Chapter 485

“It’s really nonsense.” Ye Xiaoyao spit out.

“This is your destiny, or the two of us will kill him, or he will kill the two of us.”

“Boy, as long as you do what I said in the future, it won’t be a problem to fly up to the great world and become the immortal emperor in the future.”

“The immortal emperor in the future, think about what else is so lonely now?” Lao Jian said with a smile.

“I feel much better when I think that the former immortal emperor came to comfort me.” Ye Xiaoyao joked.


In the hidden spirit gate, Xu Fan’s expression was a little surprised.

Because Grape received the last information from Jiufeng Island.

“I’ve said long ago that the man of destiny must be able to help.”

“That’s good, I won’t have to worry about that side in the future.” Xu Fan said, and the treasure of merit and luck appeared automatically behind him.

“It’s really a profitable investment.” Xu Fan said.

“With so many merits and luck, do you think there will be some means to take it back?” Zhan Ling looked at the gai of merit and luck behind Xu Fan with envy.

“That’s for sure. In the future, the noble ministers under the female emperor will definitely find a way to kill me without the female emperor’s order.”

“But when that time comes, I want to kill me, haha.”

In fact, Xu Fan felt the slightest killing intent after Jiufengdao Grape’s authority was changed. Although not strong, it was very tough.

“Big Elder, I have thought about it during this period of time. If Sect is safe, it would be a good choice for me to rebuild.” Zhan Ling said.

Since the Yun Sage Demon Venerable was forced to retreat, Zhan Ling has been thinking about it for a long time, and rebuilding is also a good choice.

“Oh, Elder wants to understand it.” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“I want to understand. After rebuilding, follow our Sect’s inheritance and Cultivation Technique magical powers, and it will be stronger than I am now.” Zhan Ling said.

At this moment, the scene of being completely suppressed by Yun Sheng Yaozun was replayed in his mind, and there was really no room for resistance.

Thinking of this, he felt unwilling.

“If Elder really wants to rebuild, he needs to wait another two hundred years.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

The situation in the two worlds is not stable now. Although there are railguns in Sect, there are still some places where you need to slay the spirits.

“Two hundred years, shorter than I thought.” Zhan Ling said with a smile.

“Big Elder, which one do you think I should rebuild and replace?” Ling Ling asked suddenly expectantly.

“Of course it is our Sect’s most traditional Five Elements, with Sect’s top Five Elements tactics, and everything will go smoothly in the future.” Xu Fan said of course, the pentagonal warrior, how trivial.

“Together with Five Elements, Five Elements Art, yes.” Zhan Ling nodded and said.

“Elder, Five Elements, there are many branches, one of them feels just for you.” Xu Fan continued.

Zhan Ling’s interest came and asked hurriedly: “That one.”

“The Five Elements spiritual realm is my original creation.” Xu Fan said, five kinds of spiritual realms appeared in the sky, and the entire sky was rendered into five colors.

Then the five spiritual realms began to evolve supernatural powers.

At first it was a single spiritual realm supernatural power, and then it began to merge with each other to form various Five Elements supernatural powers, or form various Five Elements creatures to help them fight.

“The blood-sea magical power cultivated by Elder Zhan Ling has something in common with the Five Elements Spirit Realm, so it can save a lot of time to cultivate.” Xu Fan said as he looked at Zhan Ling who was already shocked to speak.

Zhanling looked at Xu Fan’s magical powers that had evolved with the Five Elements spirit realm, and was shocked for a long time before slowly speaking, “I hate it when you are not repairing!”

At this time, Zhan Ling was like the first sword fairy in the future, holding a sword for the first time.

He remembered the words said by the first sword repairman in the world of immortality.

“The moment I picked up the sword, I was invincible in the world.”

At this moment Zhan Ling also felt this way.

“Big Elder, you are my living teacher.” As soon as Zhan Ling said, he got up to give Xu Fan the gift of his apprenticeship.

Xu Fan hurriedly avoided, helping Zhanling with his hand and said: “No need to do this, I do all this because you are the Elder of the Hidden Spirit Gate.”

“From now on, I will always be Elder, the Hidden Spirit Gate.” Zhan Ling said firmly in his eyes.

Such a Sect, such a big Elder, don’t change his fairy tools.

Two jade plaques appeared in Xu Fan’s hand.

“One is to rebuild supernatural powers, and the other is to inherit supernatural powers from the Five Elements spiritual realm.”

“These 200 years may not need 200 years. Elder will do the Insight by himself.” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you Elder.”

After Zhanling finished speaking, he couldn’t wait to return to Own Mountain to gain insight into his supernatural powers.

“Master, Grandpa rebuilt, did his Cultivation Base become lower?” Li Chufan asked curiously next to him.

“Yes, your grandpa will become a mortal after rebuilding, and then start cultivation again.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Then can I teach Grandpa cultivation in the future?” Li Chufan said, waving the heavy water source knife in his hand.

“That can choke. After your grandpa rebuilt it, it will not take long before the Cultivation Base will become the same.”

“So if you want to compete against your grandpa, don’t think about it. Even if your grandpa’s Cultivation Base is lower than you, you can easily beat you.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master, I don’t believe it, I’m already very good now.” Li Chufan jumped off and said.

During this period of time, Xu Fan’s praise has given him a sense of self-confidence and invincibility of the same rank.

“Are you good now? Show me the proof.”

Xu Fan said and waved his hand, and the huge lake in the distance turned into a small ice field.

On the ice sheet, there was a young man who was holding ice skates and looked exactly like Li Chufan.

“Go, see if you can defeat this 85% replica of your own strength peak today.” Xu Fan said.

After all, children are children, and it is always easy to float if you exaggerate.

“Master sees my performance~”

Li Chufan rushed to the ice sheet like a dumb kid, and started a battle with the replica.

It didn’t take long for Li Chufan to be beaten.

“Is it young after all.”

A half drop of the origin of wood appeared in Xu Fan’s hand, which turned into smoke between his fingers and merged into Li Chufan’s body.

Li Chufan, with only one breath left, was resurrected with blood.

“I’ll talk about it after I’ve beaten myself first.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master, this is too difficult. I can’t beat him with all my best,” Li Chufan said with a bit of frustration.

As soon as Li Chufan said this, Xu Fan knew it was time for class.

“What do you think is the strength of the clone just now?” Xu Fan asked.

Li Chufan thought for a while, and suddenly found that every item of this replica was comparable to him, and some were even weaker.

“His magical powers, Movement Technique, and the kind of adaptation to the environment are better than mine.”

“Have you seen the essence of it?” Xu Fan asked again.


“He thinks more than me, and his magical powers are better than me?”

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