Chapter 477

Yun Sheng Yaozun walked out of the crack in the space hundreds of miles away with a green face.

What appeared before her eyes at this time were just two extremely huge pits.

“Did you use this method to kill the Blood Lion Demon Venerable?” Sage Demon Venerable Yun said solemnly.

At this time, Xu Fan controlled the Feng Shui compass to control the launch of three railguns.

Three huge alloy projectiles fired in three different directions at an unimaginable speed.

The defensive Yun Sage Demon Venerable avoided the first two shots with all his strength, and finally was only slapped by the spirit pressure carried by the last shot, and disappeared in place.

At this time, the speed of Yun Sheng Yaozun’s escape has reached its limit.

Xu Fan looked weak, and the few shots he fired just now had exhausted all his mind.

“Damn, I didn’t expect to seal a slightly more powerful Demon Venerable to move, and it would consume so much money.”

Xu Fan took a deep breath and ate a recovery Medicine Pill.

“Master, are you okay!” Xu Gang hurriedly asked after seeing Xu Fan’s face.

“It’s okay, it’s just that Spirit Power consumes a lot of energy.” Xu Fan waved his hand to indicate that he was not in the way.

At this time Zhan Ling also came back.

“Big Elder, don’t you have four railguns, why did you only fire three shots in the end?”

“If you have another shot at the end, then Saint Demon Venerable Yun will be seriously injured if he doesn’t die.” Zhan Ling said with a look of embarrassment.

“If I make the last shot, your unseen fairy weapon will be gone.” Xu Fan said with a dark face.

“Haha, Elder is physically heavy.” Zhan Ling said embarrassedly.

After thinking about it, he could understand that Yihua Shenqi would have to pay a price for calculating that level of Demon Venerable.

“I have to say that this light is really disgusting, and there is no chance at all.” Zhan Ling said with a sigh.

“When you meet an opponent of the same level, you can still win by relying on fairy tools and swordsmanship.”

“When you encounter that level, you can just be restrained. It can only be crushed. There is no good way.” Xu Fan said while recovering.

“I thought I would lose, but I didn’t expect to lose so badly.”

“It’s okay, this Holy Cloud Demon Venerable can’t be killed for a while. You can cultivate well and find a way to get revenge in the future.” Xu Fan said.

“The two ways are against each other, it is estimated that this life is hopeless.” Zhan Ling said.

“Being a man, we must have ideals.” Xu Fan comforted.

“You also said that this is an ideal.” Zhan Ling said with a wry smile.

“It is necessary to stay here during this time.”

“That lioness won’t give up for a while,” Xu Fan said.

“Big Elder, do you say that the lioness will go to the sky to find those town monster stars?” Zhan Ling said, this is what he is currently worried about.

“If you look for it, you will definitely be looking for it. It’s not that no one has hit him before.”

“Precautions have been taken long ago, Zhen Yaoxing can let him find out at will, my refining tool Great Master is not for nothing.” Xu Fan said hehe.

“For some time now, it is estimated that Holy Demon Venerable Yun will not come to look for trouble.”

“The physical body broke the space seal and teleported hundreds of miles. It is estimated that it will be enough for him to drink a pot.” Zhan Ling said with a sneer.

“Can you break the space seal and teleport now?” Xu Fan asked.

“It’s horrible, I can only break the space seal and teleport 100 miles away with all my strength, but after that, there won’t be much Spirit Power, and I will receive space backlash,” said Ling Ling.

“So the current Venerable, if you forcibly break the space seal and teleport during battle, it will be no different from looking for death.”

Zhanling’s words made Xu Fan reflect, and then said leisurely: “The Yun Sage Demon Venerable, after teleporting, he avoided me three shots.”

“So when she is defensive, it takes at least four shots to drive him away.” Xu Fan said solemnly.

At this time Zhan Ling also realized the seriousness of the matter, thought for a moment, and then said: “With me, I guarantee that Holy Demon Yun can’t enter the Great Wall of Steel Ten Thousand Miles.”

“But then it’s up to you, you’ve also seen, the two ways are mutually restrained, I was put to death by the Yun Sage Demon Venerable.” Zhan Ling said helplessly.

“Grape, how’s the data collection of Yun Sheng Yaozun?” Xu Fan asked.

“I can only push the master to make a third shot.” Grape said.

“The third shot, it seems there is no trick to keep the lioness here.” Xu Fan said with a sigh.

At this time, everyone on the Great Wall of Steel looked at Xu Fan anxiously, and they also saw the scene of the battle between Holy Demon Yun and Spirit Slayer just now.

It can be said that once Yun Sage Demon Venerable approaches the Great Wall of Steel, it will be an existence that crushes everything, and now no one in the entire hidden spirit gate can compete with her.

“Then I can only play around Wei and save Zhao.” Xu Fan said calmly.

“Grape, how long does it take to send a railgun to the holy city of the holy lion clan?” Xu Fan asked.

“It takes a month to fully drive Zhen Yaoxing,” said Grape.

“Send the first railgun that was refined.” Xu Fan said.

“I don’t believe that the demon lions of your holy lion clan are all at your level.” Xu Fan said insidiously.

It’s not normal to steal the house if you can’t beat it.

“Second, Elder.”

“In this way, you can use this to threaten the Yun Sage Demon Venerable.” Zhan Ling clapped his hands and said.

“The strength of the holy lion clan is second only to those of the demon clan, and there are at least ten light demon veterans in their clan.”

“Fortunately, there is no invincible Venerable-level demon lord, otherwise we will be cold.” Xu Fan said with some gratitude. These are the materials he has just collected about the holy lion clan.

“The battle power of Saint Yun’s Demon Venerable is also at the top of their clan. Our railguns can’t threaten her, but they can threaten other demon Venerables of their clan.”

“As long as you hit me, I will hit your demon sovereign.” Xu Fan said hehe.

The people on the Great Wall of Steel laughed when they heard Xu Fan’s plan.

At the same time, in the Moonlight Rabbit clan, because of the afterglow of the fit period, Yun Sheng Yaozun was trembling and massaging his wounds.

“Don’t you know that the Daoist clan can launch the virtual reality of that thing from the sky?” Yun Sheng Yaozun closed his eyes and raised his mind.

Forcibly breaking the sealed space teleportation, coupled with avoiding the continuous attacks of the three artillery, her mind was very depleted.

“I don’t know, the human race just signed an equality agreement with me, and we didn’t get too much information from the human race.” Moonlight Rabbit of the fit period said while massaging Yun Sheng.

“Forget it, I guess you don’t know anything.”

Under the massage of Moonlight Rabbit during the fit period, Yun Sheng Yaozun’s mind slowly recovered.

“After I annihilated the human race here this time, your Jade Rabbit tribe will move to the side of my Saint Lion tribe.”

“Become the servants of Saint Demon Venerable Yun, and forget about the matter of relying on the human race.”

After Yun Sheng Yaozun finished speaking, his body turned into a white light and disappeared, leaving only the jade light rabbit of the fit period with an uncertain look in his eyes.

She is now hesitating whether to report this matter to Yuguang Demon Venerable.

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