Chapter 405 Double Happiness

At this time, there was endless Sword Ray shining in the dojo between the two of them. The fluctuation of the collision of Sword Ray spread around like a ten second-level hurricane.

At this moment, a giant sword phantom came from the sky and directly hit Xu Fan’s Five Elements shield in the Sword Ray storm.

Both of them stopped their hands very tacitly, and Xu Fan was considered defeated by the result of the discussion.

Wang Yulun looked at the spirit sword in his hand in disbelief, and said in shock: “You actually defeated Xu Dage.”

“You think too much, just now I just showed your son’s fighting level.”

“Dream didn’t do this.” Xu Fan said with a white glance at Wang Yulun.

“Then Xu Dage, try your best, I feel I can hold on for a while.”

Wang Yulun looked at the spirit sword in his hand and said confidently that during the battle just now, the auxiliary combat system of the spirit sword perfectly predicted all Xu Fan’s moves and the flaws in his supernatural powers.

“Come on,” Xu Fan said with a hook.

Wang Yulun held the sword again and shot towards Xu Fan.

‘boom! ! ’

A figure flew into the distance like a cannonball.

A day later, Wang Yulun appeared in Xu Fan’s courtyard, holding a Magical Item fishing rod in his hand.

“Xu Dage, let’s go fishing today, I feel that I can catch good things.” Wang Yulun said.

Wang Yulun, who originally didn’t like fishing, was in good condition today, and there was a desire to go fishing very much, as if something was calling him.

“Okay, let’s go.”

At this time, Xu Fan had only one sentence in his mind, that is, the 100 times rebate would be credited immediately.

On the huge lake of 100,000 miles, the morning sun, the calm lake surface, and the cool breeze all seemed very beautiful.

Xu Fan and Wang Yulun sat on the spirit boat, chatting and fishing.

Xu Fan looked at the lake with excitement, thinking about the situation in which the rebate should be paid.

“Xu Dage, the Dao Item spirit sword you gave me, when can I use it, and where is the upper limit of this auxiliary combat system?” Wang Yulun asked.

“It’s okay for you to use the fit period. Now this Dao Item spirit sword is only a junior version, and there will be various types of Dao Item spirit swords for you in the future.”

“What kind of enemy you will meet at that time, just take out the corresponding spirit sword.” Xu Fan said.

How can such a good brother only give a Dao Item spirit sword, it must be a full set of spirit swords.

There are Dao Item spirit swords and systems to deal with Demonic Beasts, some to deal with monsters, and some to deal with cultivator. Among them, it is divided into close combat and long range combat. Illusion Art is still poison.

Before his good brother can advance to the Mahayana stage, he must be equipped with at least twelve sets of 36 Dao Item spirit swords, and the rest of the bodyguard Dao Item must be indispensable.

Xu Fan looked at the lake while thinking about it.

At this moment, a strange wave came from the bottom of the lake.

The fishing rod in Wang Yulun’s hand began to tremble.

“A big fish has taken the bait!” Wang Yulun said while pulling back vigorously.

Xu Fan put one hand on Wang Yulun’s shoulder and blessed Wang Yulun.

After a tug of war, a mini palace was fished out.

After Wang Yulun took it in his hand, he threw it to Xu Fan and said, “This is another weird thing, Xu Dage, I’ll give it to you.”

“There are good things in it, don’t you want it?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“It doesn’t matter, I will use good things as well, so I might as well give them to Xu Dage.”

At this time, Wang Yulun stretched out his hand to Xu Fan and said, “Take it over.”

“Regret it?” Xu Fan put the mini palace on without much thought.

“Fructose, who wants this?” Wang Yulun waved his hand and said.

“I want 200 this time.”




“Forget it, 150, don’t bargain.” Xu Fan said as he took out a small cloth bag and put it on top, which was filled with refined fructose.


In the underground space of Yinling Island, Xu Fan and the two avatars are surrounding the mini palace.

“It should be Dao Item Palace.” Clone No. 2 said.

“It’s barely a high-level Dao Item.” Clone One brushed one hand across the Dao Item palace, and the fairy grammar array appeared in the mini palace.

“It’s a bit troublesome to have the remaining consciousness of the previous master,” Xu Fan said.

“Leave this to me, three days.” Clone No. 1 said.

Three days later, as the mini palace opened, the three entered the Dao Item palace.

The three of them appeared in the Dao Item palace, and as soon as they entered the door they looked at the article composed of immortals.

“Guanwen, Xingyi.”

The sound of Hong Zhong Daming sounded.

“This is a refining tool of the human race, the Grand Great Master, who walked around the palace. When he was ascending to the immortal realm, he was attacked by the enemy and his life fell here.” Xu Fan said while looking at Xianwen.

“The Grand Great Master of the refining device was attacked by the enemy when it was ascended in this realm.” After the clone number one had finished speaking, the three looked at each other.

This is obviously a fucking fool. When the Grand Great Master ascends, he will inevitably bring a few defensive artifacts to defend himself. Coupled with the guardianship of the immortal forces, it is difficult to commit suicide.

At this time, a fairy sword appeared in front of the three of them.

“Thirty thousand years, thirty thousand people finally came.” A voice like the ming of a sword came from the fairy sword.

“If you can come here, whoever is the refining Great Master, follow me to the inner hall and be inherited by my master Qi Yun refining the Grand Great Master.” Xian Jian said.

At this time, Xu Fan and the two avatars looked at Xianjian with foolish eyes.

“Have your previous master told you not to pretend to be in front of the refining Great Master, and it is still the three refining Great Master.” Xu Fan said lightly.

In an instant, the Third Stage Fairy Array appeared under the sword body of the Fairy Sword, and the Fairy Stylistic Array inside the sword body of the Fairy Sword was forcibly cracked in an instant.

At this time, the fairy sword revealed its original appearance, and an ordinary Dao Item spirit sword appeared in front of the three of them.

“Dao Item creatures, just wait for your fateful master honestly, this is your fate.”

“Wanting to cultivate spiritually to become a way, heaven-defying to become a rare spiritual practice in the world, originally you have a chance.” Xu Fan looked at the trapped Dao Item spirit sword and said, as if God is watching a mortal. generally.

“Where did I reveal a flaw.” Xian Jian said unwillingly.

“It’s a good disguise. Although we can see it, it’s nothing.”

“But you should never show murderous intent to us.”

“Originally, if you were honest and sincere, you still had a chance to become a spiritual practitioner, but now it’s too late.” Xu Fan said and snapped his fingers softly.

The immortal sword formation that trapped the immortal sword was directly activated, and then a mass of energy was extracted. This was the spiritual wisdom of the immortal sword.

“Grapes should like it.” Xu Fan said with an aura looking at the fairy sword in his hand.

“Split into several groups to reward the grapes, so that the happiness of the grapes will be doubled.” Clone No.1 said with a smile.

“Are you taunting me.” Xu Fan looked at the clone number one with a honey smile. He used this method to deal with the clone in the first place. A comic is divided into several parts.

“Haha, how come?” The two clones laughed at the same time.

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