Chapter 444

The fox boy looked at the Monster core jade bottle in his hand and smiled and said, “Thank you, Dage.”

“I will be a family from now on, why are you polite?” The iron-eater beast’s silly voice came over.

“That’s thanks to Dage, the young butterfly. In the entire fox holy city, Yuehuadan is priceless.” The fox boy said.

“Since it is so precious, I will practice a few more furnaces for you.”

“It saves me that I won’t be here anymore, you don’t have Yuehua Dan to use.” Xu Fan said indifferently.

At this moment, the red-tailed beauty walked into the pill refining shop.

“Charming fox, don’t you want to charm the tender father Dage.” The young fox said loudly as he looked at the big beauty, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

He grew up listening to the horror stories of the Meihu family.

According to legend, as long as you enter the fox cave of the Meihu family, you will never be able to get out again.

“Little fox, Big sis came here to do business with Dage.”

The beautiful face of the big red-tailed beauty was on the face of the fox boy.

Only a small step away, the tips of the two foxes’ noses are about to meet each other.

The fox boy blushed instantly, and he was retreated for several steps.

“Oh, Little Brother’s face is blushing, do you want to come and play with Big sis?” The big beauty’s eyes looked at the fox boy with a little charm.

A fox and a fox are paired together, and the iron-eater is just a stopgap measure.

“Someone from Nender Dage is looking for you to do business.” The fox boy shouted into the backyard, and quickly fled the place.

The big red-tailed beauty smiled with a slightly triumphant look, and walked towards the backyard with a waggle.

At this time, the iron-eater was ready to open the next round of ammunition.

“I’m disturbing the iron-eater Dage refining Medicine Pill.” The big beauty said affectionately.

“It’s okay, just finished refining a furnace of Yuehua Dan, are you planning to refine a few more furnaces?” The Iron Eater looked at the big beauty and said, with an expression on his face.

The big red-tailed beauty took out her empty bones and said, “I want the iron-eater Dage to refine several furnaces of young demon body-building pills and spirit-forging pills.”

“The price is not a problem, the iron eater Dage wants to speak up.”

“Before I came out, the elders asked me to collect some Dao Item level spirit mines and millennium spirit medicines.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said, currently he has nothing particularly urgent.

“It’s easy to say, as long as the Monster core refined by the Iron Eater Dage works well, there are so many things in my clan.” The big beauty said with a smile covering her mouth.

“One bottle of Medicine Pill is exchanged for 100 kilograms of Dao Item grade raw ore.”

“I need to check the quality of the Medicine Pill made by the Iron Eater Dage.”

“You can come to inspect the goods tomorrow.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and the plan in his heart began.

“Then please call Dage the Iron Eater.” The big beauty left the pill refining shop after she said it.

Xu Fan looked at the empty bones on the table and took out the elixir in it.

“There are quite a lot of elixir given. Fortunately, I have paid attention to the pill refining pill recipe of the Yaozu before, otherwise it would really take some time to deduce the pill recipe.”

Xu Fan started to practice the Young Demon Body Building Pill and the Young Demon Body Building Pill while he was familiar with the road.

These two kinds are well-known among the monsters. The young monsters often eat these two Medicine Pills to lay a good foundation, and their potential can far exceed the monsters of the same year.

Therefore, these two types of Monster cores are hard-selling items in the monster world.

After Xu Fan finished refining a furnace of Medicine Pill, the fox teenager returned.

“Dage, is the female fox gone?” The fox boy looked around sneakily.

“Why are you so afraid of her?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“Since my father took my mother and me to the holy city to live in seclusion, the female fox often wanted to get me into her fox cave.”

“My mother told me that I can’t get out as long as I go in!” Xu Fan, a young fox clan, showed a look of fear on his face.

“My mother told me that I am the hope of the Yuehu clan. After I have grown strong, I will bring the Yuehu clan to glory again.”

“If I get into her fox hole by that female fox, my parents will be very disappointed.”

“Although I know that going into her fox hole is a happy thing.”

A serious look flashed in the eyes of the fox youth. He really wanted to be the pride of his father and lead the moon fox to glory.

Such things as entering the fox hole are not allowed.

Well, I am a young man with ideals and ambitions. I hope you will have more ideals and ambitions when you join the big family of Human Race in the future.

“You will definitely lead your Yuehu clan to glory in the future.”

Xu Fan patted the fox youth on the shoulder with his fleshy claws.

Then continue to pill refining.

“Big Elder, is there something wrong with that little fox?” Ling Ling said suspiciously.

“It’s no big deal, I just feel that a race should be neat and tidy.”

“The Great Master of the Moon Fox Clan in the Hidden Spirit Island may need his clan members.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Zhan Ling instantly understood Xu Fan’s meaning, and a trace of sympathy for the Moon Fox clan appeared on his face.

“I want to start pill refining.” Xu Fan said.

“Nendie Dage, I’m going to the front desk.” The fox boy said, he has not forgotten his duties as the front desk shopkeeper.

“I can refine the normal Monster core, you can just watch the order.” Xu Fan waved his paw and said.

“Understood, Nundie Dage.” The fox boy said and ran to the front desk counter.

Xu Fan looked at the back of the fox youth, and said with a smile, “Is still a child after all.”

After Xu Fan made sure that no one was around, there were several spirit pills that were easily refined on the road in his hand.

When he was in Yinling Island, Xu Fan did an experiment curiously.

Feeding the demon clan with the spirit feeding pill, the demon clan turned into Demonic Beasts without the slightest wit, and all of them were fierce and threatening.

Xu Fan casually crushed a few Ling Pills, then took out a few strange elixir, and crushed them together with them.

After the special refining of the spirit fire, it turned into a pile of extremely delicate powder.

“It will be effective after 10 years, and I will return to The Mortal Realm almost at that time.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

On the second day, the red-tailed beauty arrived as expected, with a large number of Dao Item-level spirit mines and a thousand-year-old spirit medicine, and planned to do a big business with her iron-eater, Dage.

“500 bottles of young demon body-building pills and 500 bottles of spirit-forging pills, I don’t know if these things are enough.” The big beauty placed a few empty bones in front of Xu Fan.

Xu Fan checked the spirit mines and spirit medicines in the hollow bones one by one, then moved his brows slightly and looked at the big beauty and said, “Less.”

After speaking, he took out a bottle of Young Demon Body-building Pill and a bottle of Young Demon Spirit-building Pill and handed it to the big beauty.

The big red-tailed beauty picked up a bottle of forging spirit pill, opened the cork and sniffed it lightly, the big ecstatic eyes suddenly released a strange brilliance.

“It is indeed less. When I discuss with the Hui people, the price will definitely satisfy Dage the Iron Eater.”

The tone of the red-tailed beauty is slightly respectful, and the quality of this Monster core is beyond her imagination.

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