Chapter 436

“The demon is back!”

“The Demon Lord is back with Shuling Carrots!”

In an instant, all the jade rabbits in the holy city made a sensation.

They miss the demon lord, but they miss the delicious water spirit carrot even more.

Yuguang Yaozun looked at his lovely clansmen gathered under the spirit boat, looked at them with such innocent eyes, so attached to himself.

“I’m back!” Yuguang Demon Venerable said with a gentle smile, looking at the large Shui Ling eyes.

Under the spirit boat, the tears in Yuguang Rabbit’s eyes overflowed.

During the time when their Demon Venerable was away, their group of rabbits was fed up with the bullying of the rest of the foreign races. Those small clans who did not have Demon Venerable in the past also began to grin at the Yuguang Rabbit Clan.

Not to mention the blood lions and ice snakes. I don’t know how many cute little rabbits have been taken away during this period.

“Monster, you are finally back.”

“We have only been bullied by those bad guys during this time.”

“Don’t be afraid, in the future, our Yuguang Rabbit clan will never be bullied by other monsters again.” Yuguang Yaozun said softly, but in his mind the power of bombarding the earth was thought of.

At this time, small stars appeared in the eyes of all the jade rabbits below, and it felt that the own race would rise again.

“Demon Venerable, what big monster clan we have taken refuge in, is it the Golden-winged Great Peng Demon Venerable~” said Elder, a prestigious jade rabbit.

In an instant, Jade Light Demon Venerable only felt the light shining in the eyes of all the Jade Light Rabbits below.

Jade Light Demon Sovereign suddenly felt a bit hard to tell at this time, after all, taking refuge in the Human Race meant betraying the Demon Race.

“It’s okay, even the weaker clan, as long as the protection can protect our clan.” The prestigious Yuguang Rabbit said, in his eyes, as long as he can help their clan get through the difficulties now.

“I signed an equality contract with the human race. They protect us and we provide services for the human race.” Yuguang Yaozun said in a low tone.

At this time, the ears of all the jade rabbits slowly drooped, and a pessimistic atmosphere filled the audience.

“There is an advantage to taking refuge in the human race~~~” At this time, Jade Light Demon Venerable suddenly raised his voice.

“He promised me the freedom of every Jade Light Rabbit and Water Spirit Carrot!” Yuguang Demon Venerable said loudly.

In an instant, the audience boiled, and the ears of all Yuguang Rabbits stood upright and swayed slightly.


Yuguang Yaozun smiled and waved his hand, and suddenly there was a rain of radish in the sky, and for a while, the atmosphere of the audience reached a peak.

At this time, on the Great Steel Wall of the Demon Realm, Xu Fan and Zhan Ling were watching the scene where Jade Light Demon Venerable Sprinkled Water Spirit Carrots.

“Why the Jade Light Demon Race is so enthusiastic about the water spirit carrots?” Zhan Ling said, looking at the jade light rabbit carnival scene.

“Shuiling carrots are not only the high-quality staple food of Yuguang Rabbit, but also the spiritual food and belief of Yuguang Rabbit.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“A race is so enthusiastic about spirit vegetables, it’s a miracle that it can live up to now,” said Spirit Slayer.

At this time, a Dao Item of water spirit carrot appeared in Xu Fan’s hand.

“This is the supreme Dao Item of the Yuguang Rabbit clan, and the holy item of their clan. This is the Dao Item that specializes in planting water spirit carrots.”

“The Shui Ling carrots we grew out were barely enough for their family to eat, and we later robbed them.” Xu Fan smiled.


Just when Xu Fan was going to return to Yinling Island to deal with other things, Grape said: “Master, the two demon lords of the blood lion and ice snakes personally brought the demon army to suppress the realm.”

At the same time, the picture on the light curtain turned, and the two clans’ armies were about to press into the territory of the Yuguangtu clan.

“Give the two monsters a shot first. It’s an appetizer.” Xu Fan said, with a hint of excitement in his eyes. This railgun’s special big trick has not been used yet.


At this time, outside the Yuguangtu territory, the monster army of the two races had already invaded into the Yuguangtu territory.

A blood-red male lion ten feet high stood on a cliff with a huge ice snake beside it.

“This little rabbit is finally willing to go back, otherwise some special methods have to be used.” The Blood Lion Demon Venerable said in the direction of Jade Rabbit Holy City.

After all, I can’t give up the own people. “The ice snake next to him said with a chuckle.

“It’s a pity that she doesn’t understand that as long as the demon lord of a race does not die, their clan will not be famous in the demon race.”

“The Jade Light Demon Lord who used to be majestic and prestigious will only be your plaything in the future.”

The blood lion said and looked at the ice snake, and the two demons smiled at each other.

At this moment, a sense of crisis emerged in the hearts of the two demon.

I saw a red light from top to bottom, directly bombarding the location of the two demons just now.

After that, more powerful energy fluctuations poured onto the ground.

Until the smoke cleared, the ghosts of the two demons appeared on the spot.

One of the paws that the blood lion demon was pierced, the ice snake demon’s tail was broken.

“Human Dao Item can actually attack here!” The phantom of the Blood Lion Demon Venerable said with an ugly face.

“At this time, shouldn’t you be concerned about another issue?”

“Why would the human race attack us at this time?” After speaking, the Ice Serpent Demon Venerable quietly gave his family an order to retreat.

“You mean the Jade Rabbit clan has taken refuge in the human race.”

“It’s very likely! Retreat now and attack the Yuguang Rabbit clan. I will discuss it later.” The Ice Serpent Demon Venerable said solemnly.

Just as the two demon masters were talking, the space-based weapon satellites in the sky began to show off.

Numerous gravity alloy rods began to evenly strike the monster army.

Seeing this scene, the two demon lords retreated in their hearts.

This kind of attack was seen when the Human Race Steel Great Wall invaded their territory.

There is no way to avoid that kind of attack.

“Retreat at full speed!” The two demon veterans quickly issued orders to their race army.

For a time, the monster army of the two races retreated like a tide.

Just as he was about to exit the territory of Jade Rabbit, a red light suddenly appeared in the sky.

I saw two rays of red flame falling from the sky, and then turned into a huge laser giant net in two, and began to sweep the army of the two races.

Then two more lasers shot out from the sky that was already red and directed towards the two monsters.

The speed of the two lasers seemed to surpass the speed of light. After the two monsters saw the two lasers, the next moment was penetrated by the real spirit.

Two huge monster corpses fell from the sky.

Xu Fan and Zhan Ling saw this scene with different expressions.

Zhan Ling had both shock and frustration in his eyes.

Xu Fan’s eyes were completely excited, feeling that his Heavenly Source Fire Crystal was useless, and his attack power did not disappoint him.

At this time Xu Fan noticed Zhan Ling’s expression next to him.

“Ling Zhan Elder, what’s the matter?” Xu Fan asked.

“I’m thinking, in the future, will the world of immortality be the world of your refiner Great Master?” Zhan Ling said, he asked himself the laser just now, he couldn’t hide it.

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