Chapter 468 Ten Thousand Beast Cage

The three passed through the hidden magic circle in the basement and came to a wide basement.

In the middle of the basement, there is a small teleportation array.

Although Han Feiyu could not find a teleportation station to other Xiancheng, he had already figured out the method of establishing teleportation arrays in two places.

This magic circle is leading to a secret base outside Tianyuan Xiancheng.

“Let’s go, Tianyuan Xiancheng is over.” Han Feiyu sighed. This Xiancheng million cultivator didn’t know how much he could escape.

The three of them stood in the teleportation formation, Han Feiyu quickly added various fairy jade spirit crystals to the teleportation formation, then activated, and the three disappeared in the teleportation formation.


At this time in the hidden spirit gate, Xu Fan was meditating at a serpentine monster battleship, thinking about whether to modify it again.

Relying on his fate with Qianling Venerable, what should I do if I saw this monster warship and hit it with a single shot?

“Big Elder, do you want to turn this into a human starship again?” Sand Sculpture said from the side.

“It’s a bit difficult to re-modify, and it’s okay to make a deformed star boat.” Xu Fan said with a thought.

The hidden spirit gate starship is damaged, even after repairing it, its performance will not be the same as before.

Now that the starship has been repaired, it can only go to the Extreme Sky Territory for mining and mining, and it can barely fight, but it can’t operate as extreme as before.

The entire starship hull cannot withstand the energy impact of the Dao Item node teleportation array. This is the main reason why Xu Fan wants to transform this serpentine monster warship.

In the past, I only thought about transforming from the monster clan battleship, without considering the appearance. Now when it is really going to be modified, I suddenly find that the appearance is also very important.

The old tortoise I encountered before was most likely the secret weapon of the Yaozu.

Correspondingly, he felt that Human Elder would also have this kind of big killer here. Don’t kill yourself directly because of the appearance. That would be so injustice.

“The deformed star boat, what is this?” Sand Sculpture asked curiously.

Xu Fan casually released a light curtain, with grapes on top, a preliminary evolutionary deformation mode.

I saw that the snake-shaped monster warship, which was tens of thousands of feet long, began to be modularized and transformed into a standard human shape. On the top of the star boat, there was also a projection colored flag with the symbol of the hidden spirit door.

“Is it possible that the strength of the starship hull is not enough?” Although the sand sculpture was shocked, he felt a little bit of a joke, and he raised his own question.

“The hardness is not enough to make up the magic circle.”

Xu Fan said that a magic circle appeared on the surface after it became a human starship in the light curtain.

“This magic circle is compatible!” Sha Diao said in shock.

“Brother Sha, look back again.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this time, the screen of the light curtain shifted to the top of the star boat.

“Oh My God!”

“Isn’t this our hidden spirit island base array? It can be shrunk to the size of the bottom of the star ship!” The sand sculpture was shocked again.

“There are base arrays and ship Movement Technique arrays strengthened, so don’t worry about the hardness.”

“The only thing that needs to be considered is where the hull is connected. What kind of spirit mine is more appropriate?”

“It’s a bit of a loss to use a spirit mine that is too high,” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

There are suitable materials in the Sect treasure house, but those are spirit mines of the fairy weapon level, and Xu Fan is a little reluctant to use them.

“Indeed, I have seen the list of spirit mines in the Sect Treasury, and only a few immortal artifact-level spirit mines such as Nebula Mysterious Iron and Wanrong Lingjin are suitable.” Sha Sculpture also nodded and said.

Xu Fan took a moment to look at the sand sculptures with admiration, and he was able to name these few immortal artifact-level spirit mines, and he already had extremely high practice attainments in his eyes.

“Big Elder might as well leave this to me, maybe I will formulate an alloy that meets this nature.” Sha Diao said with a smile, and Xu Fan’s admiration for him just now made him very useful.

“Senior Brother Sha is sure?” Xu Fan said in surprise.

“Give me half a year, it should be ok.” Sha Sculpture thought for a while, nodded and said.

“Then I’m going to ask Senior Brother Sha for this matter.” Xu Fan said lightly. Compared with the cost of using the Immortal Tool Level Spirit Mine, waiting for half a year is simply a bloody profit.

“Leave it to me.” Sha Sculpture said and flew towards the treasure house of Sect, in a posture that I will do it now.

“In contrast, I look down on people in the end,” Xu Fan said, looking at the back of the sand sculpture.

He felt that this was a problem and had to be corrected.

At this moment, Xu Yuexian came to Xu Fan with a look of excitement.

“You found a lot of good things in that secret realm,” Xu Fan said, looking at Xu Yuexian with a look of excitement.

“I found several Dao Items used by the ancient monster clan, the most interesting of which is this ten thousand beast cage.” Xu Yuexian said that a small circular cage appeared in his hand.

“There is a lot of space inside, which can accommodate a million Demonic Beasts.”

Xu Fan took the Ten Thousand Beast Cage in Xu Yuexian’s hand, checked it, and returned it to Xu Yuexian.

“Master, keep it for me, what are you doing for me?” Xu Yuexian returned the ten thousand beast cage to Xu Fan.

“Then I will remodel it for you, late stage grab some monsters with high Cultivation Base and put them in, and use them as your summoning arena in the future.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“By the way, did you find anything you can’t see through in that secret realm?” Xu Fan asked, he found an unusual force of luck in that ten thousand beast cage.

“Master, I was just trying to tell you, it really does.” Xu Yuexian said, and took out a beast sculpture made of ordinary jade, which looked old and vicissitudes of life.

“The Royal Beast Crimson Demon clan, this era is so long-term.” Xu Fan said while looking at the statue.

“What is the Yu Beast Crimson Demon Clan?” Xu Yuexian said curiously.

“In the ancient times, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years ago, when the ancient monster clan ruled the world, at that time, the human monster clan and so on, all survived under the will of the ancient giant monster, and there was no room for resistance.

“At that time, there was a Demonic Beasts who specialized in herding Demonic Beasts to provide blood for the ancient demons. At that time, that family was also the most noble existence in the Demonic Beasts.”

“Later, as the ancient monster weakened, he was also annihilated.”

“This statue should be something that their family believes in and worships, so it condenses a lot of their luck.”

Xu Fan called two puppets during the refining period and carried them into the small space of Grape.

“This image of the beast condenses the luck and will of their clan and is considered a good thing.”

“After I assimilate the Qi Luck contained in it, I will combine the Ten Thousand Beast Cage to refine good things for you.”

“In the future, if the combat power is not enough, you can be a summoner.”

“During the fight, there is a monster in front of you. Demonic Beasts are against it, and you can put a black gun in the back.” Xu Fan said. When he imagined the scene, it felt very interesting. One person is a thousand troops.

“This is okay, thank you Master.” Xu Yuexian said sweetly.

“What can I do for you, I will be waiting for you to protect me as a teacher in the future.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

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