Chapter 489: Invincible Venerable

Only the exquisite treasure that was brought back caused all the disciples who hadn’t been there to get pink eye disease.

“Fifth-tier boutique treasures are sold so cheaply in Yinlingmen.”

After a disciple of the Qianlingzong learned about the price of the fifth-order treasure of the Yinlingmen, he didn’t believe in evil, and asked again.

“You heard it right, it’s so cheap, it’s also regarded as a benefit for the disciples of the Yin Lingmen.”

The people who heard this regret once again, why didn’t they compete for the place to go to the Yinlingmen.

At this time, in the Great Hall of Qianlingzong’s Supreme Supreme.

The great Elder of Qianlingzong was looking at the Great Master of the Moon Fox Race who had been scared to urinate in front of him.

Although he has been brainwashed, he still knows the concept of Daoist invincible Venerable.

“Boss, take your momentum back. This is our Qianlingzong’s external refiner Great Master for the next few years.” Qianling Venerable said as he looked at the Moon Fox Clan refiner Great Master who was shivering with fright.

The momentum above the Great Hall was instantly recovered, and Elder became a kind old man again.

“You have offended you just now, Great Master, don’t mind.” Elder said with a smile.

“Don’t mind, don’t mind, it’s an honor for me in this life to see Invincible Venerable.” The Great Master of the Moon Fox Clan Refiner hurriedly said.

“The master has already explained it before coming. Just tell me what I need to do.” The Great Master of the Moon Fox Clan Refining Tool is still a little vacant?

A Jade Slip floats in front of the Great Master, the Moon Fox Forge.

“The refining room and spirit mine are ready for the Great Master. If you have any needs, you can tell me directly.” Elder said with a smile.

“Okay, please let me go to the refining room. I will start now.” The Great Master of the Moon Fox Clan refining device put away Jade Slip and said, feeling very stressful in this Great Hall, and I don’t want to stay for a moment.

Then a disciple appeared and took the Great Master, the Moon Fox Clan refiner, to the training room.

At this time, the entire Taiyi Great Hall only left the three great Elders of the Qianlingzong.

“Boss, just as I said, you go to the Demon Realm and take all the small craft refiners and great master craftsmen from the big demon race back.”

“If it is possible, it is okay to bring their entire ethnic group into the power of the Demon Realm Thousand Spirit Sect.” Qian Ling Venerable said quickly.

The Great Master in Sect is more convenient for repairing Xingzhou.

“The method of the Elder of the Hidden Spirit Gate is good, you can learn from it, anyway, whoever does the refining tool of those small races, the Great Master, do it for anyone.” Elder said with a smile.

“You can add a few Great Masters to Sect, and there is no problem with my old bones moving.”

“Boss, I haven’t seen you make a move for a long time. I will go with you this time and let the youngest stay to see the house.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Second, you are too much, I should have followed the boss in this matter.” Elder said, the third Supreme Supreme Being of the Qianling Sect.

“It’s more suitable for you to guard Sect.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

He and Qianlingzong Taishang Third Elder have not seen Taishang Dashang Elder for many years, and they are all wondering what Realm the boss has achieved now?

“Don’t fight, the third child will go to the Demon Realm with me, and the second child, you will keep guard in Sect.” said Elder, the Great Master of the Qianling Sect.

“Boss, you are partial. I clearly proposed this idea.” Qianling Venerable exclaimed.

“Then go to the Demon Realm with me, and leave the matter of mining in the Extreme Sky Territory to the youngest.” Elder, the Great Master of the Qianling Sect, said lightly.

“I agree, now our Qianlingzong Xingzhou can be controlled by individuals.” Qianlingzong Taishen Elder said with a smile.

It is a word that an individual can control, and it instantly touches Qianling Venerable.

“Is it a good technology to take the star boat to the realm of the sky?”

“Do you know how many areas there are in the Territory of the Sky?”

“Do you know where the spirit mine Sect needs is?”

“Do you know how to command when you encounter more than five monster warships of the monster race?”

One soul asked three times, so that the Supreme Three Elder saw Qianling Venerable’s anger.

“I’ll follow the boss to the demon world, do you agree?” Elder asked.

“Okay, you go.” Qianling Venerable said angrily, but he couldn’t help it. He knows the boss’s temper, and once he speaks it, he won’t change it.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was hiding in the spirit gate, suddenly smiled and said: “I don’t know if Elder, who is too great in the Qianling Sect, will go out. If that is the case, their monster race will be unlucky.”

In Yaozu, the only monster that can possess that invincible demon sovereign’s combat power is generally only the royal family.

The general royal family can have at most a few like Yun Sheng Yaozun.

Regardless of the human race or the demon race, wherever the Invincible Venerable and the Invincible Demon Venerable are placed, they are all king bombs.

“Chu Fan, Qingxue Mountain Yanling Tea.” As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, he realized that his good disciple had gone to the Elder Club headquarters.

A puppet came to Xu Fan with a pot of spirit tea and poured tea for Xu Fan.

“Wait until Sect’s serpentine warship is successfully transformed and take a stroll in the Territory of the Sky. After returning, I will Closed Door Training.”

“If you don’t Closed Door Training again, it feels like something will happen.” Xu Fan said, looking at the sky.

When I was idle fish recently, he always felt a sense of panic, and he couldn’t figure out what disaster was when he used sky-repairing arithmetic.

Finally, there was a feeling in my heart, that is to let him hurry up and Closed Door Training to avoid the difficulty of this unknown panic.

Demon world, a family of giant white jade elephants.

At this time, all the white jade giant elephants looked at the two human Venerables in the sky with a miserable expression.

“Human Race Venerable, our race has no intention of offending, if there is something that can fall, let’s talk about it slowly.” The patriarch of the Baiyun Airport clan tried to keep his own tone calm.

“I have only one thing. I heard that your clan has a Great Master, a mountain spirit clan’s refining tool. I want to borrow it for hundreds of years.” Qianling Sect Supreme Master Elder said lightly.

A spiritual pressure covered the entire white jade giant elephant family holy city. Under this spiritual pressure, except for the demon, the other millions of white jade giant elephants were all suppressed by this spiritual pressure, lying on their knees or kneeling on the ground.

Only a few tianjiao among the tribes can stand upright.

With indomitable expressions on their faces, they looked up at the two human Venerables in the sky.

But then he was reprimanded by the voice of the demon lun in the clan, lowered his noble head and bowed his head to show respect.

“Invincible Venerable, I only have two refiners, Great Master.”

“You just want to go when you open your mouth, isn’t it a bit too much?” The patriarch of the white jade giant elephant clan looked helplessly at the sky.

“Why, don’t you understand what I’m saying?” Too big Elder faintly looked at the more than a dozen demon lords of the white jade giant elephant clan below.

A faint murderous aura permeated the entire white jade giant elephant holy city.

The dozens of demon venerables of the white jade giant elephant clan straightened up instantly, watching the two human Venerables in the sky vigilantly to prevent them from suddenly making a move.

The chief of the white jade giant elephant clan looked up at the human race Venerable in the sky after thinking for a long time and gritted his teeth and said: “My clan let the mountain spirit clan’s refining tool Great Master, will the invincible Venerable not disturb my clan in the future?”


At this moment, the great Elder of Qianlingzong opened a new way of thinking.

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