Chapter 463 Supernatural powers: Dongfeng 15 short-range missiles

This little thing happened to be seen by the bored Xu Fan.

“Now these junior disciples are fine, playing decently.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“It’s stronger than when I was in the Foundation Building period.” Xu Gang said beside Xu Fan.

“It’s all Eucharist anyway, it should be stronger than you were back then.”

“You belong to the accumulated accumulation, waiting for you to reach the Mahayana period, or ascend to the upper realm, and become a quasi immortal.”

“At that time, you knew how far-sighted you were as a teacher,” Xu Fan said leisurely, lying on the recliner.

“I understand that the Cultivation Technique and supernatural powers that Master taught us are all organic and inherited.” Xu Gang said respectfully.

“What’s the problem again this time.” Xu Fan said while looking at Own’s apprentice.

“The Master’s Five Elements Cultivation Technique is combined with the Great Five Elements magical power, and suddenly there is a feeling of completeness and freedom, Ruyi Scepter.” Xu Gang said solemnly.

“Isn’t this a good thing?”

“Why do you look so sad?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master is in the stage of transforming gods, now you can suppress me by raising your hand.”

“And the supernatural powers I’m currently cultivating have reached the limit, and I want to go one step further,” Xu Gang said.

“Oh, since we talked about this issue, then we have to talk about it in another place.”

Demon Realm, outside an alpine mountain range within the attack range of the Putao Railgun.

“Go all out to bombard the ten thousand meters high mountain.” Xu Fan said.

“Yeah.” Xu Gang agreed without thinking about it.

Then the earth began to tremble wildly, and the roar of Xu Gang’s full bombardment sounded thousands of miles away.

Not long after, a high mountain was blasted into flat ground.

“Actually, you don’t have any major problems right now. If you want to improve your combat power, you can try to know how to know.” Xu Fan thought about it and said.

“Is it the way of fusion? I have tried it before, and I haven’t had any clues.” Xu Gang said embarrassedly.

Xu Fan felt very interesting when he heard what his big apprentice said.

“Are you planning to work hard quietly and surprise me?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“The disciple had this plan, but it’s a pity that his aptitude was too dull, and found that he didn’t have the guidance of the Master, and he had to work hard to learn everything.” Xu Gang smiled and scratched his head.

“My teacher has told you a long time ago that you are only in the accumulation stage, honestly practice your great Five Elements magical powers.”

“Originally, the magical power of the Five Elements fusion, I intend to teach you later.”

“But for the teacher to see that you have reached the state of Ruyi Scepter at this stage, I will also reward you.”

Xu Fan talked about making seals with his hands, and the Five Elements Spiritual Qi gathered in the sky.

The gathering speed of Five Elements Spiritual Qi in the sky is very slow, and the speed of printing can also be slowed down. This is for Xu Gang to see the whole process completely.

At this time, with the convergence of the Five Elements Spiritual Qi, the appearance of a previous missile appeared in front of Xu Gang for the first time.

“I seem to have seen this stuff somewhere.” Xu Gang said.

When Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian were young, Xu Fan was boring to watch them and sometimes showed them cartoons.

With the convergence of the Five Elements Spiritual Qi, a missile with a length of several tens of meters is taking shape.

The metallic spirit weapon forms the warhead, and the soil attribute Spiritual Qi is transformed into the whole missile body. The core contains a special state fusion of water Spiritual Qi and fire Spiritual Qi, and the tail of the missile is composed of fire Spiritual Qi and wood Spiritual Qi. .

When the missiles were condensed, Xu Fan waved his hand gently.

The fire at the tail of the missile Spiritual Qi ignited the wood Spiritual Qi instantly, and a strong propulsion force was generated instantly.

The missile speeded up in an instant and shot towards another mountain in the distance.

As the missile advanced fully, it plunged directly into the interior of the vast mountain.

Then Xu Gang was stunned, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

The earth began to shake, and the entire sky was covered by the haze of the explosion.

The Spiritual Qi in this area was completely chaotic and turned into a state of chaos.

“What’s the name of the magical power of Master?” Xu Gang said idiotically, his Master would give him a different surprise every time.

“Dongfeng 15 short-range missile.” Xu Fan said lightly.

Xu Fan said that a jade disc appeared in his hand and threw it to Xu Gang.

“After you go back, study it carefully, it’s probably enough for you to study and ponder the entire transformation period.” Xu Fan said.

Xu Gang holds the jade butterfly in his hand, as if holding a holy object, his expression is very pious.

“Master, why is the name of this supernatural power so weird? Does it have any special meaning?” Xu Gang asked.

“Once upon a time there was an ancient country, where…”

Xu Fan adapted it a bit and told the story of Dongfeng, and Xu Gang was fascinated by it.

“I didn’t expect a Dongfeng missile magical power to have such a great deterrent to the mortal kingdom.”

“Master, rest assured, I will definitely see through this Dongfeng magical power.” Xu Gang said formally with a face.

“Come on, there are Dongfeng series magical powers waiting for you to learn from Master.”

Xu Gang asked in surprise: “There are follow-up magical powers behind.”

“Necessary, how can being a teacher teach you useless magical powers.”

Xu Fan said that a mass of black and white matter appeared in his hand and began to interweave and merge, and the huge energy contained in it seemed to distort even the space.

This group of strange materials instantly attracted Xu Gang deeply.

“Master, what is this!” Xu Gang said in shock.

“This is the scope of the Shentong Dongfeng 61 long-range missile.”

“So cultivate well, and there are so many good things for the teacher.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I see, Master.”

Xu Fan waved his hand, Five Elements Spiritual Qi, and the wind element between the sky and the earth quickly wrapped the black and white matter, forming a missile with a height of hundreds of meters.

The tail ignited and advanced, and flew toward the distance, faster and faster.

Following Xu Gang’s gaze, he flew towards the distance.


A strong light burst out in the distance instantly, and the sky and the earth turned into dark night.

An explosion wave that was several times more violent than before came.

The fluctuations from hundreds of miles away shocked Xu Gang.

Then the earth shook again, and a crack that stretched for hundreds of miles broke straight to Xu Gang’s feet.

“When can I learn Master this magical power?” Xu Gang said suddenly with excitement.

“This will have to wait until you reach the fit period.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

These weird supernatural powers were all deduced by him during that boring five hundred years.

“It will take so long.” Xu Gang said disappointedly.

“What’s the hurry, you will still be around for a long time as a teacher in the future.”

“Even if your Cultivation Base reaches the Mahayana stage, it is also the basic stage.” Xu Fan said comfortingly.

“I see.”

At this moment, the railgun suspended in the sky suddenly fired, and only a red light was seen. It shot through in an instant, the demon statue hundreds of miles away from Xu Fan and Xu Gang.

A headless cyan giant eagle was carried by the puppet in front of Xu Fan.

“It’s a pity that the true spirit of this demon venerable was also destroyed, otherwise it could moisturize a wave of Sect disciples.” Xu Fan said regretfully, looking at the giant eagle.

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