Chapter 507: The City of Immortals

“Tell my father that my friend has come and gone without a trace. He didn’t say hello to me before leaving, and there is no way.” Although Li Xingci’s expression looked respectful, his eyes were extremely cold.

This product has already taken advantage of its own memory by knowing its own advantage.

No matter what life it is, this Heart’s Demon will always be born first, and then get married and start a family, waiting for his birth.

If it was all right to let Samsara’s dream world be destroyed, he would have done it a long time ago.

“Really? As far as I know, your friend is not qualified to enter and leave the palace, and let outsiders enter the palace privately, do you know that you are wrong?” The Emperor of the Profound Sky Kingdom looked at his own host with a mocking look.

I thought to myself, this time even if your Master comes, it won’t turn the sky over.

Heavenly Dao is here with me, what are you fighting against me?

Li Xingci frowned, and due to Heavenly Dao’s restriction, he respectfully confessed his guilt.

“The prince did not abide by the laws of the country, and was confined in the palace for three years.” The Emperor of the Heavenly Profound Kingdom said with a majestic expression.

“Erchen obeyed.” Li Xingci bowed respectfully, hoping that his Master would do his best, otherwise so many years of suppression and grievance would be in vain.

After Li Xing resigned, the Heavenly Profound Kingdom immediately began a nationwide guard.

Half a year later in Samsara’s dream world, a message swept the entire Profound Sky Kingdom.

Legend has it that in the wilderness, there is a fairy city in the legend.

There are psychiatric doctors and physical treatments, which will not invade all diseases.

There are delicacies of mountains and seas, and delicacies of jade food, which are endless to enjoy.

There are gold mountains and silver mountains to take whatever they want.

For singles without wives and daughters, the city of immortals will introduce you to Celestial Immortals, who are gentle and considerate, and are good at keeping the house.

Single women who have no husbands are more faithful to accompany the sons of immortals.

In the city of immortals, you can enjoy all the good things without any effort.

When this news spread throughout the Profound Sky Kingdom, countless people sneered, feeling that only fools would believe this rumor.

Now they have income from hard work, medical treatment for illness, and support for the elderly. It is the happiest life to watch a full house of children and grandchildren.

According to the ancient sage-like emperor, as long as they live well, they are the greatest heroes of the Profound Sky Kingdom.

But as the rumors spread more and more mysterious, countless more returned from the city of immortals, with a lot of gold and silver treasures, and returned to their hometowns.

Some people have to believe it.

The sick and disabled old people came to the city of immortals when they were dying, and were treated by the magical doctor.

His face was immediately radiant, even his broken arm grew out, and finally returned with a lot of money, saying that he was going to take the villagers to the city of immortals.

Another ugly and despicable single old man came back with his daughter-in-law like Celestial Immortals, saying that it was a woman who let all the women who looked down on him see him.

Suddenly, various rumors spread in the Profound Sky Kingdom, causing those who live in the Profound Sky Kingdom to live without Ruyi Scepter to start yearning for that place.

Li Xingci, who was trapped in the uterus, got the news.

“As expected to be the Master, why didn’t I think about it at the beginning.” Li Xingci said while looking into the distance.

“The city of immortals, the existence that can satisfy all desires.”

“But what will happen to the development of this kind of city in the end?” Li Xingci said while looking at the distance, aroused infinite curiosity in his heart. This kind of deepest experiment of human nature made him forget his current situation in an instant.

Over the city of immortals, Xu Fan looked at the development of the city.

Looking up, Heavenly Dao said, “I wonder if you like this city?”

“I don’t know if Heavenly Dao in this Samsara dream can be postponed to the final result?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master, do you want to suppress the desire of the people in the city?”

“It has reached the tipping point.”

Putao’s words surprised Xu Fan.

“Has it reached the critical point so soon? The pursuit of desire by ordinary people is really superficial.” Xu Fan said, shaking his head.

“Lead those who have reached the critical point to art.”

“Exploring humanities, philosophy, heavenly principles, and mathematics is enough for them to pursue a lifetime.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

This kind of city that perfectly releases humanity, without guidance, is very likely to appear, the kind of situation he expected.


In the following years, more and more people in the Profound Sky Kingdom began to believe in the city of immortals.

Because in the past few years, more and more sages have come out of the city of immortals.

They usually reach the legendary Realm in a certain Realm.

Heavenly Profound Kingdom, in the imperial city.

The emperor of the Profound Sky Kingdom’s expression became more and more ugly, and he almost couldn’t control his emotions when he looked at the information transmitted from the various states and places in his hand.

“What the hell is the master of this host doing? He really intends to attract all the people of the Profound Sky Kingdom to the city of immortals.” The Emperor of the Profound Sky Kingdom said with a dark face, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

He knows all the memories of the host, and knows the master’s methods even more.

“Decree, let General Huang summon a million army to guard the city of immortals, and prohibit any people from entering the city of immortals.” The emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom decreed.

“Yes,” the eunuch next to him said.

The Emperor of the Profound Sky Kingdom knew that destroying the city was the most stupid choice, so that he would lose the support of Heavenly Dao, and would let the master of the host find a chance to kill directly.

In Samsara’s dream world, it was another three years.

At this time, the entire border of the Profound Sky Kingdom was occupied by the City of Immortals.

Countless cities of immortals surrounded the Profound Kingdom of Heaven.

Countless people began to flock to the city of immortals and lived the life of their dreams.

Even the army guarding outside the city of immortals can’t stand the temptation to enter the city of immortals secretly and enjoy a perfect life.

At this time, half of the people of the Tianquan Profound Kingdom had entered the city of immortals.

In the entire Samsara dream world, nearly half of the creatures are under the control of the city of immortals.

The satisfaction of those creatures in the city of immortals greatly accelerated the evolution of Heavenly Dao.

As a result, Heavenly Dao has become more and more inclined to the city of immortals, paying less and less attention to the Heavenly Selection Profound Kingdom.

In the following years, natural disasters began to occur in the Profound Sky Kingdom, leaving hundreds of people displaced.

At this time, the Profound Kingdom of Heaven took the initiative to attack, and received all the people into the city of immortals.

For a time, the tenth generation of the Profound Sky Nine was empty, and the entire country was completely reduced to an empty shell.

Then there was shocking news that it turned out that the city of immortals was asked by the prince of the Profound Kingdom of Heaven to give the people the most perfect life.

The Emperor of the Profound Sky Kingdom became the culprit who prevented the people from leading a perfect life.

For a while, the entire Samsara dream world condemned the Emperor of the Profound Sky Kingdom who cursed the people from entering the city of immortals.

Following the anger of the rest of the people of the Houtian Profound Kingdom, the Emperor of the Sky Profound Kingdom was brought to the city of immortals that was the first to be built.

“Father, you go, I will replace you to let the people of the Profound Sky Kingdom live a happy and complete life.” Li Xingci said with coldness in his eyes.

As the gate knife fell, Emperor Heart’s Demon. It turned into the purest power and merged into Li Xingci’s body.

After all the dust settled, Li Xingci looked at Xu Fan gratefully and said, “Master has bothered.”

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