broken arm.

“You yelled at the beginning, didn’t it have a warranty, what is the loss?” Zhan Ling said with a curled mouth. After troubled this bladesman supreme version of the Nascent Soul puppet, he showed off to him.

“One time less warranty, isn’t this Spirit Stones.” The middle-aged butcher defended.

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