Chapter 441 Xu Fan’s Guess

“The psionic core is completely damaged.”

“The main body of the star boat is broken in many places, and the skeleton is divided into two.”

“The chassis array was completely damaged, and the eight major nodes, Dao Item, were overloaded and all shattered.”

“There were no casualties, but a small number of people were slightly spiritually damaged.”

Xu Fan’s expression became heavier and heavier as he listened to Grape’s report.

Now they are in the extreme airspace of the monster race, and they may be spotted by the monster warship of the monster race at any time.

At that time they were the meat on the chopping board.

“Let’s hide it first.” Xu Yifan released tens of thousands of puppets from the own Dao Item palace.

The puppets are distributed around the star boat, forming a secret magic circle.

At this time, all the people on the Xingzhou were surrounded by Xu Fan, waiting for the next instructions.

Especially Zhanling, who was a little uneasy around Xu Fan, feeling that the culprit in this matter was like him.

“You all go back to your respective cabins to rest, after that we may have to wander in the demon world for a long time.”

“But it’s not a big deal. As long as you find a two-world passage in the Demon Realm, you can return to The Mortal Realm.” Xu Fan said relaxedly, feeling like just going back to the Demon Realm for a tour.

Everyone went back to rest, and Xu Fan was left with Zhanling, the spiritual practitioner, Xu Yuexian.

“Venerable, I’m sorry, I delayed you.” Ling Zhan looked at Venerable and said with a wry smile.

“It’s okay, life sometimes must be there, and our current situation is not very bad,” said the spiritual practitioner Venerable.

At this moment, a small Star passed directly through the starship like a comet.

The originally repaired starship broke into two halves again.


The expression of the spiritual practitioner became awkward.

“It’s okay, just fix it again.” Xu Fan said nonchalantly.

“Now it will take at least half a year for Xingzhou to move.”

“So I plan to bring all the stars and people on the Xingzhou into my Dao Item palace.”

“I’m sitting on a Dao Item level star boat, going to the Demon Realm to find the natural passage between the two realms.” Xu Fan said, this is his complete plan.

“Big Elder’s plan is really feasible. With me and Venerable guarding the big Elder, we must be able to quickly return to The Mortal Realm.” Zhan Ling nodded and said.

Since he was the fuse of this whole thing, Zhanling wanted to express himself urgently.

“No, I’m the only one. If there is a dangerous situation, I will invite both of you to fight.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master, can’t I stay by your side?” Xu Yuexian said with tears, how could she stay in the Dao Item palace with such a good adventure opportunity.

“You go in too. I have a small goal alone, so I can hide it anyway,” Xu Fan said.

“Big Elder, otherwise leave me, you can usually chat to relieve boredom.” Zhan Ling also wanted to stay.

At this time, Xu Fan didn’t talk nonsense, and he directly formed the seal with his hands and turned into an iron-eater.

At this time, Xu Fan was an authentic iron-eater, no matter how he looked at it in appearance or soul.

“Do you understand what I mean now?” Xu Fan said with a pair of panda eyes, looking at the three of them.


You think we are getting in the way, you said earlier.

The three people complained in their hearts.

“Let’s go to rest and wait for my condition to be satisfactory and we will leave.”

The palm of the giant tortoise just now hurt Xu Fan’s mind a little.

Three days later, Xingzhou has finished repairing all the areas that should be repaired, and the rest can only be said after returning to Sect.

“You have a good rest in the palace. I will take you back to The Mortal Realm for as little as one year or as long as five years.” Xu Fan said with a wave of his hand and spent a lot of Spirit Power before he took the entire starship Income to Dao Item Palace.

The Dao Item palace carried by Xu Fan was refined by the Grand Great Master.

“Just go out and practice, and you can’t stay idle in Sect all the time.” Xu Fan said as he took out the Dao Item small spacecraft made by clone number one.

The small spaceship that was piloted immediately flew towards the Demon Realm Continent.

“Fortunately, No.1 still refined this stuff, otherwise it would be really troublesome.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this time, Xu Fan was already in the form of an iron-eater, and his every move seemed extremely simple and lovely.

At first Xu Fan. I wanted to transform into those royal families in the Yaozu.

After thinking about it, it felt a bit high-profile.

Then, under the suggestion of Grape, the iron-eater was chosen.

“I don’t know if the extremely empty domain of the Demon Realm is safe.” Xu Fan muttered while looking at Star in the distance.

At this moment, an extremely huge dragon with a length of tens of thousands of feet suddenly appeared, passing by Xu Fan’s small spaceship, and finally its tail followed the inertia and directly shot Xu Fan’s small spaceship into flight.

After the dragon leaped for dozens of miles, it looked back suspiciously. It felt that it had just encountered something.

At this time, Xu Fan’s small spacecraft had flown hundreds of miles away along the inertia.

Xu Fan jumped up quickly with a heart bang, and didn’t calm down until the dragon flew far away.

“This tnd is too dangerous.” Xu Fan said, clutching his chest.

Afterwards, the small spaceship evaded several extremely empty behemoths under the careful control of Xu Fan.

Xu Fan’s face in the small spaceship was a little dignified.

In just this moment, Xu Fan has encountered four extremely empty behemoths.

“Isn’t it savory to kill these extremely empty beasts and turn them into spiritual materials?” When this was said, Xu Fan was stunned.

He thought of a possibility, that is, the monster race has its secret method, which can tame the extremely empty giant beast.

Or sign a contract to be driven by the monster clan.

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t that human race be over in the Extreme Sky Territory?” Xu Fan shed a cold sweat on his forehead.

Although it is not his turn to worry about this kind of thing, as a salted fish, he should also be concerned about The Mortal Realm.

“After returning to The Mortal Realm, I have to tell the Elder Society of Human Race.” Xu Fan felt that Elder Society of Human Race should know, so he wanted to get more specific information.

At this time, Xu Fan didn’t rush back to the Demon Realm Continent, and began to investigate the situation of the extremely empty behemoth in the Demon Realm.

Finally, after Xu Fan’s observation, the extremely empty behemoth in the extremely empty domain of the demon world. Generally they are active in a certain area.

After clarifying these circumstances, Xu Fan flew towards the Demon Realm Continent in a small spaceship.

At this time, at the fusion of The Mortal Realm and the two passages of the Demon Realm, Golden-winged Great Peng was still staring at his lifelong enemy.

“Xingling child, your space seal does not seem to be very strong.” Golden-winged Great Peng laughed.

“Oh, what interesting thing did your little tortoise find?” The Protoss said.

Afterwards, the giant tortoise who had just returned to the seat of the Golden-winged Great Peng, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he quickly recovered.

“That’s it, it’s interesting and interesting~” Xingling said with a smile.

“You don’t know if it’s strong or not!”

“Those refining tools of your monster clan Great Master should be very busy now, right?” Xingling said with a smile.

“Don’t be proud, wait until my race practice Great Master and crack your space seal.”


Before Golden-winged Great Peng finished speaking, he was preempted by the Protoss and said: “That’s the day I lifted the space seal.”

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