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The anti-piracy chapter, the official chapter will be updated two hours later. (I suggest you watch it tomorrow.)

(The main reason is that Pork can’t ask for leave this month. I have to use the anti-piracy chapter to say it first. Pork will work overtime to update.)

Early in the morning, Xu Shanhai was on his way to school.

“Brother Hai! Wait for me.” A watermelon-headed teenager ran up and walked side by side with Xu Shanhai.

“Brother Hai, yesterday I tested what kind of talent you are, whether the element controls or is a supernatural person, your family has such a gene.” The watermelon head boy asked curiously.

“I’m the summoner, Xiaopeng, you.” Xu Shanhai said as he looked at Yue Peng, a classmate who had followed his own since he was a child.

“The one I tested yesterday was the rune master and the other was the magician. Brother Hai, it’s okay, even if it’s the summoner, Brother Yue is also the most powerful one,” Yue Peng comforted.

“Thank you, Xiaoyue.” Xu Shanhai was a little low, thinking that if he could summon the strange beasts in the scripture of the mountains and seas, it would be fine.

Qianlong City No. 3 Middle School, Xu Shanhai is a student in the third grade of high school.

“My classmates graduated right away, and they tested their professional talents yesterday. There are strong careers and weak careers. Here the teacher will send you a message: There is no strongest profession, only the strongest people. No matter what profession, All can embark on the road of legend.”

Xu Shanhai looked at the head teacher making the final speech, feeling a little bit. He graduated in the blink of an eye, and when he went to university, his life was not so pure.

“When you apply for a university, you must consider it carefully. It does not necessarily have to be a famous school in Capital Star. There are many resources and competition. There are countless geniuses and evildoers gathered there. Before you go, make a good calculation. The entrance examination is true. It’s going to kill people. Every year in the Capital Star Entrance Trial, hundreds of people have to die.”

Then the head teacher talked for more than an hour before finishing.

“Stand up, bow!” All the classmates stood up and bowed.

“Thank you for your hard work over the past three years, teacher, for your hard work.”

The head teacher’s eyes were a little red, and he sent away a group of graduates, not knowing how many can become a legend.

After the last lesson is finished, it is considered to be a complete graduation.

Xu Shanhai waited for Yue Peng at the school gate.

“Isn’t this our summoner Master Xu Shanhai.” A very low voice came to Xu Shanhai’s ears.

“Isn’t this our young master Li? Why do we have time to deal with me, a small civilian today.” Xu Shanhai said helplessly. This is a second-generation rich second-generation Li Yue. In high school, there was a girl who had a crush on Xu Shanhai, and Li Yue liked it. This girl. Then the feud between the two ended.

“Haha, I heard that you only have the talent of a summoner. I came here to care for you. After all, when we meet next time, I will be the noble element manipulator, and you are just a little rookie. I am ashamed of my opponent.” Li Yue said arrogantly. Although the girl finally transferred to another school, Li Yue still feels unhappy in her heart. I am inferior to this poor boy.

Xu Shanhai didn’t have any waves in his heart, and even wanted to laugh, was he so naive when he was in high school.

“While I’m still patient, get out of here, or I’ll beat you up while you are still noble. Believe it or not.” Xu Shanhai was born with a strong body. Once Li Yue took two people to stop Xu. Shanhai, the three of them were knocked out directly, and Li Yue was stuffed into the trash can by Xu Shanhai.

“Xu Shanhai, let me tell you that I will repay the grudge sooner or later.” Li Yue said viciously, and then left proudly because he found Xu Shanhai was looking for a trash can.

“Naive!” Xu Shanhai said contemptuously as Li Yue looked away.

In a moment, Yue Peng’s class was also over.

“Brother Hai, what are you going to do this afternoon?” Yue Peng asked.

“I want to go to the Summoner Career Center. Do you want to go with me, and then go to the Divine Magician and Rune Center with you.” Xu Shanhai said after a little thought.

“I plan to choose Rune Master, the magician is very good in the early stage, but if you want to believe in the gods, I feel I can’t believe it.”

“I am ambitious. Whenever we believe in the gods, we will only be slaves of the gods. We only believe in the own ancestors.” Xu Shanhai also does not want good brothers to choose the magicians, because the magicians will be drawn to the gods in the legendary stage. The kingdom went away and became a slave to God.

“Okay, Xiaopeng. Then we’ll see you this afternoon.” Xu Shanhai and Yue Peng separated.

After buying a bunch of things and returning home, he saw Xu Susu who was lying on the sofa looking at clothes on the virtual mall. Xu Shanhai shook his head. This Big sis started to release itself after no financial pressure.

“Sister, you want to eat it.” Xu Shanhai asked

“Broiled pork, twice-cooked pork, crystal shrimp, grilled lamb chops.” Xu Susu began to drool as he said, Xu Susu now feels that he can retire. The money is almost saved, and the money to go to Little Brother to go to college and buy a house is enough to be lazy for a lifetime.

“I’ll just ask, you can eat what I do!” Xu Shanhai turned and walked into the kitchen with his things.

“Smelly boy.”

while eating

“Sister, what strength are you now?” Xu Shanhai asked curiously

“Star level 3, I will be at the month level soon. Your sister is a genius big and small when she was in college. I was able to upgrade to the 3rd star level without any resources. How about it, your old sister? Amazing.” Xu Susu said proudly, holding his head high.

“The old sister is amazing!”

In the afternoon, Xu Shanhai and Yue Peng came to the Summoner Career Center, a 20-story building located in a garden. There are two Guardian Lions over 10 meters high at the gate.

After entering, many summoned beasts take a leisurely walk in the garden. The smallest water spirit rabbit, grass wood turtle, flame chicken. The biggest is the pterosaur, the bear of the earth and the jade lion of Xuanbing can stand more than 20 meters high.

With so many alien beasts living together in peace, this scene looks very harmonious.

“Are the two classmates here to visit our Summoner Professional Center? Do you want to be a Summoner after graduation?” An enthusiastic uncle came over to greet them, and the uncle thought that if they had the talent of a summoner, they would have to win. , Or else the bonus this month will be yellow.

“Come and come, I’m afraid I will take you to understand the history of our summoners first.” The uncle said that he took the two of them to the history museum and said as he walked, “Who has the talent for summoners, two classmates?”

Yue Peng pointed at Xu Shanhai.

When I walked into a hall, there were virtual pictures in the hall.

The uncle took the two to a curtain and said: “When our human race first entered the universe, we discovered the Summoning World.”

“That is a world without borders. Summoners of all races in the universe can enter the summoning world. All the information about the universe in the early stage is known from the summoning world.”

“The Summoner profession is very strong in the universe. If you can fool you enough~~~ Oh~~ powerful, you can even summon gods.”

“After the early stage efforts of our human summoners, we have finally occupied a continent in the summoning world and possessed all the resources and alien beasts of this continent.”

“Maybe you said, why is the human summoner so weak now. Then I will tell you the reason now.”

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