Chapter 518

“It takes at least ten years to transform the monster warship of the monster race, which means that I need to establish effective air defense methods within these ten years.” Xu Fan said

“If the great power who assisted Feng Changning is determined to have trouble with me, he will definitely send the transformed behemoth warship over to snipe me.”

“With his method of transforming the puppet, that giant beast battleship is definitely not easy, it must be guarded.” Xu Fan pondered.

“Master, you can send my clone over.”

The sound of grapes sounded.

“Send you over, it’s not that the wolf entered the flock. The puppets can be regarded as conscious semi-spiritual practice now. If you devour too much, you will probably be sad to be promoted to the immortal weapon in the future.” Xu Fan shook his head. Said, denied the proposal.

He has planted the seeds there, and now there is no need to send too many people there.

“Just do the protection work well, don’t think about anything else.” Xu Fan said.

“In addition, in the past 60 years, I got some inspiration from the puppet that attacked me. In the future, you will add this psychic circle that can be promoted by itself, so there may be unexpected surprises in the future.” Xu Legend said.

“Do you need to unlock Lingzhi?” Grape’s tone was a little nervous.

“Of course you don’t need it, or else you will be blinded by your huge computing power?”

“Of course, if those puppets evolve wisely by themselves, it’s another thing.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Understand the master,” said Grape.

At this moment, the entire world of cultivating immortals and demon world was shaken.

Two amazing breaths spread throughout the two worlds of shemales.

For a while, both the Human Race and the Demon Race looked towards the sky in shock, not understanding what had happened.

Territory of the sky, where the two worlds merge.

The huge real body of Golden-winged Great Peng appeared in the realm of the sky.

The Supreme Protoss stood not far from Golden-winged Great Peng.

“Xingling child, it seems that Heavenly Dao can’t tolerate you and me in this world, dare you to go to an extraterrestrial field and have a fun battle.” Golden-winged Great Peng said as he looked at the heart of the Supreme Being, his eyes were full of provocation.

“I’m not as good as you in the fight, but at most it is a tie, there is nothing to fight.”

“Little bird, you are not very smart, but the game that should be set has already been set.”

“For the sake of fairness, how about you and I flying into the world at the same time?” Senior Xingling said with a smile, squinting.

“You think I’m stupid, I don’t know how many backs you have laid. If you fly up with you, my monster clan will be pitted by you again.” Golden-winged Great Peng shook his head and said.

“You and I are both the top players in the two realms. There are some problems you should be able to see through.” The Supreme Soul said and pointed to the sky.

“Whether it is your arrangement or mine, if it works, it can only occupy a certain advantage, but if you want one family to destroy the other, unless you and I disappear first.”

Although Golden-winged Great Peng did not want to agree with the words of the Supreme Protoss, he knew that what he said was true.

“What if I just don’t ascend?” Golden-winged Great Peng said while looking at the Supreme Protoss.

“Before we ascend, how about a good fight and let me see if you have improved over the years?” Golden-winged Great Peng said.

He is living well in this world now, with beauties on his side and ten thousand demons cupped hands surrendering under him.

After flying into the world of the immortal, he can at best rely on his father to live a good life.

So his idea was to stay as long as he could stay here, but he didn’t expect that the Supreme Protoss would force the palace today.

“You still want to fight, do you want to ascend right away? Heavenly Dao can’t ask for it in this world.”

“If you feel it with your heart, you will find that the Spiritual Qi around you has been replaced by Immortal Ascension.”

“Now just a little bit of cultivation, the door of ascension will be opened for you.” The Supreme Xingling said with a smile.

“Even if you breathe in a little fairy spirit, the gate of ascension will appear.”

“Little bird, I know you, take your little red when you fly. This pond is too small to accommodate you and me.”

“After fighting for thousands of years, although I just call you a silly bird, there are times when you suddenly become smart.”

“To be honest, the years when you were friends with you in the Demon Realm were actually pretty good.”

“Follow me to ascend to the great world, you and I are still good friends, how about it?” The Supreme Protoss said sincerely.

“You tmd still have the face to mention that you are friends with me. If it weren’t for my father, you would have pitted me to death!”

Hearing the words of the Supreme Protoss, insisted on Dapeng’s anger in an instant.

“Don’t be angry, it was not my personal will at that time, I did it from the standpoint of the human race.” The Supreme Star Spirit explained quickly, with a smile in his eyes.

Suddenly a huge Golden-winged Great Peng image appeared in the extreme sky domain, and slapped the place where the Supreme Protoss was located.

“You and I can only be enemies.” Golden-winged Great Peng gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, the extremely empty space above the Golden-winged Great Peng suddenly made a click.

Endless celestial qi gushed out, and a ladder made of celestial jade appeared.

At the end of the stairs is a light gate.

“Jungui, smash it for me!” Golden-winged Great Peng said angrily, but he did not expect to hear the celestial child again.

“Silly bird, don’t do indifferent struggles, go with peace of mind.”

“Your little tortoise has been trapped by me.” The Supreme Star Spirit said with a smile.

As long as this stupid bird ascends to the upper realm, he can surely destroy the monster race in this realm within a hundred years.

“The glass of wine Hong’er fed me! Protoss kid, you are so mean!” Golden-winged Great Peng said angrily.

“Did you use your mouth to feed it?” The Venerable Protoss joked.

At this moment, Golden-winged Great Peng suddenly looked back in one direction. He also felt a faint spirit there, which was an ascension vision.

“You fly together, so that you can fly in the big world.”

“Compared to the overlord of the monster race, the identity of the second generation of the monster is actually more suitable for you.”

“After you leave, I won’t annihilate the monster race. After all, the human race still needs an enemy.” The superior star spirit looked like he was holding the winning ticket.

“Protoss kid, do you think this can beat me?” Golden-winged Great Peng said.

“Since soaring, let’s be together.”

A spirit orb appeared in front of the Golden-winged Great Peng, and finally burst open suddenly, forming a light gate.

“I said that you are suitable for the second generation of a demon. If you encounter problems that can’t be solved, you will know to call you dad.” The Supreme Star Spirit said with disdain, but a little helpless. This result was what he expected.

Finally, a giant claw was stretched out from the light gate and directly grabbed the upper celestial spirit back into the light gate.

In the process of being arrested, the Supreme Protoss had only a face full of contempt for Golden-winged Great Peng, without a trace of resistance.

He knows that even resistance is useless.

“Xingling child, this will be accounted for in the Great Thousand World!” Golden-winged Great Peng said, and then flew into the light gate.

The last two circles returned to peace.

“What! The Golden-winged Great Peng and the Supreme Being have both soared to the upper realm. When will they not fight at this time?” Elder will be number two, Elder said excitedly.

“What! The Mortal Realm’s supreme and our demon emperor have all soared to the great world, then when will we not fight at this time?” Demon Realm, the invincible demon master of a top family said with cold light in his eyes.

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