Chapter 494

“It’s really easy to be satisfied~” Xu Fan said with a smile after seeing the Spirit Power of the Yuguang Rabbit clan recover.

At this time, Xu Fan Communication Magical Item received a message from the Demon Venerable of the Yuguangtu clan.

“Thank me for this.” Xu Fan said with a smile looking at the information.

“Grapes, raise the price of the Spirit Power receiving ring by 20% to sell to the Jade Rabbit family and bind them with real names. Each rabbit can only buy one.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Thankful, grateful, this wool is still to be gathered.

“Yes, Master.” There was a smile in Grape’s tone.

“You don’t need to hide your emotions in front of me in the future. I really want to format you for a long time.” Xu Fan looked back and said.

“Yes.” The tone was more respectful.


“Hello, I want to redeem the Tier 5 Treasure Fire Spirit Sword.”

In the hidden spirit gate treasure house, a disciple of the Thousand Spirit Sect said to the puppet guarding the treasure house.

“This is the purchase right of the last Tier 5 treasure in your quota.” The puppet guarding the treasure house handed the long jade box to the Qianlingzong disciple, and what was sealed inside was the fire spirit sword he needed.

“I understand.” The disciple of the Thousand Spirits Sect left the treasury after speaking and returned to Immortal Cave.

“Finally the five exchange opportunities have been used, at least in this respect it is a worthwhile trip.” Lin Yun said.

He was originally an ordinary Inner Sect disciple of the Qianlingzong Nascent Soul stage.

With the attitude of giving it a try, Sect was reported to the Yinlingmen for a place in charge of Sect, and then I learned that I was really selected.

Unexpectedly, after entering the hidden spirit gate, the surprise begins.

First, I learned from the professional test of Yinlingmen that the most suitable one for own turned out to be the Five Elements sword array one.

With a curiosity, I practiced casually, and it felt like the world’s number one swordsman, the first time he touched a sword, the world’s number one bladesman, and the first time he touched a sword.

He cultivated the Five Elements sword formation that was incredibly smooth and smooth. After only a month of cultivation, its combat power had already surpassed the previous one.

After that, he made a big bet and exchanged his whole family property in Chengdu for Spirit Stones, and obtained the Five Elements sword formation from the hidden spirit gate.

Then he frantically did missions and scored points. In the most powerful one, he even reached the second place in the battle royale game, just to get five treasures of Tier 5 spirit swords.

It was not until the third year that the last Fire Spirit Sword was exchanged.

Lin Yun stroked the Fire Spirit Sword, and said with emotion, “Is this a reincarnation?”

It suddenly occurred to him that he heard a word in the mouth of the Yinlingmen disciple.

Work quietly, and then surprise everyone.

“I will do more tasks in the rest of the time, and treat it as a reward for the reconstruction of the Yinlingmen.” When Lin Yun said this, he suddenly envied the disciples of the Yinlingmen.

“I have to go back in less than a year, so I feel a little bit reluctant to be here.”

Lin Yun said that he got up and went out. Today is the monthly final of the battle royale game. He must not be absent.

Since the hidden spirit gate does not have a Nascent Soul level disciple, the battle royale game at this level is just a civil war of their thousand spirits.

This time, he gathered five Five Elements treasured spirit swords together, and his combat power surged.

Rarely, he just arrived in the finals, and finally lost to the top ten disciples of Nascent Soul stage.

“Senior Brother Lin Yun, have you re-practised Taoism?” the disciple of the Qianlingzong who defeated Lin Yun asked curiously.

“It’s been more than a year since I switched to repair, and today I just got all the necessary treasures, and luckily made it to the finals.” Lin Yun said with a smile.

“Brother Lin Yun is not a fluke. After returning to the Qianlingzong in the future, the two of us will communicate a lot.” The Qianlingzong disciple said with a smile.

The Qianlingzong disciple’s mind echoed Lin Yun’s final blow. It seemed that he hadn’t used it well yet, but his power was already enough to make him take it seriously.

“Definitely.” Lin Yun nodded and said.

A few months later, a thousand spirits starship descended on the plain behind the main peak.

Lin Yun and the Guizong brothers set foot on the star boat together.

As Xingzhou took off, Lin Yun looked at the smaller and smaller Yinling Island with some dismay, and said, “I hope I can come back if I have a chance.”

In the hidden spirit gate, Xu Fan looked at the disciple who had returned to Sect and asked with a smile, “Is there any gain in the Qianling Sect?”

“The senior of Qianlingzong takes care of us very much. Except for their core places, the rest are open to us for free.”

“Cultivation secret realm, enlightenment secret realm, Tibetan scripture pavilion, fighting secret realm.”

“The Cultivation Technique system of Qianlingzong’s supernatural powers has many merits.”

“Before leaving, one person gave us a drop of the corresponding Five Elements origin.”

“We also get along very well with the disciples from Qian Lingzong.”

Xu Fan listened to the disciple’s report, with a satisfied expression on his face, touched his chin and said, “How do you feel that the structure of our hidden spirit gate is smaller.”

“Grape, inform all Sect that after a month, including the new exchange disciples of Qianlingzong, I want to preach.” Xu Fan said to Grape.


Xu Yuexian, who was next to him, almost rolled his eyes, and you finally remembered this.

The entire Hidden Spirit Gate soon learned the news that Elder was going to preach, and they were all excited.

The disciples who hadn’t been to the Thousand Spirit Sect for a while began to rejoice. Over the years, as Elder’s leisure time became more and more intensified, the puzzle-solving conference in the earlier years has not been held for a long time.

The only ones who got the benefits were the disciples who had been in the Iron and Steel Town some time ago, but this only allowed a small number of disciples to get cheap.

At this time, Xiong Li had just returned to Qian Lingzong and grinned after hearing the news.

A month later, all the disciples were in place except for the Great Master who was working overtime to transform the giant beast battleship.

On the plain behind the main peak, a huge dojo was built in a very short time, enough to hold 200,000 people.

Xu Fan sat cross-legged in the middle, and more than 100,000 disciples plus the new disciples of the Qianlingzong sat on the periphery.

“The way of Yin & Yang Five Elements that the big Elder talked about just fits with my Five Elements spiritual realm. I don’t know how much I can comprehend after this time.” Zhan Ling sitting in the front row said expectantly. .

“After the sermon, Elder, if there is anything you don’t understand, you can directly ask the Master.” Xu Gang said with a smile beside him.

“It’s better to get out of Insight by myself. Asking too much will actually damage Dao heart.” Zhan Ling said.

Damage to Dao heart is one aspect, and there is a Mahayana Venerable of his size. Don’t face it.

“Really? I don’t feel this way.” Xu Gang scratched his head and said.

At this time everyone was in place, and a Lotus flower appeared in the sky, exuding golden light of merit and luck.

“Speaking to the beginning.”

Xu Fan’s voice spread throughout the dojo, allowing every disciple to hear it clearly.

“The beginning of heaven and earth, first Yin & Yang, then Five Elements, the way of Five Elements, all souls…”

As Xu Fan started speaking, a faint rain of spiritual light began to fall in the sky.

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