Chapter 455

While advancing towards the human race gate in the small direction.

In the extreme sky domain not far away from the star boat, there is a monster warship chasing a small spirit boat of Dao Item level.

In the spirit boat, a female Mahayana Venerable was driving the spirit boat without hurries, but the girl next to her was a little nervous.

“Don’t be afraid, isn’t it the monster battleship of the monster race.”

The female Mahayana Venerable wears a red robe, and her three thousand hairs hang down homeopathically. Just from her back, she feels a touch of surprise.

“The speed of the monster monster warship, Master, is faster than ours, can you add some speed?” The god-transforming girl aside was a little helpless.

She, the Master, is usually good at everything, but she likes to play and excite at the critical moment, walking on the tip of the knife.

This is nothing, the key is not to leave her behind every time.

Chased by the enemy Venerable, chased by the Demonic Beasts of the Mahayana period, chased by the demon lord, rampaged in a particularly dangerous secret realm, and now chased by the monster warship of the demon race.

“It’s faster, isn’t it boring.” A lazy voice appeared.

At this moment, the monster warship behind the monster spit out a cannonball, and the small spirit boat controlled by the Mahayana Venerable almost escaped.

“We have two Tianfu spirit bodies on one of our spirit boats. Even if the star boat is not moving, the monster warship behind will not be able to catch us.” Xuanqing Venerable said, and the little blue bird who was combing its feathers not far away also nodded. , Expressing recognition of the owner’s statement.

Xuanqing Venerable stopped the spirit boat directly controlled in order to prove that what he said was true.

“Master, don’t be kidding!” Zhang Weiyun said nervously.

She didn’t know why, the longer the time with the Master, the Master’s style of painting began to become wrong.

The Master, who used to be deserted and arrogant, is now beginning to become a bit of a sand sculpture.

As the spirit boat stopped, the monster warships following the monster race, as if seeing the prey that stopped resisting, flew toward it excitedly.

“Master, I haven’t given my husband a bridal chamber yet. Don’t do that.” Zhang Weiyun said helplessly. Although she also feels that she will be fine, she often does this, maybe someday. My own heavenly blessing spirit body is no longer working.

“You really do not forget your husband~”

“I’m going to take a look after that.” Xuanqing Venerable looked back at Own’s good apprentice and said with a smile.

“Let’s talk about the immediate problem first.” Zhang Weiyun looked at the monster monster battleship that rushed towards them outside the spirit boat, thinking about how God would help him.

At this moment, a loud voice came.

A star sea giant python with a bald head about the size of a monster warship rushed to the monster warship, biting it off, and by the way, it flew away the spirit boat where the master and apprentice were with its tail.

The spirit boat flew uncontrollably toward the depths of the extreme sky, then hit a barrier and disappeared in the extreme sky.

In the Territory of the Sky, an ancient secret realm, there is a spirit boat on a mountain wall.

“Good disciple, I have said that our Heavenly Fortune Spirit Body has been paid attention to by Heavenly Dao’s will since childhood. Under normal circumstances, survival from desperation is just a basic operation.”

Xuan Qing Venerable looked at the ancient secret realm outside of the spirit boat and said, as if saying that 1+1=2, so simple.

“Master, let’s take a look at what’s good about this secret realm first?” Zhang Weiyun looked at the secret realm with a gleaming golden light in her eyes. Collecting loot in the secret realm is her favorite link wherever she goes.

“You little slicker, you have saved a lot of good things for your husband these years. I haven’t seen him a few times, so I just turned to him.” Xuanqing Venerable said as Zhang Weiyun rolled his eyes.

“I haven’t seen him a few times, he is also my husband, the closest person except the Master.” Zhang Weiyun said with a little red face.

“Okay, after detecting this secret realm, let’s go find your husband.”

“Let’s say it’s only one month this time.” Xuanqing Venerable said emphatically.

“Thank you Master.” Zhang Weiyun said happily.

When the master and disciple were talking, they interrupted them with a roar.

The guardian beast of this secret realm came in front of the master and disciple.

“Go Master, I’ll cheer for you behind!”

“Solving this Mahayana guardian beast to be the master, there is no need to cheer for me!”

Xuanqing Venerable said, there were countless precious lights flickering on her body.

A fairy sword and six Dao Item top spirit swords form a killing array towards the secret realm guardian beast.

The battle ended soon, and the master and disciple began to proficiently crack the seal formation of this secret realm.

For a while, an ancient Sect appeared in front of the master and apprentice.

Sect that can have a foundation in the space of the sky, there should be fairy artifacts.

“Yun’er, if you find a fairy in this secret realm, let me give you something.” Xuanqing Venerable said with a smile.

“Master, what if the fairy is not suitable for me?” Zhang Weiyun asked.

“Isn’t your little husband the Great Master?”

“If you don’t even have this ability, then the teacher can only start to arrange marriage for you.” Xuanqing Venerable said, she has been paying attention to Xu Fan.

As Xu Fan gets more and more Bufan, she feels that the catastrophe in her dream should be related to the apprentice husband.

“I don’t need to be able to give it to my husband. After all, he has a monster, and he needs this fairy weapon.” Zhang Weiyun said with a gleam in his eyes.

“Whatever you want, but before you die, let’s see if there are any fairy artifacts in this secret realm.”

“Don’t let you rejoice in time.”

“Master’s feeling is right, saying that if there is an immortal weapon, there must be an immortal weapon.” Zhang Weiyun said happily.

At this moment, a dragon chant came, and there was a phantom of a pillar to the sky in the distance, surrounded by dragon spirits.

Xuanqing Venerable felt the breath coming from a distant place, and said with a smile: “This secret realm has fairy artifacts.”

“Master, let’s surrender it!”


Xuan Qing Venerable waved his hand to buckle down the spirit boat inlaid in the mountain.

The two masters and apprentices were sitting on the spirit boat and flew towards the distant sky-reaching pillar.

There are many dangers in the secret realm, but it seems that it has nothing to do with the master and the apprentice.

Wherever they went, all trapped enemy formations failed.

There were guardian beasts, all of whom were easily killed by Xuanqing Venerable before awakening.

Not long after, the two came to the foot of a mountain gate.

“Wanzhong Palace, it should be the Sect where the ancient human race defeated the monster race. It is a long time ago.” Zhang Weiyun looked at the lettering on the mountain gate.

“Go up and take a look, there should be something good.”

Xuanqing Venerable stepped out, and The next moment appeared on the top of the fairy hall.

Zhang Weiyun quickly followed.

A day later, the two masters and apprentices spent all their hardships, and finally sealed the immortal artifact with the dragon spirit.

“Forget this fairy artifact, it doesn’t fit your disciple’s temperament.” Xuanqing Venerable shook his head as she looked at the fairy artifact.

“Although ugly, it is also an immortal weapon. I will give it to my husband.” Zhang Weiyun said while looking at the ugly stick floating in the air.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was on his way home, suddenly felt blessed and felt that something good would fall on him.

“What’s the matter with this strange feeling~”

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