Chapter 434 Jade Light Demon Sovereign

“Can we get normal pay as your maid, or is it a Shuling carrot?” The three little rabbit girls looked at the huge ice snake and said.

As a clan of Moonlight Rabbits, they were originally a small clan in ancient times, scattered around the demon world as maids to support themselves.

Yuguangtu, this race has a natural talent for life that is different from other monster races. After being a maid, you can massage the master in real time to keep the master’s life in a prosperous state.

He was a good demon doctor even when he was injured, and various injuries would be healed by Jade Rabbit.

Therefore, the Moonlight Rabbit was the most sought-after among the monster clan. At that time, it was an important measure to judge the status of a monster in the monster world.

But just in tens of thousands of years, a moonlight rabbit that accidentally broke into the great world, saved a dying mighty power, and since then, moonlight rabbit’s destiny has changed.

That mighty power came to the demon world forcibly, integrated the Jade Rabbit clan, and descended the inheritance. From then on, the Moonlight Rabbit became a big clan. However, due to its characteristics, it only provided services for the Monster Clan of the Demon Sovereign level.

“This demon will only provide you with…”

Before the ice snake was finished, he was cut in half by a huge sword that was burning with flames.

The true spirit of the ice snake was beheaded without even having a chance to call for help.

“Our Shuiling carrot~~~” a girl with rabbit ears said in tears, feeling that her beloved Shuiling carrot is gone.

At this time, a frost wolf descended from the sky and took away the body of the ice snake, then turned to look at the three rabbit-eared girls.

“Do you also want us to be a maid? Can you give us Spirit Stones and Shuiling carrots.” said a bunny-eared girl.

“Do you know that wolves like rabbits the most?” Xu Fan made a vicious expression on purpose.

The three rabbit-eared girls looked at each other, then lay on the ground and said to Xu Fan, “Eat, we can’t run away anyway.”

Then it turned into its original shape intimately, and the three little white rabbits exuded a smell of life, which was very attractive.

This is Xu Fan, on the contrary, it is a little bit impossible. If all of the Yuguangtu clan are like this, he will be a little bit unable to do it. After all, under normal circumstances, the value of the face is justice, not for nothing.

Regardless of before and after the transformation, the looks are a bit difficult for people to play.

“Grape, have the Moonlight Rabbits ever killed humans?” Xu Fan asked.

“No, in the record, even when the Great Wall of Steel expanded to the Shuling Carrot Farm of the Yuguang Rabbit Clan, they couldn’t resist, and they retreated with tears,” said Grape.

“It turned out to be like this.” Xu Fan said, and then Xu Fan looked at the information of the Yuguangtu clan.

“You should keep this jade rabbit clan, it will be useful in the future.” Looking at the three little white rabbits lying on the ground, said.

“You still eat or not, we do not eat, we are gone.” One of the little white rabbits opened his mouth and said.

“Forget it, let’s go, you don’t feel delicious.” Xu Fan said.

After hearing what Xu Fan said, the three little white rabbits stood up calmly, patted the dirt on their bodies, and turned into three rabbit-eared girls.

Waved with Xu Fan and walked away.

“It’s also a good choice to catch these rabbits and use them as physical therapists in the future.”

“Of course it is also possible to farm.” Hey, annoying, after reading the information of the Yuguangtu clan, I found that Yuguangtu is also a race that is good at farming.

“Grape, check the position of the Venerable of the Yuguang Rabbit clan.”

“Give orbital gun blows at critical moments.” Xu Fan said, wanting a demon clan demon lord to surrender, the difficulty is not as easy as direct killing.

“Grape has received the order and has received the receipt in the database.” Grape said.

At this time, Xu Fan controlled the puppet to change into the appearance of the ice snake just now, and then flew towards the territory of the blood lion clan.

At this time, it was indeed less than ten thousand miles away from the territory of the clan.

The Moonlight Demon Sovereign of the Yuguangtu clan was holding his severed arm to heal his injuries.

There was a little sadness on the delicate and beautiful face.

“If I have not returned to the territory, the blood corpses and the ice snake group will definitely not let go of my people.” Yuguang Yaozun said with a wrinkled face, and the rabbit ears on top of his head moved. This is the way the Yuguang Rabbit clan expresses anxiety.

“Even if you want to take refuge, you can’t take refuge in blood, the lion clan and the ice snake clan.” Yuguang Demon Sovereign said through gritted teeth.

The three clans have been adjacent to each other for so many years. Reading the blood lion clan and the ice tongue, from time to time they secretly looted the jade rabbit clan and sold them to other big clans.

If it weren’t for the weakness of the Yuguangtu clan, the two clan would surely be wiped out.

Yuguang Rabbit Demon Lord looked at his own injury, the cursing power of the blood lion clan and the snake venom of the ice snake clan, all of which require decades of cultivation.

At this time, Yuguang Yaozun raised his head and saw the sky said.

“Demon ancestor, think of a way to save our jade rabbit clan!”

The Jade Light Demon Venerable is looking forward to the emergence of a mighty power that can save the Jade Rabbit clan, just like the ancestor who soared to the great world tens of thousands of years ago.

As a mighty maid, let the entire Jade Rabbit clan rise from a state of decline.

At this moment, an ice snake flew over the head of Jade Light Demon Lord.

The Jade Light Demon Venerable instantly hid his own aura to prevent it from being discovered by the ice snake in the conjugal stage above.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was flying to the territory of the blood lion, suddenly felt something strange below, that the private monster clan was hiding himself.

Xu Fan controlled the puppet and stopped suddenly and began to examine the area below.

Just when Xu Fan was about to detect the position of Jade Light Venerable, a Ribbon suddenly appeared, quickly entwining Xu Fan.

“The fit ice snake, I wanted to let you go.”

“I didn’t expect you to die by yourself.” Yuguang Yaozun’s figure appeared in the air and looked at the ice snake that Zhang Yue had turned into a puppet, and said coldly.

Just when the Jade Light Demon Venerable wanted to kill the ice snake during the fit period.

The trapped ice snake suddenly disappeared, and then appeared behind the Jade Light Demon Venerable.

“The Demon Venerable of the Yuguang Rabbit Clan, I have been looking for you for a long time.” Xu Fan looked at the Yuguang Demon Venerable’s mouth with a fascinating smile.

After that, a huge ice cage fell from the sky and directly buckled him and Jade Light Demon Venerable in it.

At this time, the railgun in the sky had already locked the Jade Light Demon Venerable.

In an instant, a feeling of Death appeared in Yuguang Yaozun’s heart.

In an instant, Yuguang’s face changed drastically, as he watched what the ice snake said.

“You are the human race in the Great Wall of Steel, right?”

Xu Fan froze for a moment, then opened his mouth and said, “How do you know?”

At this time, the voice of grape appeared in Xu Fan’s heart.

“Master, Jade Demon Zun Jingjing tried to enter the Great Wall of Steel to collect Dao Item from their family’s farm.”

“At that time, she was locked by the railgun and scared her away.” Grape said.

“Then it will be easier.” Xu Fan responded.

“Jade Light Demon Lord, I am Human Race.”

“Think about it, how about taking refuge in my human race?” Xu Fan said.

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