Chapter 498

“Just come back.” Xu Fan said, looking at Su Rantian: “Su Elder, is it all going well?”

“Thank you Elder for your concern. The Elder Club headquarters has returned the things left by my father to me intact.” Su Rantian said.

Originally, she didn’t care about these things very much, but after having a son and understanding the profound meaning of Krypton and Jin together, she moved to get the things back.

“That’s good.” Xu Fan nodded.

In fact, it didn’t go well, and Xu Fan had no choice but to comfort him by the way.

“Now that your family is in place, we should set off.”

Terran Channel Star, Xingzhou docked, Xu Fan waved his hand to bid farewell to Shan Chen.

“Master, I didn’t expect that monster behemoth battleship was finished so quickly.” Li Xingci said, looking around.

“I added some manpower midway, so the speed was a little faster.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and he was very happy when he saw the apprentice he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“How are you doing at the Elder Club?” Xu Fan asked.

“It’s okay, it’s that they are very eager to let Chu Fan join the Elder Club, and promised to provide resources for promotion to Mahayana Venerable.” Li Xingci replied.

“Haha, I didn’t expect our Chufan to become a fragrant elbow.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“They just took a fancy to the fairy tools in my body, they will be of great use after becoming Mahayana.” Li Chufan said angrily.

At first, Elder was very happy when he came to him. He thought he was good at combat power, so he was picked up. Although he wouldn’t agree, it was a small honor.

In the end, they only took a fancy to the fairy weapons in their bodies, but were not very interested in the combat power they showed.

“It seems that Chu Fan is not confused yet.” Xu Fan said hehe.

The Serpent Spirit had already sailed out of the Terran Channel, and was flying towards the depths of the extreme sky.

At this time, the speed of the Serpent Spirit slowed down, because there were more and more Spirit Mine Stars along the way.

Baoyan spirit copper, hydrosynthetic stone, thousand-year meteorite iron, red gold sand.

Along the way, the Snake Spirit harvested many spirit ore materials for refining treasures.

“Why are they all treasure-level spirit mines, where did those Dao Item-level spirit mine stars go?” Ling Zhan yelled while controlling Flying Claw.

At this moment, the voice of grapes sounded.

“Master, it is detected that there is an extremely empty behemoth in front of you, the same one you encountered in the first place.”

“Oh, I’m going, so predestined.” Xu Fan said in surprise.

“What, let’s go and do it.” Zhan Ling said with some interest.

“Forget it, take a detour. With the power of our shells, this one can’t move.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

“It’s a pity, when can we kill him? This thing is worth the old nose Spirit Stones.” Zhan Ling said.

“Wait later, and I’ll talk about it when I can refine the fairy.” Xu Fan said, this thing is not something you can touch now.

“By the way, Elder’s Illusion Art can’t control him.” Zhan Ling said suddenly.

“I don’t want to be killed by backlash yet.” Xu Fan said while looking at Ling Ling.

“Is it so serious?” Zhan Ling was a little embarrassed.

“There is a record in our Sect Buddhist Scriptures Pavilion about Elder hunting the beast of the sky. If Elder is interested, you can go and take a look.” Xu Fan said.

At the beginning, Elder gave two Mahayana Venerables specializing in Illusion Art for this idea.

“I will check it out if I get the chance.”

The Xingzhou controlled by Zhanling detoured around and was gnawing on the extremely empty behemoth of a giant spirit mine Star. At this moment, he turned his head and glanced at the direction of the snake spirit.

The dessert is gone.

As the Serpent Spirit sailed, it came to a barrier full of huge rubble.

“Passing through the gravel zone is the depths of the extreme sky realm. There are more calamities such as time and space hurricanes, frozen ice spirits, and sparks.” Ling Zhan said while looking at the huge stone barrier.

“Go in, the Snake Spirit has long been prepared for this, as long as it is not at the limit speed, it can be effectively avoided.” Xu Fan said.

“You said in the data you gave me that as long as it is not the third limit speed, these disasters can be avoided. Although I believe in Elder, is this data really accurate?” Zhan Ling asked with some worry.

“Grape, turn on the second-level sailing mode.” Xu Fan said.


The appearance of the Snake Spirit began to deform, from the original bright black surface to the detection eye surface full of snake eyes.

A group of phantoms appeared in front of Zhan Ling, and the snake spirit was in the middle of the black eyes.

“Just now you mentioned those disasters, which can be detected in advance.”

Xu Fan pointed to the small red spot in the phantom.

“There is a spark here, so don’t just slam in it.”

Zhan Ling calculated the distance, and felt that he could hide away with his eyes closed.

“When you need to enable any function in the future, the grape clone on the Snake Spirit will tell you in advance, so you can drive with peace of mind.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Snake Spirit still has this power, then we can go to the Extreme Sky Territory to mine in the future.” Spirit Slash said excitedly.

He quickly controlled the star boat to shuttle back and forth in the boulder barrier.

Three days later, the Serpent Spirit finally passed through the huge stone barrier in the depths of the sky.

It’s like entering another starry sky.

“Is this the scene in the depths of the Extreme Sky Realm?” Ling Zhan said as he looked at Star in the distance.

“It is said that Grand Great Master can condense the three-legged Golden Crow divine fire here. I don’t know if it is true or not.” Xu Fan said curiously.

“It should be true. When the Golden Crow God Sun shoots directly here, it should be possible to capture a trace of the origin of the Golden Crow God Fire.” Zhan Ling said, he had read similar records in the Heavenly Demon Sect.

“Master, 30 million miles away from the Serpent Spirit, I found a Star containing Dao Item grade mine.”

The voice of grapes instantly refreshed the two of them.

“Go, let’s go quickly~” Without a word, Zhan Ling controlled the Snake Spirit to fly towards the place marked by Grape.

“Xinghuo iron smelting, yes, you can refine a batch of puppets of the combined stage after returning.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Qian Ling Venerable said yes, there really are good things in the depths of the Extreme Sky Territory.” Zhan Ling said excitedly.

“Risk and return coexist, the higher the return, the greater the risk.” Xu Fan said, looking at the detection phantom.

At this time, there were colorful spots on the phantom shadow, and each spot represented a kind of disaster.

“Really, if the detection ability is not strong, you can’t stay here for long, this will cause the ship to be destroyed by disaster.” Zhan Ling also said with a sigh.

As the Flying Claw shot out, it accurately grasped the Star that was hundreds of feet in diameter and contained the spark-smelting iron.

The chain shrank, and the little guy was easily loaded into the smelting furnace.

“It’s a good start, continue mining and see if there are any surprises.”

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